1989 ':. ,";' --1'¡-_._~--____\__ __.___~ ~_,_~ _~ ______ __ _ ___.__~, COUN'£y OF ELGIN BY-LAW' NO. 1989 "Being a By-J>a\~ to Establish the Normal Retirement Agé for Employees of the County of E1f.!:in." WHEREAS it is deemed advisable 'to establish the normal re- 'tirement age for employees of the County of Elgin. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the normal retirement age for employees of the County of Elgin shall be Sixty Five (65) Years. 2. 'fHAT an employee of 'the County of Elgin having reached the normal retirement age may, at the pleasure of the Elgin County Council, continue his or her employment on a yearly basis. 3. THAT any and all By-Laws or resolutions that are inconsis- tent with this By-Law be and the same are hereby repealed. READ A First 'fime this 22 d¡¡-y of November, 1967. READ A Second Time this 22 day of November, 1967. READ A 'fhird Time and finally passed this 22 day of November, 1967. t?ú/~ --------- < "'arden" i , , ~ j I \ / + ~: !r ,",-,'