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BY-LAW No. 1996
Being a By-Law 'to Adjust the Salary of the Assessment Commissioner
of the County of El,gin."
WHEREAS ,the salary of the Assessment Commissioner of ,the
County of Elgin waEJ established by By-Law No. 1947.
AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to adjuEJt the said
N01il THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County
of Elgin enacts as follows:
1. THAT the salary of ~IT. Hector ~IcLean, Assessment Com-
missioner of the County of Elgin be Ten Thousand, Seven Hundred
Dollars ($10,700.00) per annum, payable semi-monthly.
2. THAT By-Law No. 1947 be, and the same is hereby repealed.
3. Tt~T this By-Law shall take effect on December 31st.,
1967, at 12 O'clock midnight.
READ a First Time this 22 day of November, 1967.
READ a Second Time this 22 day of November, 1967.
READ a Third Time, and finally passed this 22 day
of November, 1967.
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C1e / Warden.