1957 ,'" COUN1'Y OF ELGIN By-Law No. 1957 "1\ BY-LAW' :ro AU'I'HORIZE THE EXPROPRIATION OF I.AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF WIDENING AND IHPROVING COUNTY ROADS." 1,JHEREAS under Section 333 of 'the Municipal Act, be~ng Chapter 249, R. Q O. 1960, the Council of every Corporation may pass By-Laws for u. acquiring or expropriating any land required for 'the purpose of the Corporation. AND WHEREAS 'the Highway Improvement ;!\;ct, R. c' o. 1960, Chapter "'. 1'71, Section 66, provides that where, in the exercise of its powers, or in pel·formance. of its obligations under Part VII of the said Act, a Coun'ty finds that it is necessary to expropriate land for the purpose of øpening up, widening, improving, pro'tecting fr,om erosion, altering or diverting a County Road, the County may proceed in 'the manner provided by Part 1 of the said Act; AND ì'fHEREAS in the exercise of its powers and in performance of its obligations, 'the Corporation of the Coun'ty of Elgin finds, or may find, that it is necessary to expropriate lands for widèning, improving, e'tc., 'the coun'ty roqds shown on Schedule A as attached; Ii BE I'r 'rHEREFORE ENACTED by the Corporation of the County i of Elgin I (1) '.J:hat 'the Warden and Clerk of the County of Elgin be, I and are, authorized to sign any and all plans pertaining I 'to land expropriation for County Roads shown on Schedule A, and to affix thereto ,the Seal of the Corporation of 'the Coun'cy of Elgin and to register the same in the I County of Elgin Registry Office. (2) That the Treasurer be, and is hereby authorized to pay to the owners of the lands hereby expropriated, such amounts as mayb", agr!¡'ed upon as compensation , , for the lands expropriated, or sÜch compensation as may be determined by arbitration under provisions of the Expropriation Procedures Act, statutes of Ontario 1962-63, Chapter 43. ~J :j.7. 14. 13 :l2 16 15 10. 11 2 1 6 5 4 3 8 7 9 · · · · · SC.liEDULE U A It County Road 11, Southwold Township Lots 45 <'1 46, East Side of Talbot Road Nort;h Bre,nch Road 26, Yax'mou'th Township Lot 47, North of Talbot Road, or Lot 2, Concession IX County Road 27, Yarmout;h Township Lots 4 -21 inclusive, Concesssion III &I IV County Road 29, Yarmouth Township Lots 1 - 4 incluaive, Range 1, North or Edgeware Road & Range I South of Edgeware Road. County Road 29, Southwo1d Township Lo't 1, Concessions "D" <'1 "E" County Road 3 5 , Yarmouth Township Lo't 28, Concession VI, VII &I VIII County Road 35, Malahide TO\111Ship Lot 1, Coneession VI & VII (1 Lot 74, South Side of Té!lbot Road. Road 38, Malahide Township I,o't 108, North (1 South df Talbo't Road Road 38, Bayham Township Lot 109, North &I South of Talbot Road County Road 42, Ma1ahide Township Lots 27 &I 28, Concession I &I II County Road 42, lvIalahide TOtNI1ship Lo,ts Ll - 20 inclusive, Concession I &I II Coun'ty Road 44, Bayham To.''llship Lo,ts 15 &I 16, Concession VIII &I IX County Road 45 , Nalah,ide Township Lots 21 - 35 inclusive, Concession III (1 IV County Koad 52, Malahide 'fownship Lo'ts 1 - 20 inclusive, Concession IX County !toad 52, South Dorchester Township Lots 7 - 24 inclusive, Concession XII Count;y Road 52, Lo'ts 8 - 24 inclusive, Concession X Lo'ts 8 -- 20 inclusive, Range II North of Edgeware Road Coun'ty Road 42, Lots 11 & 12, Concession I ßayham, no\~ Village of Port Burwell. . I~' READ a first time this 19th day of J'anuary , 1967 READ a second ,time this 19th day of January , 1967. READ a third time, and finally passed, this 19th day of January, 1967. t(.) IV, a Warden '.