1934 --",....,-.--.....,----...'-, COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 1934 "Being a By-Law to Appoint Members and Alternates to the County of E11!in P1annin¡¡; Board." WHEREAS the Honourable J. W. Spooner, Minister of MUnicipal Affairs, has defined all of the City ef S~. Thomas and all the municipalities that now or hereafter form part of theC'ounty of Elgin for ml1nicipal purposes~ each as from time to time constituted, as a planning area to be known as the "Col1nty of Elgin Planning Area." AND WHEREAS the County of Elgin has been named the designated municipality in the "County of Elgin Planning Area." N~'THEREFORE, the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the following representatives be, and are hereby appointed members of the County of Elgin Planning Board for the term set opposite their respective names. TERM OF MEMBER ØF , N.A!ME MmlICIPALITY OFFICE MmlICIPAL I _ COUNCIL I D. I. Houghi!::on City of st. Thomas 1966, 1967, No Ii! 1968 Ii W. L. P'a1mer City of St. 'rhomas 1966 Yes " Peter Laing City of st. Thomas 1966 Yes S. J. Glover Town of Aylmer 1966 Yes i Nelson Clarke Village of Belmont 1966 Yes; ¡' I,¡' B. E. Downey Village of D~tton 1966 Yes '\ i Ivor Rowley Village of Port ,Burwell 1966 Yes i' ,I", . i" Lorne Keillor Village of Por~S~an1ey 1966 Yes ,:1 'I 'I Victor De Graw Village of Rodney 1966 Yes I, 'I i' Norman Ostrosser Village of Springfield 1966 Yes ¡I, " i¡ K. C. Emerson Village of Vieuna 1966 Yes Douglas Todd Village of West Lorne 1966 Yes Gordon Woo1ner Township of A1dborough 1966 Yes C. D. Phillips Township of Bayham 1966 Yes ! ,;J; :0<:_ - - ?:'\~ (2) TERM OF MEMBER OF NAME MUNICIPALITY OFFICE MUNICIPAL - COUNCIL J. B. Wilson Township of Dorchester 1966 Yes South /1;. B. McCallum Township of Dunwich 1966 Yes;. Paul de Ryk Township of Ma1ahide 1966 Yes 11.. W. Auckland Township of $øuthwo1d 1966 Yes John Wise Tøwnship of Yarmouth 1966 Yes 2. THAT' the following representatives be, and are hereby appointed alternate members of the County of Elgin Planning Board for the term set opposite their respectiye names. TERM OF MEMBER OF NAME MUNICIPALITY OFFICE MUNICIPAL _CQJlli.ÇJL J. T. Waite City of st. Thomas 1966, 1967, No 1968. D. C. Waite City of St. Thomas 1966 Yes T. H. Currah City of st. Thomas 1966 Yes Russel McKibbin Town of Ay1meI1' 1966 Yes Gene Doppe Town of Aylmer 1966 Yes Charles Dale Village of Belmont 1966 Yes Ross Carroll Village of Dutton 1966 Yes Fred Waldeck Village of Port Burwell 1966 Yes Wilbur Wheaton Village of Port Stanley 1966, 1967 No Jack Misner Village of Port Stanley 1966, 1967 No John Jensen Village of Rodney 1966 Yes Milton Craik Village of Springfield 1966, 1967 No ¡fd&7 .k-z~1i Village of Vienna 1966, 1967, No. J. /f.. Pet ie 1968 James Hamilton Village ofnlVlest Lorne 1966 Yes Paul Baker Township"of Aldborough 1966 No Robert Walker Township of A1dbørough 1966 No James S. Elliott Tqwnship of Bayham 1966 Yes Thømas Lawrence Township of Bayham 1966, 1967 No Donald Irish Township of Dorchester 1966 Yes Sputh Kenneth McAlpine Township of Dunwich 1966 Yes I\;~- ~'''----_: - 118Y:,,' 1'/"""" "'Ä~7J- --'-',~' ....--.--¡.I-~...."- ".-- v . \~,- '--',.-----,- ~ . 1'" (3) TERM OF MEMBER OF NAME MUNICIPALITY OFFICE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL - Colin Morrison Township of Dunwich 1966 Yes P. Liddle Township of Ma1ahide 1966 No F. Ingram Township of Ma1ahide 1966 No Ralph Auckland Township of Southwo1d 1966, 1967, No 1968 Bruce Lyle Township of Southwo1d 1966 Yes Thomas Roberts Township of Yarmouth 1966 Yes Robert Martin Township of Yarmouth 1966 No 3. TgAT this By~Law shall come into force and effect on the date of final passing thereof, subject however to the approval of the appointments by the Minister of Municipal Affairs under Section 3 of the Planning ~ct. RE~DJ a first time this 21st day of September', 1966.. READ a second time this 21st day of September, 1966. READ; Iii third time, and finally pass;ed this 21st day of September', 1966. ~ Warden . i ii 'I " ! il ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS 801 BAY STREET TOBON'I'O 5 October 14, 1966. Mr. H. L. Johnson, County Clerk and Treasurer, County of Elgin, Court House, ST. THOMAS, Ontario. Dear Mr. Johnson: Re: County of Elgin Planning Board - Approval of Appointment of Members We are pleased to enclose the Minister's letter of today's date approving the appointment of members to the County of Elgin Planning Board. As it appears that Mr. J. A. Petrie, the alternate member appointed to represent the Village of Vienna, is also the Village Clerk and, as such, is an employee of the municipality, the provisions of Section 4(1) of The Planning Act make him ineligible for appointment to the Planning Board and the Minister has therefore not approved his appointment. Under the circumstances, we would suggest that the Village Council nominate some other person, who is not an employee of the municipality or of a local board, as its alternate representative on the County of Elgin Planning Board and we look forward to receiving an application for the Minister's approval to this appointment in the near future. When the County of Elgin Planning Board has elected or appointed its officers, we should appreciate being advised of the names and addresses of the persons elected chairman and vice-chainnan, respectively, and the name, address, and telephone number of the person appointed secretary- treasurer. We should like to take this opportunity of wishing the Planning Board every success in developing and carrying out an effective planning program for the area and if this Branch can be of assistance in any way please do not hesitate to let us know. Yours truly, ~~ E. A. Gomme, Head, Administration Division, CODUllunity Planning Branch. Encl. , F, -,- --.. --.,~-- c_"",!¡""" ~ -------'--;',--'-- ~-- ";~ · Alderman W. 1.. Palmer Cit.y ot St.. Thomas Alderman Pet.er Laing City ot St.. Thomas Mr. D. r. Houghton Cit.y ot St. Thomas Councillor S. J. Glover Town ot q],mer Reeve Nelson Clarke Village ot Belmont Reeve B. E. Downey Village ot Datton Reeve rvor Rowley Village ot Port. Burwell Reeve Lorne Keillor Village ot Port. Stanley Reeve Victor De Gl-aw Village ot Rodney Councillor Norman Ostrosser Village ot Springtield Reeve K. C. &lerson Village ot Vienna Reeve Douglas Todd Village ot West. Lorne Reeve Gordon Woolner Township ot Aldborough Reeve C. D. Phillips Township ot Bayham Reeve J. B. Wilscn Township ot Dorchester Sout.h Reeve A. B. McCallum Township ot Dunwich Councillor Paul de Ryk Township ot Malahide Reeve A. W. Auokland Township of Southwold Councillor John i'llse TownlShip ot Yarmouth January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, Je.nuary 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, ... 1967 1967 1969 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 J/'167 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 2 MemÞer In response to the request ot the Counoil ot the County ot Elgin conveyed to me, in your letter ot September 22, 1966, and in acoordanoe with the provisions ot seetion 3 ot The Planning Aet, I hereby approve the appointment ot the tollowing persons to membership on. the County ot Elgin Planning Boa.rd tor the terms ot ottiee indicated: ~ci TjilJ:'IIL ot ottieliJ ,ires County ot Elgin Planning Board ...;¡o Annroval ot .0iz1t,ment ot Member!! Re: Dear Mr. Mr. H. L. Johnson, County plerk and TreasurliJr, County ot Elgin, Court. House, ST. THOMAS, Ontario. Johnson: October ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS OFFICE OF THE: MINISTER SOl Bay Street, Toronto 5, Ontario. 14, 1966. r ._~,-------~ '~ II "'I II {I !;l II 1111 , In addition, Mr. J. McKinlay, Warden Mr. D. R. Stokes, Mayor of the City of st of the County of Elgin Planning Board. . of the County of Elgin, and Thomas, are members ex officio Alderman D. C. Waite Alderman T. H. Currah Mr. J. T. Waite Councillor Russel McKibbin Councillor E. L. Dopp Councillor Charles Dale Councillor Ross Carroll Councillor Fred Waldeck Mr. Wilbur Wheaton Mr. Jack Misner Councillor John Jensen Mr. Milton Craik Councillor James Hamilton Mr. Paul Baker Mr. Robert Walker Councillor J. S. Elliott Mr. Thomas Lawrence Councillor Donald Irish Councillor Kenneth McAlpine Councillor Colin Morrison Mr. P. Liddle Mr. F. Ingram Mr. Ralph Auckland Councillor Bruce Lyle Councillor Thomas Roberts Mr. Robert Martin City of St. Thomas City of St. Thomas City of St. Thomas Town of Aylmer Town of Aylmer Village of Belmont Village of Dutton Village of Port Burwell Village of Port Stanley Village of Port Stanley Village of Rodney Village of Springfield Village of \'lest Lome Township of Aldborough Township of Aldborough Township of Bayham Township of Bayham Township of Dorchester South Township of Dunwich Township' of Dunwich Township of Malahide Township of Malahide Township of Southwold Township of Southwold Township of Yarmouth Township of Yarmouth January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, Jarluary 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, January 1, 1967 1967 1969 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1968 1968 1967 1968 1967 1967 1967 1967 1968 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1969 1967 1967 1967 Alternate Member Term <;!f office e. ,ires Mr. H. L. Johnson -2- October 14,