1926 By-Law No. 1926 'A By-Law _1'0 Con:Çirm B:y-Law No. 1538. of the Townshi ham Bein -ª By-Law to Stop U~ Close and Sell a Str:eet in the Hamlet of Straf.!ordvi11e ~ccordinf.!: to~gis~d Plan No. 205 of the said Hamlet of Straffordvi11e." WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 30th day of November, 1965, A. IL., did pass By-Law No. 1538 to stop up, ~lose, and sell a street in the Hamlet of Straffordvi11e according to Registered Plan No. 205 of the 'said Hamlet of Straffordvi11e, more particularly described in the said By-Law t~rue copies; hereof are hereunto annexed. AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act, the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law of the Council of the County in which the township is situate, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not sooner than three months, nor later than one year, after the passing of the By-Law of the Council of the Township. AND W1ŒREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corpora'tion of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming the said township by-law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enact.s as follows;: 'fHAT By-Law No. 1538 of the Township of Bayham, being a by-law to stop up, close and sell a street in the Hamlet of Straffordvi11e according to Registered ]?lan No. 205 of the said Hamlet of Straffordvi11e, be, and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 16th day of March, 1966. REAl) a second time this 16th day of March, 1966. READ a third time, and 'finally passed this 16th day of March, 1966. " I: , ~ I; I, f~ :¡ I ~, I Warden -- I: ¡i I I II :1 [j I, J. D. Vallee, Clerk of the Township of Bayham, hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of Township of Bayham By-Law 1538." r/ ! ( 13Y"Lê;¡¿ì{ø. U;1$ 'J1dt'iií~}ï:1.P of B¡¡¡ybam. B(\!1r¡g a b¥-,~);~'¡'¡-i'(to âtop 11)), q:t.øs~ and man a $t¡t'eø~ i~ the t{a\ll1et o!'.8tra.ft()r~vnli1i Qcc()r(ii~g to reg1atE:l"Wld Plan Nø..20S of the sdd HI!I1nJ..et of Straffo1!'dvil1e. ¥1fÜt~EAg.$titHi:l.M4:59 t su'b"'$$ction 1( ( ) and (d) pt."()v1de$ ttll~t 1.\he cOUJl,dl Qf a ¡nu:dC1PIlJ.ttY~¡!I'K fJ&$$ a by..là'tt fort ;¡e PU1"PQ$~ or øtopping; up and se:t:J.1ng any·, igb'i'¥ay or pat't QfahighwaYI A!\IDWMIJIR1~l\$ a l'ì'tq,u~$tÞ,~.~·;~('!¡¡¡n IllAd-Eltot,he, ( صXl(.):1.:\,~t'the '1'0\'i/!\Ship øi' Bayham that Ml:l.,I~ strétitQr porti<J11 øt street'Qe.$t.opped up,. eJ.osed andso:J.ð.; . 'j?HmEFQaE¡ BE. IT i$NAOTE!)·Þy the ~un1(1il>.til aøUMi:J..~t't:íhe TOw'li$hip of Bayham as fo1.lQw$ i'" , . 1. That.. the toUowia$ })ø:t't$:f.QI1I. oJ.' atJi'ut in ~tu~a&mJ.Gt øt Strafford. V':f.~,lfit pe $topp~d. ttp. .tl<H/0d l$X\~ì 6{~:¡'d to ¢nø~r more rOt' the ~djM'i\~t ownet'$; (iii.) That pOr't:l.on of .Oth;¡,' $trMt extend;tng (õ",$ìt<t;l.'1y:f':rom Oén't)X'1,! Street tø nank B.O$d or No. 19 fiifh\11i¡Y. :f.nQca~rdanç.with R.egistered Plan fJo. 205 of t)¡,e Vi, lage of Strtitf.fQrdv111e. 2. '11ha\1 the äbø\l'e )\\ortiøn øf $treet so ßtøpped.n!'$fld 0-10$ø4 may bE! $oJ.d e:!.ther in whole Ot' in parts 1:ioøneør ø'M'JIrøqt the $.<ìjM$n;t la.nd owners. '., 'that the Ri\\eve and .(¡:térkare hØl"sby author1tied tl> executt "<I. deliVer ,O(»):1Vâyanoeof' thø fJil1tì. J.~nd$ when ß()ld. u't\de;t' tbl,'¡ \)ørporat. Sed, of 1;h$ 'I'o"rtlehip (if B6IY}u¡un. 4. That the Purcb$.S$X' QrJ?u~Qhá$er' shalJ. berer5poD.$1ble fot' aU oø,tlli! of cOD.veYÆ!.nc1ng I'I.nd~ny" $U.:t'1Tty tha1.\~y be neoessa:ry. ;. 'J:hat tbh by..J.¡'iw shall CQme btø to;.'o!'t <!nd éff~H':t atter be:btg eon£1nn.ed by a by",law Of th¡¡;. fJOtmty oftiJlg1n. READ a .first time th1$ ~~~. day fiJf Nov. 1965 . ~EAP a seèønd time this lst.d.~ or Nov. 1965 . R~AD a third time and finally passed th~$ 30th. Cia' ot Nov. 1965 . Signed C . D. Phillips. - " (leVe. (Signed J . D . Vallee. . r"'%i"'!"'~"";;:' '.'/"/,/,:¡,'-;','.-"'..,..,,,'! ':'" "..'..' " .. ,..",~:""",