By-Law No. 2003
Tø A ,oint a Countv Road Committee"
As required by the Highway Act, the Elgin County Council
THAT the following five members øf this Council constitute
a Cømmittee for the purpose of directing the work to be done on the
County Road System:
J. B. Wilson for Term of One Year
W. R. Caverly for Term of Twø Years
John Wise for Term of Three Years
D. Gilchrist for Term of Føur Years
F. F. Moore for 'Term of Five Years
THAT By-l,aw No. 1953 be, and is hereby repealed.
READ a first time this 17th day of January, 1968.
READ a second time this 17th day of January, 1968.
READ a third time, and finally passed, this 17th day
of January, 1968.
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I Clerk Warden