1973 t Court of Re'.vision day or portion thereof while acting as Chairman of a sitting of the COurt of Revision shall be paid an additional $2 . 50 for each one half place of residence to t he place mileage at the rate",of of the sitting; the Chairman of the of Revision plus .10¢ per mile each way from his one half day or portion thereof while sitting as a member of the Court Towns, and Villages within the County of Elgin be paid $15 . 00 for each 4. Tha't each member of the Court of Revision for the Townships. of their number to be Chairman of the Court 3. THAT the members of the Court of Revision shall select one Mr. Kenneth ~"i11iamson, Aylmer, Ontario Mr Noble Tufford, R. R. 1, St Rodney, . Thomas, On-tario, Ontario, Mr . Philip Sch1eihauf, R R . 2, By-Law members of the Court of Revision - constituted by Section (1) of this 2. THAT the following persons be, and are hereby appointed the limits of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for the year, 1967 is hereby constituted for the Townships, Towns, and Villages within 1. THAT a Court of Revision consisting of three members be, and of Elgin enacts as fo110'~s NOW THEREFORE, the COlIDci1 of the Corporation of the County of Elgin has passed a by-law under Section 93a of the Assessment Act AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County Village in the County " by-law one or more Courts of Revision for each Township, Town , and Council of the County shall, in each subsequent year, constitute by of Section 93a appointing a County Assessment Commissioner, the 'Where a by-law WHBREAS Section is passed in any year under subsection 65a (l) of the Assessment Ac't states : 2 Remunera'ti.Q!2 Pursuant to Section 65a of the Assessment_Act " of El oint i:J!.e Members Thereof and to Desi ate Their TowIl1 Bein£\'......§l anò Villa BY-Law To Constitute_,-ª...Court of Revision for each Townshi e W'ithin the Limits of the Corporation of the County r-' "-~,.._~ ",!ilþ'-','" ".. ' b:'_",i",',',.- ", ".., '~>" COUNTY OF By-Law No ELGIN 1973 ,----~ ---'-'~'-'-"'-----~ day of June, 1967. day of June, 1967. passed this 21st day of June, 1967 (;?~ Warden ------- /~ C: k -, .--- " READ a third time, and finally r'..'" ,;-~----,;""""" -,,", , ~: 'c';)..,',.-",.., ..', ~,,"'>'.-;-':'>, /<": I " .-..'~:"--',~"'--..'.- READ a READ a first time this ~-(2) second time this -",,""----_._- 21st 21st ---,-.-..-----.-----