1899 Warden dI~u é?- "'~.~ and finally passed this 18th Nøvember, day of 1965. READ a third time, READ READ a secønd time this 18th day of November, 1965. a first time this 18th day of November, 1965. same is hereby confirmed . between Concessions Ten and Eleven in the Township of Dunwich be, and the to close and sell a portion of a road laid out in lieu of the road allowance THAT' By-Law No. 3005 of the Tøwnship of Dunwich, being a by-law Elgin enacts as follows , NOW TIŒREFORE THE Council of the Corporation of the County of to\1I11ship by-law. Corporat.ion of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming the said AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Township later than one year after the passing of the By-Law øf ·t.he Cøuncil months, of the an ordinary meeting of the Council held not sooner than three nor øf the Council of the County in which the Tøwnship is situate, passed at said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, the By-Law, true copies hereof are hereunto annexed Eleven in the Tøwnship of Dunwich, more particularly described in the said road laid out in lieu of the road allowance between Concessions Ten and of July, 1965, WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Dunwich on the 5th day did pass By-Law No. 3005 to close and sell a portion of a The Townshi of Dunwich " Qut in Lieu øf the Road Allowance Between Concessions Ten and Eleven in By-Law To Authorize the Closin 'A By-Law To Confirm By-Law No. and Selling of a Portion of a RQad Lai~ Dumvich, Bein~ª- 3005 By-Law COUNTY of the Townshi£-2f NOIJ 1899 ELGIN -"'5;.--'7 -'"'7'.~ 2. !!!b-~t·th,a1"{eaV'~ andW3;>easur0:t'be.~j;\t:h,or1l$$d t$·dhpoj:l41l of and oonvey title to the pureha~er of the ~bove portion of land. 3. 1JIh.1s By..law$hall ~9111.e ,in.to tOf'oe $rid takè effect on a.nd att:e1'1 the date ot:tinu paI!Hsiii.gtnereot. . ,niIALLY :FAMm tnii'! dii Ø, l.y of A.D. 196Ç d~~-4{' ~-<~¿ ,- ,¡¡¡ J2¡ CERTIFIED a tnue copy of By-Law No. 3005, passed by the Council of the Township of Dun.wich on July 5th, 1965. _~~Á~ CLERK ~Qt-. . pOl'tlon ot th.e, roadlMdø1J.tvinlieu. of the ro~!1I, allowance betwaenQono&ssions 1~ and ~eVen in the TOwnship of 1>ttnwich undel'~y"'law Jo.,;LI,fa tø):' the '.IIown$hlp of Þunwioh da.ted Ma.y 1.186ó. shall be olosed.and whioh said portion is loorøpawt1ou.le.rlY des<n.':t.bed ut,ollowln " . ALL .A.ND I:I:!:N&UL./IR tbat oe3'tlilin pSli'oel or txoaçt of 1andønd pre! h4ilsd1¡ue;teø ¡ying l!.t>.dÞ$:l.ng1n the. 1'ownsb1p o,t Dunwieh. in th¢'1.aout:ttIfot,. ~gin IU1d;!,'!;t'Ovinø~, of Ont~r1o, bj'l1ng· oomposed of t"al'tQt Lot~41>aoncElss.tQn .lQi<1nt1b.e lu\.t4 Town~b.:l.p andbelng tl1at; PQl"t!ønóta Road l$j.d o\:lt in lieuottb.e Road .Allowanoe bet"Weet>.\1Ic)tlCeIHS1ons 10· a,ndJ.;L1n the sa1dWownsb.ip. ,under By" J.awJo. 142. tor the Township of Dunwich dat$dMay 7th. 1866 ét).d.:rteg1st$1'I1Id ~.nthelteg1stryQft.tce 1'0:1." the Qounty, of Elgin as ,Jo. 1370, lyit>.glflouf;:hej;\.sterlyof ·a Une whhh is m,o:!;'e par t.tculawly d~Sc1'1bed as follows· - t'Í'U\1I'!!SING that ,the bøäxoingof tne North øàsterly limit of LQt 14. .Qcmo~liIslonJ.O in NpJ;'tt¡. 4? <i1eg~W$l\!t. All 1H~a);!ings herein bein¡t :\?el$.t~ð. the%'eto~ GQ~IM.wNOING at a point in the North ~astf, rl1l1I"1JitofLot14. Qc:m.øess1on l()¡¡d1stlil.ntFive Hunélred IU1d N1neteen Feet (519'), measured Nørthwest(il'ly tb.ereøn fro $þobt ';rltb.~ South eQèterlyan$le of saidLQt 14; , ~J¡¡NcrE ¡¡louth, 50 des,_. 49 11I.1n. vïest, a <ibtanc$ of 1'110 ijì.mdr..ð. andS$V ønt;y...tlu-$e M.dl¡U.~..t$ntÞ.1$ Feet (27.$.Þ·+J~~Ç:r¡¡Søµ.th 64 Q,og. 17 .Mit>.~ West, ,.Iii. <ihtano$Q,fI\J$venHundt"ed M.d~elve Feøt (71;¡¡' htb.e portion of the ~øad tQ ,be c'lClf 'eq. being outl1ned i 1Jfd onpl¡mdated J'\:IlyJ¡:bh1963,and Qo:nt('11n1ng a,n 11.t'6ø. of On ø.n4 2:'wo On....t;bou$andtbs (1.002) aores, be the same møre or 1a 1. THEREFORE the Munlc1p~ as fol1øwse . Oourioil of the .AND WHl111lEA$ the. MuniCipal G()X'pøxoat1on ø1.' the Wownillbip 01' .Punwich þ.a$ eOr1!plhd wl1¡b.åøo1;ic>n 41icftbeMunj.eipal A(\ta~ toadvert1s.. i~ 1;be1r 1ntenti,OÎ'l...ot¢J.oslng an", èU.spo$ingof QPoX'tion of,S. road bid. ou,1I in l1$uo:t.' the¡ 1'08.4 $.l1owance between Cønoés$iöhs Tøn andt!:leven in tbe 1'ownsh1p otDunwiob.. Townsl:1:'1.p 0:1.' 1>unwich $naots :!\N1J).WHta~ theQoune$10f.this,Munio1Pe.J.i1¡y ,t<,¡e:Ltilthat tl'1i.$ powør øhou.n Þeexel'ohø!i a,s reglJlró\$ .p<>xotion of a~ê).(!.1,oj,ð.out in l1i1Ju 01' tb.e rotil.(Îe;11o'W1I.1'1Cð betwðenIJøncass:1.orJsTen andlleven in tbe Township of D\11Wlch. Wff.E.êaunð.ar Section 469 of' t!:lø Mu1'1iei.pàl ./\.~t, t1;le 00u1'10111. of $11y J!làmlo1þal1ty :La given the poweXO to pass by-laws tor $topp1ng up anddlspøs1ng of ~y ~$ghway orpa~t thereof within the Mµn1cip~it . .. '-,. . ...... . . , B$ing 11 :i'JY"l$l tOÐ.uth()rizø tl}e clQsing; anc.1 j¡I.ølllng ot 11 p oX'tlon ¢I:f.'~ l'oa.d J.ldd 0\1 t in1huotthoro,íild a+low!!.1'ioe between Oonus- sionlil 1I10n Mil Blevl'Jn in thQT()~$hi.p of hnwloh. ~'HE TOWNSlî:t:P 0' DUNvlICH OF WHt!: j\U:rNICIPAL OORi'öRAT,ION OF i3r-LJ\.W NUMB1ìiR .,J..,þ4.~"""'" "."'.0:''''"" ~... " ~ - r O.FFXOERS .F'Qi.R 1965 ,,""" Reeve and Elgin Warden Donald' C. Lei'tch, R.R.. 5, Dwttcm Deputy-Reeve Municipality of Dunwich ;. A. J3Œ';uce Mc:Oaillum, R..R. 2, DulÞton Councillors Jack W. Oampbell, R¡R. 3, Dutton Oolin Morr!ißOOl, Œ/,.R. 3, Durf¡ton Dutton, Ont., november '5 1965 Kenneth MCiMpine, R.R.. 5, Dutton Treasurer Milldred I. MoNoi!, I)urf¡ton Olerk F. D. MciFIh...oon ¡VIR Ho JOHNSON CLERK6 TREAS ~.." f COUNTY ELGIN DEAR SIR. RE BYjÍLAW 3005 THE NECESSARY STEPS HÆlE BEEN TAKENIN CLOSING 'rHIS PORTION OF ROAD ALLOWANCE,M~I~EKX NOTICE OF INTETION JUM'E 1 /64 ADVERTISED IN THE LOCAL PAPER MAY20/64 and 27/64, BY_LAW PASSEDJULY 5';/ 65 . HOPING YOU CAN FINALEY PASS THIS AT NOVEMBER COUNTY COUNCIL. YOURS TRULY ;r~At~ CLERK