1958 - '-"~'--' -" ::;':,:.:,;j COQNTY OF EL(!IN BY-LAW NO. 1958 RESPECTING THE WEIGHT OF LOADS TO BE CARRIED ON VEHIC~ WHEREAS subseotion 8 of Section 54 of the Highway Traffio Act (R.S.a. 1960, Chapter 172) provides that: The municipal corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over any highway, may declare that the provisions of subsections 4 and 5 do not apply to any or all of the highways under I its jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS restriotion of loads is not deemed necessary for ~he proteotion of certain highways in the Municipality of the County of Elgin; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. The provisions of subsections 4 and 5 of Section 54 of the Highway Traffic Act do NOT apply to the highways named hereunder: County Road .E!:.2.!!! ' !2 (a) No. 2 County Road 3 The west limit of Lot 8 opposite Conc. VIII and IX, Twp. of Aldhorough Approximately i mile (b) No.3 Kingls Hwy. No. 3 Kingls Hwy No. 401 Approximately 6 miles (c) No. 8 County Road 15 Kingls Hwy No. 401 Approximately 1 mile (d) No.9 County Road 14 Road Allowance between Lot 23 Ô' Lot 24 Twp. of Dunwich Approximately 1.5 Miles (e) No. 13 County Road 15 County Road 14 Approximately 5.8 miles (f) No. 14 King's Hwy No.3 Thames River Approximately 6.2 miles (g) No. 15 King's Hwy No. 3 North limit of the " Village of Dutton Approximately 3.5 miles (h) No. 20 King I s Hwy No. 3 Kingls Hwy No. 401 Approximately 3.0 miles (i) No. 23 Hwy No. 4 Hwy No. 4 in the Lot 2, Conca 2 Village of Port Stanley Yarmouth Approximately 1.6 miles , · , J t ~ I ~ ~ !t C JI Ii I f I 'I I I: ,~ ¡ ¡, II ! Ii ,I Ii. !, ill' Ii !! --;.,-,~" :,,<~- ~"'--'~''''''-'''''''-~'''7,-~--, --','. -_-'___~ ~~ BY-LAW NO :1958 -2~ Coun'éy Road !2:2!!! 1& (j) No. 24 County Road No. 23 Hwy No. 73 Approximately 10.6 miles (k) No. 25 King's Hwy No.3 Middlesex County Line Approximately 4.7 miles (1) No. 27 Hwy No. 4 ,County Road No. 36 Approximately 6.1 miles (m) Ne. 32 Kingis Hwy. No. 73 Main Gate of Ontario 0 Police College Approximately 2.0 miles (n) No. 36 Cóunty Road No. 27 CeuntyRead No. 24 Appreximate1y 2.2 miles (0) No. 39 County Read No. 42 Lake Erie Approximately 0.9 miles (p) No. 40 Road Allowance Road Allowance between Between Conc. III Cone. IV & V Ma1ahide & IV Ma1ahide Approximately 1.0 miles (q) Ne. 42 Hwy No. 73 Hwy No. 19 Approximately 10.3 miles (r) No. 44 Hwy No. 3 Hwy No. 19 Approximately 3.8 miles (s) No. 45 Hwy No. 73 County Road Ne. 40 Approximately 207 miles (t) No. 45 County Road No. 40 Houghten Town1ine APproximately 12.0 miles (u) No. 52 Hwy No. 73 Road 40 Approximately 2.7 miles (v) N<!I. 53 King1s Hwy. No. 3 Beech street Elm Street (w) N<!I. 53 King's Hwy No. 73 Elm Street Beech Street 2. TaAT By-Law No. 1915 <!If the County of Elgin be, and the same is hereby repealed. 3. This By-Law shall no't become effective until approved by the Department of Transport. ENACTED AND PASSED this 19th day of January ,1967. ~ Warden <