1933 ¡~ "l THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 1933 t\.,. BY~LAW TO AMEND the By..,.Law ¡l/;dopting a Plan of County Road Improvement and Establishing a County Road System in the County of ELGIN under the Highway Improvement Act. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By..,.law Number 1933 as follows: 1. THE: SCHEDULE "A" of By_Law Number 897 being the original By..,.law establishing a County Road System in the County of Elgin as amended by By-Law Number 1801 being the last Consolidating By-Law re_estab1ishing the said system and further amended by subsequent amending By-laws is hereby amended by adding thereto the Roads designated and described as follows: BY-LAW NO. 1933: ~ 2 I""!I DESCRIPTION DESIGNATED BEING' that portion of road or the COUNTY ROAD NUMBER deviations thereof in the Township of Southwo1d; 11 COMMENCING on the road between Lots 45 and 46, East Side of the Ta1bòt Road, North Branch, at the Eastern limit of the Talbot Road, North Branch, being the King's Highway Numbeu' 4; THENCE Easterly along the said road between Lots 45 and 46, to the western limit of the road between Lots 45 and 46, East side of the Talbot Road, North Branch, and Concession B, known as the Bostwic~ Road, and here~efore (iX/' designated as County Road Number.l ·l . 'Jr{ ~. TOTAL DISÅ“~NCE of approx mate1y 1.25 miles. . BY-lAW NO. 1933 3 - D,ESCRIPTION DESTGNATED BEING that portion ofl'oad or the COUNTY ROAD NUMBER deviations thereof in the Township of Southwo1d 29 constituting an extension of County Road Number' 29; COMMENCING on the road between Lot 1 of Concession D. and E, at the western 1imi'c of the road comprising the boundary between the Townships of Southwo1d and Yarmouth, being County Road No. 25. THENCE westerly along the said road to the north-eastern limit of the road between Lots D to A East Side of Talbot Road North Branch and Concession D, knOWID. as the Bost'iick Road, If)'. J and hereinbefore desi.gnated County Road Number ,.61 ' 'f, 9p¡ A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 0.4 miles. 'I '¡j " \ I'! ,I I , I ;1 ,i ~ i II BY-UW NO. 1933 - 4 --- DESCRIPTION DES:IGNATED BEING that portion of road or the C'OUNTY!ROA'D NUMBER deviations thereof in the Township of Southwold :26 known as the Bostwick Road. COMMENCINGàn the road between Lot C, (or 45), and Lot D! (or 46), in the Gore, East of the Talbot Road, North Branch, at the western limit of the road comprising the boundary between the Townships of Yarmouth and Southwo1d, being County Road Number 25; THENCE north_westerly along the said road between Lot C and Lot D to the road between Lot C in the Gore, East of the Talbot Road, North Branch and Lot D! East of the Talbot Road, North Branch. THENCE, continuing north-westerly along the said road between Lots D, C, B, A, and 41 to 49 inclusive, East of the Talbot Road, North Branch on the ORe hand, and Concession E, D',C, B, and ¡. on the other hand to the northern limit of the road comprising the boundary between the Township of Southwo1d in the County of Elgin» and the Township of Westminster in the Township of Middlesex. A DISTANCE of approximately 3.75 miles. < BY-LAW NO. 1933', - 5 - 2. THE ROADS, as designated and desoribed in paragraph 1, are hereby added to and inoluded in the County Road System of the County of Elgin. 3. THIS BY~LAW shall come into force upon the approvæl thereof by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. FINALLY PASSED: at the City of st. Thomas, in the CountyI:of Elgin, this 21st day of September, 1966. ~~_4Il, ~-+ WARDEN <, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Downsv iew} Ontario, December 2nd, 1966. Mr. H. L Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer, County of' Elgin; Court House} ST. 'I'HOMAS, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: County of' ~}gin Attached is a copy of' Order-in-Council No OC-LI917/66 which was passed on November 24th} 1966} to approve By-law No. 1933 of' your County. Yours very' truly, J. P. Howard, Municipal Engineer. P1/: <:::::::,::;:---- ~...m.___~_rl ~"""" :1 CHW/sg , ~icipa Enginee Attached 'j r'""\f"".""'"-''' 0" ,:""",,"',"::" ,'ì-k;;(,¡, GEORGI! "E:. GOMME: ::"'," ,', 'to' ," MINISTt;;R ~f Ii' ..".,. c....e'N"'.. '. liSTER ONTARIO EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OFFICE 00-11917/66 Copy of an Order",in-Council approved by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, dated the 24th day of November, A.D. 1966. Upon the recommendation of the Honourable the Minister of Highways, the Committee of Council advise that pursuant to Subsection 6 of Section 45 of The Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 171, approval be given to the following by-laws which were passed to amend the County Road System of the Counties named. 1/ No. 1933 of the County of Elgin -- Nos. 1649, 1657 and 1660 of the County of Essex No. 66-44 of the County of Hastings No. 1814 of the County of Waterloo Cert:Lfied, O~ l~~ 1 -.-._, " '-~',-'-~<- ' Clerk, Executive Council. ,