1916 ~''>~''~'ft_''~"_~__'_'__~ _ _ ' '.' "" ", ,'"' -- ------ --- .. ,"':" - ,- ,~ -,. ~j--"'---- : BY':'L./Ü;¡¡i¡Ó. 1916"" " OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RESTRICTING THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES IqHEREAS subsection 8 of Section 52 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.~. 1960) provides that: The Municipal corporation or other authority having Jurisdiction over a bridge may by By-Law approved by the Department make regulations limiting the weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof passing over such bridge: AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge designated in Schedule No.1, 2, and 3, forming part of this By-Law with a weight in excess of weight limit prescribed in the schedule for such bridge. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 52 of the Highway Traffic Act. 3. This By-law shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transport and Until a notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedules. 4. By-Law #1826 of the County of Elgin is hereby repealed. Enacted and Passed this 20th day of January, 1966. I , , ilL - ! «1' ',i Ii , '~ " I I I' 1 -- - ---",-~,y,~.~.,.,-,~, - SCHEDÛLE NO. i BRIDGES ON COUNTY ROADS Schedule Weight Year of 'Eype of 1. Bridge Road Name of Location Limit Con- Floor No. No. J;3ridge Tol),s struction Finish - - - 1. 26 21 Shelbour:rJ.e Lot 16, 20 1900 Concrete or Warren St. N.L.R. Village of Port StanlS'y 2. 29 45 Catfish Lot 25 , 10 Unknown Wooden Creek Con. 5 & 6 Twp. of Yarmouth 3. 30 30 Patterson Lots 8 & 9, 15 1908 Concrete Con. II, Yarmouth 4. 49 42 Stalter Lot 28, 20 1922 CO:rJ.crete Gully Con. 1 & 2, Malahide 5. 50 42 Port Lot 11, 20 1910 Concrete Burwell Con. I Village of Port; Burwell 6. 54 43 Cooks Lot 1, Con. 5 15 1907 Concrete Bayham 7. 55 43 Phillmore Lot 3 15 1909 Concrete Con. 6 Bayham 8. 63 52 Carrs Lot 5 10 early Bitumin01ils Range II 1900ts North of Edgeware Rd. Yarmouth < ~"=' ',-,,-~,- " ,.'... '~"" .'. "7""-'---'~'- --,r-- '-- -- ' ,,:>/,' ", ,-- , ,<~--.;-,~_' -"~,,,--~.-~~- -~-~-.- sèáEDùLE NO ~2 COUNTY BRIDGES ON TOWNSHIP~RÒADS Bridge Name of Location Weight Limit Year of Type of No. Bridge Tons Con- Floor Finish struction . - --- - 1. 23 Robbins Lot 5, River 5 1$9$ Wooden Road, Southwold 2. 24 Fulton Lots 3 & 4, 15 1912 Concrete .Mill Road, Southwold. 3. 25 .Meek's Lot 16, N.U. Road 20 1900 Concrete Southwold 4. 27 Jamestown Lot 2$, Con. 2 15 190$ Concrete Yarmouth 5. 44 Orwell Lot 29, Con. 9 10 190$ Concrete Yarmouth 6. 52 Vienna Lot 14, Con. 3, 20 Unknown Concrete Bayham, Now in Reconstructed Village of Vienna in 1933 7. 61 Acacia Lot 22, Con. 10, 2 190$ Wooden Bayhalh (Road in poor condition) "', ~¡.'--'-L__.'__"_'.' --, SCH1!:¡)Ùi.E¡\¡Ò. BOUNDARY BRIDGES WITH OTHER ~ruNICIPALITìÉs ADJOINING ELGIN ALSO REQUIRED FROM ADJOINING ~ruNICIPALITY Bridge Road Name øf Location Weight Year of Type of Adjoining No. No. Bridge Limit Construct- Floor Municipali Tons ion Finish - - -- 1. 3 5 Walker Lot 1, B.F..C. 10 1902 Bi tu- County of Dunwich minous Middlesex 2. 4 11 Tait's Lot 7, B.F.A. 15 1914 Concrete " Dunwi ch 3. 5 8 Willey's Lot 14, B.F.A. 20 1907 Concrete " Dtmwich 4. 17 Ling's Lot 49, East 15 1907 Concrete " Side T.R.N. Br. Southwold 5. 34 37 Belmont Lot 21, Con. 7 15 1907 Concrete " East South Dorchester & North Dorchester . 6. 22 33 Kains Lot 1, Con. 3 15 1899 Concrete City of Yarmouth St. Thomas 7. 19 26 St. Geo. Lot 2, Con. 9 5 1905 Bitu- " St. Yarmouth minous , _.. < ME (Miss) M. Edmond By-law O:f:ficer /n ~_dJ Yours truly, The Bridge O:f:fice :further recommends that the weight restriction be removed :from any bridge that is re-constructed during the three-year period o:f approval. This would require the passing o:f an amending by-law :for the purpose o:f removing any bridge concerned :from the bridges listed in Schedules 1, 2 and 3 to the by-law. A copy The by-law has been approved accordingly so endorsed, is returned herewith. . Recommendations have now been made to this o:f:fice by the Bridge O:f:fice o:f the Department o:f Highways respecting approval o:f the by-law, the recommendations being to the e:f:fect that the by-law be approved :for a period o:f three years. This :follows up our letter o:f January 28th, concerning the above-noted by-law. Dear Sir I Re Mr.R. G. Moore, P. County Engineer, County o:f Elgin, Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario Bv-1aw Number 1916 Eng., Count in March 4th 1966 . OFFICE: OF THE DEPUTYMIN!STER AND REGISTRAR OF MOTOR VEHICLES PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO 2 f' ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT