1925 ":-->,;,~,~""-------- r -"""c'~~-- ,- - .-'------.... ,:~ BY-LAW NO. 1925 A By~Law of the Municipal Corporation øf the County øf ELGIN to provide for the appointment of a County Assessment Commissioner. WHEREAS Section 93(a) of The Assessment ~ct as enacted by the Statutes of Ontario, 1965, Chapter 6, provides that the Council of a County may by By-Law provide for the appointment of a County Assessment Commissioner; Æ:ND WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of ELGIN is desirous of providing for the appointment of a County Assessment Commissioner; BE IT ENACTED, as a By-law of the Corporation of the C'ounty of ELGIN as follows:: 1. That the County of ELGIN appoint a County Assessment Commissioner. 2. THAT this By-Law will come into force and take effect upon the final passing thereof, subject, however, I tø its having received the approval of the Honourable i, Minister of Municipal Affairs. FINALLY passed in Council this 16th day of March A.D. 1966. THE CORPORATION OF TI-IE COUNTY OF ELGIN ,/ 1 f / ~ Ji den I ~ ~ rk . \ < ,11cerel t ? y ~-/ Yours I trust that by taking this step the administration of the assessment function will be improved throughout the County in the best interests of both county council and your member micipalities. , In reply to your letter of March 17,1966, attached herewith is an approved copy of your By-Law No. 1925, providing for the appointment of a County Assessment Commissioner Dear Mr. Mr. H. L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Elgin, Court House, ST. THOMAS, Ontario. Johnson 801 Bay Street, Toronto 5, Ontario, March 23, 1966. ONTARIO OEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS OFFICE OF' THE MINISTER ~ '~I':::;:""""-:",-::>,,,---:: ....,.,.,.,,,.....,..,,I,.-.""&r.".¡....-.----'-'-.',--'_'.-'_,_.,.._~,r___t,.,....,...~~-:..;..-,~;;..___,_,.,..,\. ~ii:?'V,';:,',·",""'''..'",·,..,··, '," ¡¡" '-..-,,,,,,,, ',' '"",:,; ";,, " r' ", '''... "...