1915 Main gate of Ontario Police College Approximately 2.0 miles (i ) No. 32 King's Hwy · No.73 Middlesex County Line Approximately 4.7 miles ( (g h ) No. 25 King s Hwy · No. 3 King's Hwy. No. 401 Approximately 3.0 miles ) No . 20 King's Hwy <" · No. 3 North limit of the Village of Dutton ApproXimately 3.5 miles (f) No. 15 King , s Hwy · No. 3 Thames River Approximately 6.2 miles ( e ) No. 14 King , s Hwy · No. 3 Coun.ty Road 14 Approximately 5.8 miles (d) No. 13 County Road 15 King's Hwy. 401 Approximately 1 mile ( (b c ) ) No. 8 County Road 15 King's Hwy. No. Approximately 6 401 miles No. 3 King' s Hwy · No . 3 ( a ) Count No. Road 2 From County Road 3 The west limit" of Lot 8 opposite Conc. VIII and IX. Twp. of'Ald~ borough Approximately i mile To Highway Traffic Act do NOT apply to the highways named hereunder 1. The provisions of subsections 4 and 5 follows of Section 54 of the Municipality of the County of Elgin enacts as NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the C"JUnt y of Elgin for the protection of certain highways in the Municipality of the AND WHEREAS restriction of loads is not deemed necessary its jurisdiction subsections 4 and 5 do not apply to any or all of the highways under jurisdiction over any highway may declare that the provisions of The municipal corporation or other authority having Act ( R . S.O. WHEREAS subsection 8 of Section 1960, Chapter 172) provides that 54 of the Highway Traffi . . c !Q... BE RESPECTING THE WEIGHT OF LOADS CARRIED ON VEHICLES (. ~ 'j I, ~~';"" '~ ~r-¡y- , - ,-...,-,-.,'\l'~¡;'~ AfM;:>'::';~;!:,,>,,:;,",- ""-,'('-' , ",,-ß}'i''''';'ú_,:,',"':''':::~,' " .'..'. BY-LAW NO. --'-7:\~--·"::'''':'''-::''''''-'-'''''---~1;','~·'~'' CÓÙNTY'ÓF'ELGIN 1915 éÓUNTÝ·ÓP'ELGIN ErY':":LÂw NO 1915 2 - - County Road From To (j) No. 39 County Road No. 42 Lake Erie Appro~~mately 0.9 miles (k) No. 42 Hwy. No. 73 Hwy. No. 19 Approximately 10.3 miles (1) No. 44 Hwy. No.3 Hwy. No. 19 Approximately 3.8 miles (m) No. 52 Hwy. No. 73 Road 40 Approximately 2.7 miles (n) No. 53 King Hwy. No. 3 Beech Street Elm Street (0) No. 53 King Hwy No. 73 Elm Street Beech Street 2. THAT By-Law No. 1886 of the County of Elgin be, and the same is hereby repealed. 3. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transport. ENACTED AND PASSED this 20th day of January, 1966. og ~ , ~fe Warden I ];î¡¡¡:ln g;~!te of' Onti'lr:l.o Follett CollHh;E! {\ppro;¡¡;i.mnte.lY 2.0 mHI'IEI (.1 ) No. )2 Ki.ng' 'õ "h'IY. H(.i .73 Middletltx Gount¡y Line llppro"iirnl1tf:ly 4.7 rnile¡m (h ) No. :15 K:lr¡ê~ ' ~1 11\'4;1. No. ;I .King'tI 1'11,1)1. No. 401 .I'.¡~prø:¡¡;lm<Jt~J.y ,3.0 mibs (g) No. 20 King , ¡¡ U.i,.. No. ;I , North HId t 01.' the Vil1ngfJ of Dutton ApproxlmMt¡¡ly )., m:iles on No. 15 King's 11%';"1. "70. 3 '.í'h1il¡ma Hi vtlr r\PPl"ox:l.m!Jt;ely 6.2 mileß (~) } No. 14 King , o 1W1. !\(>. 3 County Hoad 14 Approxil.1;¡¡t(!ly 5. ¿ ;11J.es d) ! o. 13 CoulIty nosd 15 !(1ng 'ß ¡'¡"'y. 401 Approxim~tQly 1 mile «() ) No. â CO\lnty !toad 1$ Kin¡¡~'¡; titly. No. 401 A )þro:x:iml'lt¡~Üy 6 nti,ll! ¡; (b) No. .3 King' ß H\1Y. fh .3 ':!:'he ~H!lè\tlimi.t of l,ot g opþQdt;v Com:. VIII 'Hid IX, ~l'wp. ot ~,ld- borough llppro:dll1l1tdy j~ mile (a) No. 2 County From - Ho,"d :3 'fo - F()unt;( Hot'ld li.(~.!.I'I'i¡:¡y 'l'r~¡ fj:'1c I\«:t do NOT apply t;o t Ht h1,gh\~a)f" nntq,oÒ herç$under . . 1. Tho provisions of suhl'J(oct1olUl J~ fUld , oj' 1';eot1011 54 of' the ;\\,m:iCi!Jt)lity Qf t,h~ ;mm1~V " of 1 g in øt!lwt!! 1Jtl :t'ollma¡: NO\}' thtl COluwil ()t tlm C01'poration of th(J {;:oun1¡y of . n:lgin . , tor the j¡r'o1;I!cti(H! of <¡€lI'tHin h:l.¡;¡.hwaya in t 11'1 MUr¡iltipdity of tha ¡¡NO u£nEf~ $ rf1:striètion of 1mldl! 11$ l1.(}t d~l$m¡¡¡d rH~t:05fH¡ry 1tn ,1ur1adicUol1! ImbIH;lcft; ion s J~ .nnd " :> do nll't npply 1;0 <my or 1111 oft he high\ifayl'J under juriIJd1ct1otl over ~my hi¡;hl,;ny , m~1 'I d~cll'n'f 1;lw t the j):r'ovic:!.(ms of. '¡'he municipal co:rpOl'!'It;;ion or 01\11(11" aut.hority lU1'\11ng Act ( t\ 11. . . ,"!, ~..',,' ';', .1 .ì n-;¡; . .'1,960, " :~ Q c,' ~l.lb~".!cti(m ChI'! pter J!12 ) !~ (If provides ~;ection thf¡t 5l~ of the . . IUgìnmy l'rnf:'t:!,c ;~rJo :'E;C~'~Il:ln C}\ l?:H ¡k';:n '-,-- Yo 1(¡j~~'!' GN v HJ.'CLL,S OJ? I..OAD[j 1; :~-- , .- HY-1.,¡1J .--.J, COUNTY -~,-- NO. OF 1915 ELGIN " ~. '" ¡;01./NTY Or' El~OJ.'¡'¡ 13X"..1;;Avf no. .... 2 '. . Cmmt'!( Hpad 1Tom 'Eo ........ (.1) NQ. 39 Cknmty Ht),H! NO. 42 LII!N~ g~'1u APPJ'ttxim¡¡tiCly 0.9 m'ilIH) Oc) No. M: Hwy.No. 73 Ht11r. Nth 19 t"pr~:roJdmHt(,)l,!! 10.3 mll!!f (1) !It} . 4,4, lI",y. r~o. , ¡¡"¡'if . No. ,19 l"p¡~:ro;¡,¡1!i¡111~&',ly :3.$ rdløs (Wtì) No. 5a H~¡y . tìth 73 rWH d 11.0 ,l',ppro,d,m~)t!Jly ;~. '7 }¡¡11e¡:; (n) ~, ":3 !tint? I1wy. No. .3 Hê6'ch St,!'I,H1t ,Q., , Elll1 1itruet (0) !4(ì. ,'3i\1¡lg Hwy No. 73 Jli],m: t~ta'Elet p ,~,,'t t "CfiC I", r!1lß 2. '¡'HA'!' 1'jy..l~I\'1 Nth H!g6 of the County of gl¡¡~il'ì 'bEl, ¡¡¡rid the fìå1\11 } ;11> hß"t'f~by IN'H!1'I111!w. 3. 'l'hil! By..l,,$)w ah~ll not h()¢O 1\1'J! !\;f'fect.iv~¡ until app:t"ov~d by the j')(~r)!j:rtml'ln.t of ':¡'x'"maport.. M'U] p'Î\m'Jmthis 20th d~y ot .Tlinuary. 1966. /: ..,'"., 41 d. - r Clerk h'lU·¡j øn I, H. L. Johnson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By~Law No. 1915,passed.by the Council of the said Corporation, on the 20~1 day of January, 1966. "i' . ~~' .~, nty Clerk. Approved this 15th day of February, 1966 pursuant to the provisions of The Highway Traffic Act Irwin Ha et TRANSPORT Per: 2 ~ Depu Minister and Registrar of Motor Vehicles