1898 "').'~ THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN - -- BY-LAW NUMBER 1898 A By-Law of the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin to establish a County Library Service within the County of Elgin. WHEREAS Section 86 (1) of the Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 325 provides that where at least seventy-five per cent of the municipalities forming part of a County for municipal purposes request the County to establish a County Library Service, the Council of the County may by By-Law establish a County Library Service for all such Municipalities. AND WHEREAS requests have been received for the establish_ ment of such service from the following municipalities, namely:- Belmont, Rodney I Aldborough, Port Stanley, Dunwich, Vienna, Yarmouth, Dut·ton, Port Burwell, Malahide, Aylmer, West Lorne, Southwold, Bayham, South Dorchester, and Springfield. AND WHEREAS the said municipalities constitute more than seventy-five per cent of the municipalities in the County of Elgin; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: (1) THAT a County Library Service be, and is hereby established for the above mentioned municipalities. (2) THAT an annual rate shall be levied each year upon the equalized assessment of each of the said municipalities sufficient to provide such service. (3) THAT in the event that any municipality or municipalities within the County, other than those above named, may request to be admitted to such County Library Service, upon a proper request directed to the County I this By-Law may be amended to include such municipality or municipalities. (4) THAT no property of any kind, including land, buildings, books or equipment I which may be owned by any of the municipalities for which the County Library Service is established or by any Public Library Board within such municipality, shall become the property of the ~lgin County Library Board, but shall be, or remain the property of such municipality. (5) THAT the Council of the County of Elgin hereafter appoint members to constitute the Elgin County Library Board as provided by Section 87 of the Public Libraries Act. (6) THAT this By-Law shall come into force on the first day of January in the year following its approval by the Minister of Educati on. READ a first time this 21st day of September, 1965. READ a second time this ·2 1st day of September, 1965. READ a third time, and finally passed this 21st day of September, 1965. /le~ Warden ~ II II Ii Ii )' ,I I' I 'I I 'í , 1 , I Dear Mr. Johnson. This will acknowledge your letter of September 23rd, with the copies of By~Law no. 1898, to establish a county library within the County of Elgin. On behalf of the Minister of Education, under Section 86 (3) of the Public Libraries Act, this by-law is approved. Yours very truly, l<J.!?N~ W. R. Stewart, !\.ssistantDeputy Minister, pl"ov-i,nci al SchooolS andF'utthèr Edußation Mr. H.L. Johnson, Clerk-Treas urer, County of Elgin, Court Hous e, ST. THOMAS, Ontario. . TORONTO, September 29, 1965. ~ ~<,:,.,;>""~ h. . ,~~(::>\;,:f"" ~ ,~ ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION .. F 44 EGLlNTON AVE. W, TORONTO 12, ONTARIO