1897 Ii MUNICIPALITY OF ELGm BY-LAW NUMBER 1897 DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS WHEREAS clause 26 of sùbsection 1 of section 1 of The Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 172) provides that:- "through highway!' means any highway or part of a highway designated as such by the Minister or by by-law of a municipality approved by the Department, and every such highway shall be marked by a stop sign or yield right-of-way sign in compliance with the regulations of the Department; NOW THEREFORE the council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Elgin enacts as follows:- 1. The following highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Elgin are designated as through highways: ROAD NO. DESCRIPTION, 2 From the east side of County Road 3 to the west side of County Road 8. The intersection óf King's Highway #76 is a through highway from County Road 2, and Highway #76 is not a through highway at this point. 3 FroM the gate of t he Memorial Park in the Hamlet of Port Glasgow to the County Boundary, whic~ is the Thames River. 4 From the west s ide of the road between Concessions IV and V, Township of Orford, to the west side of County Road 3. 5 From the south side of the road between Concessions II. and III, Township of Dunwich (County Road 9) to the County Boundary, which is the Thames River. 6 From the east side of County Road 7 to the west side of County Road 3. 7. From the south side of the road between Concessions X and XI, Township of Orford, to the Coµnt~ Boundary, which is the Thames River. ,-;' 8 (a) John Street, in the Village of Dutton, from the north side of County Road 15, being Main Street, to the south side of Currie Street (County Road 15); 8 (b) New Currie Road, from the south side of John Street I in the Village of Dutton, to the County Boundary, which is the Thames River. ~- From the north side of King's Highway #3 to the north side of the County Boundary between the Townships of Southwold, Yarmouth and Westminster. 25 From the east side west side of King of County Road 23 to the 's Highway #73 at Port Bruce. 24 On Joseph Str~&t, i~ the Village of Stanley I from the ea¡:¡t side of King #4 to the east side of east Street, Village of Port Stanley. Port 's Highway in the 23 (b) From the east side of King's Highway #4 in Lot 2, Concession II, Township of Yarmouth I to the north side of Joseph Street, in the Village of Port Stanley; 23 22 ( (b a ) ) From the south side of County Road 27 to the northside of County Road 240 From the boundary of the City of St. the north side of County Road 27 22 21 ( a ) Thomas to From the east side of County Road 20 to the west side of King's Highway #40 From the south side of County Road 16 to the ' northside of King's Highway ~4, in the Village of Port Stanley. 20 ( c ) From the south side of County north side of County Road 16; 20 (b ( a ) ) Road 18 to the From the north side of the road between the Townships of Southwold and Delaware to the north side of County Road 18; 20 From the north side of King's Highway #3 to the north side of County Road 17. 19 From the west side of County Road 20 to the west side of County Road 19. 18 From the east.side of County Road 19 to the east side of the road between Concessions I and II, Township of Westminster. 17 From the south-east side of County Road 15 to the west boundary of the City of St. Thomas. 16 From the south side of County Road 2 to the east side of the Pearce Provincial Park (Lot 12, Concession X, Township of Dunwich). 15 From the north side of County Boundary, which County Road 16 to the is the Thames River. 14 From the east side of County Road 15 to the west side of County Road 14. 13 From the east side of County Road 8 to the west side of County Road 14. 9 ( c ) From the east side of County Road west side of County Road 8; 9 (b ) 5 From the east side of County Road 3 to the west side of County Road 5; to the ROAD NO. 9 (a) DESCRIPTION BY.:.:iÁW , WrJMÈER ~~ ~' -, 2 , '~ . .. >,..:~": . 39 From the south side ·of County Road 42 to the north side of Lake Erie. 38 From the north-west side of King's Highway #3 to the County Boundary, which is the east limit of the Township of Bayham. 37 ~ . From the'~ast"';sideor King's Highway #74 to the east limit of the Townships of North Dorchester and South Dorchester. 36 From the south side of County Road 27 to the north side of County Road 24. ! 36 ( b ) From the south side of King's north side of County Road 27; ( a ) From the south side of King's north side of County Road 45. Highway #3 to the 35 34 ( b ) Highway #3 to the From the west side of King's Highway #74 to the County Boundary, being Kettle Creek. 34 (a) From the west side of the road between Lots 10 and 11, Concession VIII, Township of Westminster, to the east side of county Road 30 . , 33 From the west boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the south side of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway right-of-waY on the Townline Road between Yarmouth and Southwold Townships. 32. From the east side of King's Highway #73 to the Main Entrance of the Ontario Provincial Police College. From the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the north side of the road between Concessions X and Range II, North of Edgeware Road, in the Township of Yarmouth. 31 30 ( b ) From the east side of the road between the Townships of Westminster and Yarmouth to the west side of the road between Lots 8 and 9, Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth. 30 From the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the south side of the road between Concessions XIII and XIV, Township of Yarmouth; ( a ) From the east side of County Road 25 west side of County Road 31. 29 to the From the east boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the east side of the road between Lots 10 and 11, Concession VIII, Township of Yarmouth. 28 (b) ( From the south side of King's Highway #3 to the north side of the road between Concessions VII and VIII, Township of Yarmouth; 28 27 a ) From the east side of King's Highway #4 to the east side of County Road 36. From the east side of County Road 25 to north boundary of the City of St. ~omas . ROAD NO. 26 the ÈY':'Üw NUMÈÉR DESCRIPTION ~..,.- 3 - From the east s ide of County west side of County Road 31; 52 (c) Road 25 From the east side of the Bostwick Road, in the Township of Southwold, to the west side of County Road 25; to the 52 (b) On the BOI?~wi9,k Roag.,. ·from the south side of the road. betweèn Lot "A" and Lot 41, East Side Talbot Road, North Branch, and the north side of the road between Concessions "c" and liD"; 52 ( a ) From the south side of County Road north side of County Road 52. ~, 49 48 From the east side of King's Highway #73 to the west side of County Road 54. to the 48 From the north side of County Road 48 to the north side of County Road 37. 47 From the north side of King's Highway #3 to the County Boundary, which is the north side of the Bayham-Dereham Townline Road. 46 From the east side of County Road 40 to the east side of County Road 55. 45 ( e ) From the east side of County west side of County Road 40; 45 45 (d) ( c ) From the east side 0 f County west side of County Road 36; Road 36 to the 45 ( b ) Road 22 to the From the east side of King's Highway #4 to the west side of County Road 22; From the west s ide of King's Highway #4 to the west side of the Yarmouth-Southwold Townline Road; 45 ( a ) From the east side of the west side of King , King's Highwa.y #3 to s Highway #19. 44 From the south side of County north side of County Road 42. 43 43 (b) ( a ) From the south side of County north side of County Road 45; Road 45 Road 38 to the to the 42 (b) From the east side of King's Highway #19 in the Village of Port Burwell to the County Boundary, which is the east limit of the Township of Bayham. From the east side of King's Highwa.y #73 to the west side of King's Highway #19, in the Village of Port Burwell; 42 41 ( a b ) ) On Main Street, from the north side of King's Highway #19 to the north side of Fulton Street. On .Fulton Street, in the Village of Vienna, from the west side of Union Street to the west side of Main Street; 41 (a) From the south side of County Road north side of County Road 42. ROAD NO. 40 52 to the y':'Üw WOOER DESCRIPTION ,;,¡'-, -"-,.- -".-.- -- _._~-_. 4 - , ·":.~:.. ~ ,; -':,·'0'·.~.~'1f""',~ WARDEN ENACTED AND PASSED this 21st day of September I 1965 5. This By-law shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transport and not until December 31st-, 1965. 4. By-law Numbers 1803 and 1848 are hereby repealed. 3. The penalties provided in section 85 of the Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this By-law. 2. The designation in section 1 of this By-law of a highway or part of a highway as a through highway shall not include any intersection thereon where the rOàd intersected is a King's Highway or where traffic control signals are' installed. From the north side of County Road 42 to the south side of County Road 45. 55 From the north side of County Road 48 to the south side of the road between Concessions X and XI, Township of Dereham. 54 Beech Street, from the west side of Elm Street I to the west side of King's Highway #73. 53 (b) Elm Street, in the Town of Aylmer, from the north side òf King's Highway #3 to the south side of Beech Street, in the Town of Aylmer; 53 ( a ) From the north side of the road between Concession X and Range II, North of Edgeware Road, to the east side of County Road 40. 52 (f) From the east side of County Road 30 to the east side of the road between Lot 20 and Lot 21, Concession X, in the Township of Yarmouth . I 52 (e) From the east side of County west side of County Road 30; 52 ( d ) Road 31 to the ~-" .·,eo\> ."j.: . . ~ ROAD NO. BY -LAW NUMBER DESCRIPTION ~ 5 '!'~ 0." " I I , II 'ill 1,1 'il l Ii j ~ :1 r ~¡ 'I' I' , ~I 'II I ~I ~' Ii: r 'I'! I, iii , ~ I,· , ;1 i¡ , , Ii ,:1 i: III ,I 'I ,I ,I Ii: 'I! ;11 HOAD NO. 2 , 4 S 6 7. ê (1:\) 8 (b) DI.;BCm!PTION From the east mide of County Road' to the west stde ot County Road $. The intersection Of King's Highway #76 is a through hifW1llY trom county Road 2. Ð.nd IIi¡¡:bwIiIY . in 18 not a through highway at th:1e po:l,.nt. Frena the gaU of t he Memorial Park in the Hamlet of Port Glasgow to the County fSou.ndary. wh1.cÞ ts the Thames River. From the west $ ide of th.e road between ' COMe.done IV aJ1d V. Township of Orford, to the west stde of County Road 3. From the south $:1\1e o1'·the road betweén Concessions II and III. Township of Punw1ch (County l1.osd <:H to the County Boundary, whioh is the Thames River. From the east side of County HO!i1d 7 to the west side of County Road ). From 'the south $1<1$ of the road between . ConCElsf/:1.ons X IIInd XI, Township of Orford, to the County )3oundax-y. wh:1ch :1s the Th~m.s RiVl\lr. ., John Streét 11ì) tnIJ. Viua,e of Dutton. from 'the north sIde of Countyoad 1', being r,¡a1n Stree't. to tb. eouth side of CUrrie Street (County Road 15); NIiIW CUXT1e Road, from tÞe south side of John Street. in the Village of Dutton, 'to the County Boundary. which it! the Thames R:1ver. 1. Thetollmd.n¡ highWIIIY$ or parts of highways under the jurisdic'tion of the M'Unic:iÞality of Elgin are designated as through highways: ~,_.'" ~r¡uNICIPALrTY QE ELGIN BY..LAW NUI4BER 1897 DES!Gl\!A'.rING TmìOUGH HIGHWAYS WI!EREA5 clause 26 of 8ubseotion 1 of lIIeClt1<m 1 of Tne Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1960. Chapter 172) provides 'tha't:- "throtl.gh hi{Ghway" mear¡.s any h;1{Ghway Ør part of III highway des.1gnated assucb by the Þiinifllter or by by-law eta mtl.nio:1paUty approved by the Pepartment, IiInd every such highway sball be marked by Ii $top dgn or ~eld ;r1gh't-øt..way $:1gn in comp1!ano$ with the ro¡u atione of the Department; lI!O\~1 THEREFOIì.E the Council of the Corporation of the Munic1pal:!.ty of ~liin enacts as £ollows:.. ~~--1 I I !II. i(, .1: ! !I' ,! ';1 [ .11 I' 1'1 I II :1, " ." 1[1 iLl I Ii 'I I. " II " ", "-- MUNICIPALITY ill: ELGIN BY..LAW NUX,IBER 1897 DESIGNA'1'ING . THROUGH HIGHWAYS WHEREAS clauøe 26 of $ub$..ot10n 1 of IIIGation 1 of Th. ¡U.ghway Traffic Aot (R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 172) provides that:.. lt1:¡hrough hi¡hway" means any hi¡hway or part of a highway deSignated'as such by the ~ttnister or by by..law o£ III municipaUty approved by thè )epa~ment, and eVE!ry such highway shall be marked by a stop sign or rie1d right-of-way sign in compliance with the re¡u ationø of the Department; NOW T!1El'\l';Fom:: the Council of the Corporliltion of the Munic1pality of Elgin anacts as folløws;- 1. The follcwíing h:l.ghwaY$ or parts of highways undertha jurisdiotion of the Municipality of Elgin are deøi¡nated as through highways: RO~D NO. DESCRIPTION 2 From the east $:S.de of CQunty Road :3 to the weat side of County Road $. The 1nterseetionof K1ng's H1¡hW&I 1!76 is a through hirway from County Road ., and Hi~hwaY #7 1enot a through highway at this po:l,.nt. , From the gatill of the Melllorial Park in the Hsmlet of Port Glasgow to the County Boundary, which is the Thames River. 4- From the we.' $> ide 01' tn. road between Concessions "tVaNl V, Townlilhip of Orford, to the west side of County Road 3. , From the south side of·the road between concessions II and III, Township of Dunwich (County Road 9) to the County Boundary, whioh is the Thamøs River. 6 From the ea$t .$:i.de of County Hoed 7 to the west side of county Road 3. 7. From the south side of the røad between . 00nO&$$10nl$ X IiInd U, Township of: Orf:ord, to the County Bounda!:'y, which is the Tha.meø RiVer. ~~; - ' - - ' é (4) Jøhn StrE!ét; in the \1"l11$le of DU1;.ton, f2:"om the north $:1de of county ·oad 15, being!'!a:l.n Street, to thl\! _uth aid.e ot am-de Street (county Road 15); $ (b) NI'W Cnr:r$,e Road, frQm the !'SQuth Bide of John Street, in the V111$ge <'It Dutton, to the Cotµ1ty Boundary, which is the Thames River. LII :Z'~~0'""~':::"'·:·,:; ,.:...,.......... ....., .,,··_,,·.·w,,·._·..w·.',..·.. -.:- :......~;."":,..-.'."~,>-.,, ....'.. - ",,: ·,;"'"t:;_:·.-'7~,;;:;:;::?.:.'; ,- ."-"---'-~'.' ----~- -.'.----..- .....~-=~ I" II 'I :1 From the north stde öf: K1tij;'. H1ghway t?3 to tbe north dde of the OQunty Bounda):'y between tb$ 'l'owneUp$ of $outhwo1d,.1armouth and \'lestm1nøter. 2' 24 :Prom the east side øf County Road 23 to the west aide of King'S HighWay #73 at Port :Bruce. I I 23 (b) Qn Joseph St;r$êt¡, i.n tÞ,e Village of: 1>01'11. Stanley. ,t't'Plnirt.he e$ßt 81(1e ()f King 'a Highway #4 to the east 'S1deqf east Street, 1n the V1ll$ge of J?ø1:'t st(.uaey. From tn. .set ltd. of King's HighWay fl41n Lot 2" Concession II. Tòwnship of 1armouth to the north dde of Jonph ßtJ:'eet;, 1n the VU.lage of PQ:\;''t StanleY1 23 (4) FrOIn the south sl<:te of County Road 27 to the northetdé of County Road 24.^ 22 (b) From thé boundary of the City of St. the nø~h s1de of COunty Road 27 ~ 22 21 (a ) Thomas to From the east øtde of County Road. 20 to the weat dde of King'. Highway #4., 1"1:'0111 tbe south e1de øf County-Road 16 tQ the ~o¡"thdde of Kitij;'s Highway 7f4, in the Vll1age of Po~ Stanley. 20 «:) Frolnthe south $ide of County Road 16 to the north aide of County Road 16; 2() (1)) From the north ¡Iide of the roed bet/ween the 'l'ownøhiplil of Southwold. and D$laware tø the nQrth side of County Road 1$; 19 20 (a) Ft'om the north, side of X:bl~'$ alghw~ the north &:tete of COunty Road· 17. il3 to From tbe weet $1i'le of County Road 20 1:.0 the West sii'le of CountY Road 19. 18 F2:'01II. the .8$1;. $lid. of ôounty l'toad1S1,to tbe east side or the rQad between Con~e$s1()ne I $Ind. n, Township of tJeatminster. 11 F:\;'6m tn. eou-th..east dde of' County RCNld 15 to the weet boundaí7 øf the C1ty of St. 'rhollJas. 16 From the south side of County Road a to the eut sid. of the Pe$1:'ce Prov1nc1tÙ Park (Lot 12, Concession X, township of Dunwich). 15 Ji)-Oln th$ north d<!1e of County RCNI<:t ·16 to the County Bound~ry, whteh 119 1:.he '1'h$1ne$ RtV61:'. 14 F2:'01n the .ut dele of CO\lnty Røad l' 'tic tbe west side of' COunty RQ$.d 14. 1.3 From the EliUilt stete of' County Road e to the west side of County Road 14. 9 (0 ) From the ea$t side of County Road 5 1:.0 the west side of Oounty Road é; 9 (\) ) FrOIll the east side of Oounty Road 3 to the weet dde of' County Roód ~h , . . . r·' _i"-i. r BY-bA¡¡i - ROAD NO. 9 (a) NUMBER DESCRXP'l'J;ON - 2 - ^"'1!t -~ y BY-LAW" - U.MBER - ).- ROAD f~O. DESCRIPTION 26 From the east side of County Road 2' to the north boundary of the City of St. 'lbomas. 27 FrQm the ..staide of IU.ngte Highway 114 to the east side of COunty lWad )6. 28 (a) From the south side Of King'. H~hway #3 to the north dde of the road. between Concessions VII and VIII. Township of Yarmouth; 28 (1) ) From the east boundary of the City of St. 'l'bomae to the .,lst .id. of the road betw.en Lots ).0 and 11. Concess:l.on VIII. Township of Yarmouth. 29 ]'rom the eut side of Oounty Road 2' to the west side of County Road 31. 30 (a) From the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the south side of the road between 00nce8eione XIII and XIV, Township of Yarmouth; )0 (1)) From the east side of the road betweèn the Townships of "I'lestm:f.nster and Yarmouth to the weat Side 01 the road between tote $ and 9. Concession XXIX. Township of Yarmouth. )l From the north boundary of 'the City of St. Thomas to the north stde ot· tn. road between Concessions X and Ranse II. North of Edgeware Road, in the Township of Yarmouth. )2. From the esst aide of King'. Hip.y 117'; to the l,iain EntJ'ànce of the Ontario Provincial PoUee College.. )3 From the wes'\; boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the south side of the Chesa~eake &: Ohio Rdlway ri~ht-o£-"Way on the Town ine Road between Yarøouth and .Southwo1d Townships. 34 (a) From the west side of the road between Lot8 ' 10 and 11. Concession VIXI. Township of í'ifliJstmineter, to the east side Of County Road 30; 34 (b) FNm the west $.ide of Kin¡;¡;'s H~hW.y #74 to the County Boundary, being Kett e Creek,. 3' From the eouthøide of King's Highway #3 to the north .ide of County Road 4',~ 36 (a) F1'Om the south stde of .King's HighW$y 113 to the north 8td8 of County Road 27. 36 (b) From the south s1de of Oounty Road 27 to the north side øt Oounty Road 24~, 37 From the eut¡ $ide ø£ King's HighWay #74 to the fUlst limit of the Townships of North Dorohester ,IUld':S outh Dorchester. 3$ From the ftOrth..weet'àide of Kina'. Highway #3 to the County Bounciaryh which 18 the east limit of the Township of Bay am'! . 39 From the south side of County lWad ~ to the north, side of Lake Erie, IL:____ From the eut e ide of County Road 2:> to west dde of county Road )1; 52 (0) thé From the east aide of "ttuH'iostwiek Road, in the Township of Southwo1d, to the wel'$t s:f.de of County Road 2'; '2 (b ) On the Bostwick Road. from the south $ide of the !'Qad þetwliten Lot. itA!? and Lot 41, Eant Side Talbot Road., f.1o~th Dranoh, and the north 81de of the rOlild between.,Concess1ons ,t,C" and "D"; 52 49 (8) From the south aide of County north e:l.de of County Road '2. From the e8.st side of Kigt$ the weet side Qf County .Rõad U:!.j¡;hway S4. Road 4à to the 46 From the north $ide øf County north side of County Road 37. #73 to 47 46 Road 48 to From the nOl'th $ide of King 'sHighway II'; to the County Boundary, 1Ilhi01'l 11 the no~th $:lete of the Bayham..De).".n1.Uli Townl1ne Road. the I~~orll the east side of: County Road 40 to the east s:\.de of: Cøunty ftosd '5. 45 (e) From the east side of: County Road 36 to ~he west side of County Road 40; 45 (d) From the ..at a,ide ofCQunty west aide of County Road 36; 45 45 ( (b) e ) Road 22 to the From the east side of K:l.ng's Hi~hwaY the west aide of County Road 22; 114 to From the went II ideo! K:l.ng' III Highway #4 to thewea'" s:lde·of the ta:rmouth..Southwold Townline Road; 45 (a) From the eaet side of Kingts Highway the west side of King'S H1ghway #19. I! I I 41. From the sou:th dele of County north side of County Road 42. ,{.l'O to ,." 43 (b) From the SOUtJl side of County north I1I:1de of County Road. 45; Rea d 45 to the 43 42 (a) (1:» Read 3$ to From the east $ide of K111gtS Highway 111.9 in the Village of Port Burwell to the County FJoundl1ry, which is the east l:1.rn:l.t ot the Township or Dayhl.Uli. . the From tlhe éast side ot K:1~ts H1gh1tUty (17';, to the west ø1de ot K1ng' (I H1ghWay #19, in the Village of For'\l Burwell; 42 41 (a) (b) On. Main Highway Street, tromthe north dd. of King's {}19 ~ the north øide of Fulton Street. 41 (a) On Fulton Street, 1n the Vlllí'ige or Vienna, .from the west si4e of Union ßtreet to the west $ide or J>'!à1n Street; From the south s1de of County Røad '2 to 'the north side of County Road 42. . ,ROAD NO. 40 ~..."- .""~....".:.':.:.:" ,-'.... ~-'.."'" .' ..... .. ú.;-;<·······'."····:. I , , ...., BY.LAW -~-'-~ NUMBER "'"-""'.",....,.... I)ESC.m:r.P'l'ION -'·'--"'-"~¡:"l''''''''··~'-'- " .~ -~ -................. -'.--....-- .' ..-.... ,J - 4 - ¡ L ,otor Vehicles Deputy Per IrWini· aSkeT:tINISTER OF TRANSPORT :.S\ðili egistrar of I, n. L. .Johnson, Clerk, of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that' the. foregoing is a true copy of\3y-Law No. 1897, passed by the C.ouncil of the said Corporation on the 21st day of Sept., 1965. Approved.ithis 31st day of' Décemb~:r,1965 pursuant to the provisions of The Highway Traffic Act. ,,,jUmBN I~~ACTED AND PASSED this Ust day of Se )"l:;embér , 19&' 5. This By-law shall not become effective until aPProved by th$ Department of Transport and not until December 31st, 1965. 4. 13y-18\-1 Numbers 1903 and 1$48 Ðre hereby repealed~ 3. The penalties provided in section as of the Traffic Act shall apply to offences against U:Lghway this By-law. 2. The designation in s8ction 1 of th:1S By-law of Q highway or part 6f a highway as a through highway shall .not iMlude any intersection thereon whElrethe road intersected :I.. iii Kin¡t. Highway or where trat£1c cont.rol dgnals are 1nsttllled. t!'roin "'M ì10rth side of county Road 42 to south aide of County Road 45. 55 the From the north a:tde of County Road 48 to the south side of the %'<Iad between 00noe6810n8 X and. XI. Townßhip of Dereham. 54 5.3 5.3 (a) (b) Elm Street. in the TO\<1n of Aylnu&r, from 'the north s1de of King '1\1' H1ghway ,1' to the south side of Beech Street, in the '1'own or Aylmer; Street, Beeoh Street. from the west> side of Elm to the west dde of King's 111g}1way #7'. From the north side of the road between Concession X and Ran~e ¡I, North of Edg6Ware Road, to the east side of County Røad 40. 52 52 (t) ( ) From the east side of County Road 30 to th, east side ot the l'olld between Lot í.!O.and Lot 2l, Concøssion X, in the'I'ownsh1p of Yarmoutb; e From the ~~st side of County Road 31 to the west aide of County Road 30; HOAD NO. 52 (d) Ii ~"""""' r'\'; , £if-LAW NUMBER ",,~,....~ ". t~"·:···--'" Dl~SGllIP1'ION ~- ~--.- ',.,-,y= ~"""'" ./ .~,:, - 5 I , ~~"".*,""'"',.,c.c ME (Miss) M. Edmond By-law O:f:ficer /'l'? t:'ct?,. ~t:f} Yours very truly I:f this proposal is not acceptable please let us know In no case, however, can the by-law be approved in its present :form be:fore December 31st. It is noted that you request early approval o:f the by-law. However, since under the terms o:f Section 5 the by-law does not become e:f:fective until Decemp~r 31st, 1965, our solicitors in:form us that Departmental approval should be concurrent with that date. In view o:f this, we propose to hold the by-law on :file until the latter part o:f December. copies will then be endorsed with approval as o:f December 1965. The county's :file copy will be returned to you as therea:fter as possible The 31st, soon On reviewing the by-law, we :find it to be in order :for approval, particularly in the light o:f your remarks that its passage is necessary because o:f the reversions and assumptions o:f a number o:f County Roads which become e:f:fective on December 31st 1965 This re:fers to your letter o:f September 24th, with which you enclosed two copies o:f By-law Number 1897 o:f the County o:f Elgin. Mr. R. G. Moore, P County Engineer, County o:f Elgin, Court House, St. Thomas. Ontario Dear Sir Eng September 29th 1965 OFFICE. OF THE DEPUTY MIN1STER AND REGISTRAR OF MOTOR VEHICLES PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO 2 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT ":'1'<'.\_': . _....... _,H~.~,~ ----.J-~~" 15 COU NTY ROAD - - 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (a) (b) 9 (a) (b) (c) 13 14 \i'""X"'~~'''''::: '-,~,--~'"' "....._.,-,.,.."-""..."'~;~ '.~:~-"--;..1.--,,,,;,- ~ ~~~:- DESCRIPTION From the East side of County Road 3 to the West side of County Road 8. The intersection of King I s Hwy. #76 is a through highws¥y from County Road 2, and Hwy. #76 is not a through highway at this point. From the gate of the Memorial Park in the Hamlet of Port Glasgow to the County Boundary, which is the Thames River. From the West side of the Road between Concessions IV& V, Township of Orford, to the West side of County Road 3. From the South side òf the Road between Concessions II & III, Township of Dunwich (County Road 9) to the County Boundary, which is the Thames River. From the East side of County Road 7 to the West side of County Road 3. From the South side of the Road between Concessions X & XI, Township of Orford, to the County Boundary, which is the Thames River. John Street, in the Village of Dutton, from the North side of County Road 15, beinf Main Street, to the South side of Currie Street County Road 15); New Currie Road, from the South side of John Street in the Village of Dutton, to the County Boundary, which is the Thames River. From the East side of County Road 3 to the West side of County Road 5; From the East side of County Road 5 to the West side of County Road 8; From the East sid e of County Road 8 to the TJVest side of County Road 14. From the East side of County Road 15 to the West side of County Road 14. From the North side of County Road 16 to the County Boundary, which is ~he Thame~ River. From the South side of County'Road 2 to the East side of the Pearce Provincial Park (Lot 12, Concession X, Township of Dunwich). Ì'AGÈ· ÌI COUNTY DESCRIPTION ROAD - 16 From the South-east side of County Road 15 to the West boundary of the City of St. Thomas. 17 From the East side of County Road 19 to the East side of the Road between Concessions I & II, Township of Westminister. 18 From the West side of County Road 20 to the West side of County Road 19. 19 From the North side of King's Hwy. #3 to the North side of County Road 17. 20 (a) From the North side of the Road between the Townships of Southwo1d and Delaware to the North side of County Road 18; (b) From the South side of County Road 18 to the North side of County Road 16; (c) From the South side of County Road 16 to the North side of King's Hwy. #4, in the Village of Port Stanley. 21 From the East side of County Road 20 to the West side of King's Hwy. #4. 22 (a) From the boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the North side of County Road 27; (b) From the South side of County Road 27 to the North side of County Road 24. 23 (a) From the East side of King's Hwy. #4 in Lot 2, Concession II, Townsljip of Yarmouth, to the North side of Joseph Street in the Village of Port Stanley (b) On Joseph Street in the Village of Port Stanley, from the East side of King's Hwy. #4 to the East side of East Street in the Village of Port Stanley. 24 From the East side of County Road 23 to the West side of King's Hwy. #73 at Port Bruce. 25 From the North side of King's Hwy. #3 to the North side of the County boundary between the Townships of Southwold, Yarmouth and Westminster. 26 From the East side of Cqunty 'Road 25 to the North boundary of the City of St. Thomas. 27 From the East side of King's Hwy. #4 to the East side of County Road 36. 'I I I Ir rr c._~.,__.. 'I ,..,,1,- Í'ÀGEÌÜ i':M COUNTY DESCRIPTION ROAD - - 28 (a) From the South side of King's Hwy. #3 to the North side of the Road between Concessions VII & VIII, Township of Yarmouth; (b) From the East boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the East side of the Road between Lots 10 & Il, Concession VIII, Township of Yarmouth. 29 From the East side of County Road 25 to the West side of County Road 31. I 30 (a) From the North boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the South side of the Road between Concessions XIII & XIV, Township of Yarmouth; (b) From the East side of the Road between the Townships of Westminster and Yarmouth to the West side of the Road between Lots 8 & 9, Concession XIII, Township of Yarmouth. 31 From the North boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the North side of the Road between Concession X and Range II, North of Edgeware Road, in the Township of Yarmouth. 32 1- From the East side of King's Hwy. #73 to the Main Entrance of the Ontario Provincial Police College. 33 From the West boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the South side of the Chesapeake & Ohio Rlwy right-of-way on the Townline Road between Yarmouth and Southwold Townships. 34 (a) From the West side of the Road betweeh Lots 10 & 11, Concession VIII, Township of Westminster, to the East side of County Road 30; (b) From the West side of King's Why. #74 to the County boundary, being Kettle Creek. 35 From the South side of King's Hwy. #3 to the North side of County Road 45. 36 a) From the South side of King's Hwy. #3 to the North side of County Road 27; b) From the South side of County Road 27 to the North side of County Road 24. 37 From the east side of King's HWY. #74 to the East limit of the Townships of North & South Dorchester. 38 From the North-west side of King's Hwy. #3 to the County boundary, which is the East limit of the Township of Bayham ': ¡i .¡I, ~a. From the North side of Road 48/tcñ the North side of Road 37. L,7 From the North side of Hwy which is the North side of line Road. #3 to the County boundary, the Bayham-Dereham Town- 46 . From the East side of County Road 40 to the East side of County Road 55. e From the East side of County Road 36 to the West side of County Road 40 d ) From the East side of County Road 22 to the side of County Road 36; c) From the East side of Hwy County Road 22; West ( b ) . From the West side of Hwy. #4 to the West side of the Yarmouth-Southwold Townline Road: #4 to the West side of 45 a ) From the East side side of King's Hwy . of King's #19. Hwy #3 to the West 1;1; From the South side of side of County Road 1;2. b ) County Road 1;5 From the South side of County Road 38 to the side of County Road 45 to the North 43 a ) North From the east side of King's Hwy. #19 in the Village of Port Burwell to the County boundary; which is the East limit of the Township of Bayham. b ) ) From the east side of King's Hwy. #73 to the West side of King's Hwy. #19, in the Village of Port Burwell 1;2 a Ort Main Street, the North side from the North side of Hwy. of Fulton Street. b #19 to On Fulton Street, in the Village of Vienna from the West side of Union Street to the West side of Main Street 41 a 40 From the South side of side of County Road 42. County Road 52 to the North 39 From the South side of County Road 42 to the side of Lake Erie. North COUNTY ROAD DESCRIPTION ~",..'. ...0:.<::.,::'·:..'..:..... .',":'.:.'/, ",.- ..1.....- PÀGE IV ------ From the Road 45. ~.- side of Road 42 to the South side of " <, ".-.. _..__.~.- 55 .From the the Road Dereham. North North side of Road 48 to the South side of between Concessions X & XI, Township of 54 R:eech Street, the West side from the West side of Elm Street of Hwy. #73; b) Elm Street, side of Hwy in the Town . to in the Town of Aylmer from the North #3 to the South side of Beech Street of Aylmer; 53 ( a ) From the North side of the Road between Concession X and Range II North of Edgeware Road, to the East side of County Road 40. f) From the East side of Road 30 to the East side the Road between Lots 20 & 21 in Concession X, Yarmouth Township e) From the Road 30 . , of d ) From the Road 31; East side of Road 31 to the West side of c ) East side of Road 25 to the ~ From the. East side ofth~Röad bE ~, Township of Southwold, to the Road 25; West West side of side of b ) 52 ( a. ) ~Bostwick Roa~from South side of the Lot A & 41, East srode of Talbot Road, and the North side of the Road between C & Dj Road between North Branch Concessions From the South of Road 52. side of Road 48 to the North side 49 48 From the East side of Hwy of Road 54. . #73 to the ~rest side ÇQ{JNTY ROAD r" t ;':';::.': ..-..o.........; .. ,. DESCRIPTION PAGE v