1910 c,"" ',...'. .,_;,/.,..,._~____,_~_.____ ___-_,'-..-..-..-----_....-...;.,.--'~'--~,,'~_~~ .'.',",,-- ""~-,... .,#1\ By-Law; No. 1910 "To APEoint a Board of ~udit in the Count ,in for the Year. 1966." I I I The Elgin County Council enacts: I: , , 'i " I, THA~ the Judge of the County Court, and the ,I !! j: Treasurer, be, and are hereby appointed members Ii of the Board of Audit to perform the duties II ! II required of them by the Revised Statutes of , I! Ii Ontario. ]' 'i THA~ the members of the said Board of Audit I be paid the sum of Nine Dollars per day, for their services, and twenty cents; per mile , going to each Audit. r, ]1 I ~ ¡ i 1966. I REA~ a first time this 20th day of January, i 20th 1966. Ii RE~D a second time this day of January, I' REA~ a third time, and finally passed this 20th day of January, 1966. , I "', ,