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By-Law No. 2005
"k By-Law To Set The Total Ae:e:ree:ate Valuations for Apportion-
ment of Cøunty Rate in the County of EllIin in 1968."
The Cauncil øf the Carporatiøn of the County of Elgin enacts:
THAT tile fol1øwing be the valuations far County Rate purpøses
in the County of Elgin for 1968:
Aylmer $8,102,540.00 13.572803%
Belmønt 825,315.00 1.382509%
Duttøn 1,067,342.00 1.787936%
Port Burwell 863,270.00 1.446089%
Port Stanley 3,199,763.00 5.360017%
Rodney 1,250,715.00 2.095109%
springfield 377,285.00 .632001%
Vienna 360,293.00 .603537%
West Lorne 1,305,499.00 2.186880~
Aldbørough 5,280,790.00 8.846006%
Bayham 5,855,971.00 9.809509%
Dorcilester South 2,002,760.00 3.354882%
Dunwich 4,387,680.00 7.349931%
Malahide 8,014,030.00 13.424537%
Southwøld 7,272,880.00 12.183015%
Yarmøuth 9.530.750.00 15.965239%
$59,696,883.00 100.000000%
READ a first time this 18th day af January, 1968.
READ a second time this 18th day of January, 1968.
\ READ a third time and finally passed, this 18th day of
January, 1968.