By-Law No. 2020
TH'S COUNCIl, of the Corporation of the County of Elgin
enacts as follows:
For the purpose of this By-law:
PA~K means the standing of a vehicle, whether' occupied
or not, otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of
and while actually engaged in load~ng or unloading.
S'fRE].:t...Q£].....HJG!II'JAY includes a common or public highway,
street, avenue, parkway, driveway, squar..e, place, bridge,
viaduct or trestle, designed and intended for or used by,
the general public fot' the passage of vehicles:.
VEHICLE includes a motor vehicle, trailer, traction
engine, farm tractor, roadbuilding machine and any
vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind or power,
includ ing muscular power, but; not including the cars of
electric or steam railways running only upon rails.
COUNTY ~OAD-1i is the Road Allowance known as Main Street,
in the Village of Dutton.
COUNTY.ROAD 16 is the Road Al10\vance kno,m as Talbot
Road East Branch opposite Lots 18 and 19, in the Township
of Southwold.
COUNTY ROAD 20 is the Road Allowance between ¡,ats 18 and
19, North and South of the Talbot Road East Branch, and
North of the Talbot Road North Branch, in the Township of
SOuthwo Id.
COUNT'( RaPiD 27 is the Road Allowance and 'I:;he road allowance
as widened between Concession IIT and IV in the Township of
COUJJTY ROAD 40 is. the Road Allowance between Lots 20 and 21,
'1n Concession IX and X of the Village of Springfield (formerly
the Township of Malahide)
Fa",.. 2
A restriction on County Road 16 and Coun'ty Road 20, in
the police Village of Fingal:
NO PERSON shall park a vehicle on County Road 16
,áthin 1000 feAt of the limit of County Roa.d 20 or on
County Road' 20 within 1000 feet of ·the limit of County
Road 16 unless on the rigJrt side of the street
having regard for the direction in which the vehicle
has been proceeding and unless thè righ"t front and
right rear wheels or runners of the vehicle are parallel
to and distant respec·tively not more than 6 inches from
the edge of tho roadwa.y.
(b) A restric"tion on County Road 15 in the Village of Dutton:
NO .1'ERSON shall park a vehicle on County Road 15 in ·the
Village of Dutton unless on the right side of the street
having regard for the direction in which the vehicle has
been proceeding and unless the righ"t front and right rear
wheels or runners of the vehicle are parallel to and
dis,tÐ.nt respectively not more than 6 inches' from the edge
of the roadwB.y.
V¡hen properly Nordod signs have boon erected and are
on display, no person shall park a vehicle on "the
highway or part of the highway known as:
(a) COUN:J.'Y Road 15 within 25 feet of the north limit of
Mary Street, in the Village of Dutton on the west side
of County Road 15.
(h) COUNTY Road 15 within 25 feet of the north limit of
Shackleton Street, in the Village of Dutton on the
west side of County Road 15.
(c) COUNTY Road 16 within ,90 feet of the east limit of
County H.oad 20 on the north side of Couu·ty Road 16
(d) COUNTY Road 16 wi"thin 30 feet of the east 1:i.mi·t of
,.CountyRoad 20 on the south side of County Road 16
(e) COUNTY Road 16 within 30 feet of the wes"t limit of
County Road 20 on the north side of County Road 16
COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO 2020 cent td P?!"'e 3
(f) COUNTY Road 16 wit;hin 30 feet of the west; limit of
County Roa.d 20 on the south side of Co,u~ty Ro::::.d 16..
(g) COUNTY Road 20 ",·it.h1n 50 feet from the north limit of
County Road 16 on the east side of County Road 20.
(h) COUNTY Road 20 ,V'ithin 30 feet from the north limi-t of
County Road 16 on the west side of Coun-ty Road 20.
(i) COUNTY Road 20 within 30 feet of -the sOLrth limit of
COllnty Road 16 on the east side of COImty Road 20.
(j) COUNTY Road 20 within 50 feet of the south limit of
County Road 16 on -the west side of County Road 20.
(k) COUNTY Road 20 within 100 feet of the north limit of
King's Highway No. 3 on the west side of County Road 20.
(1) COUNTY Road 27 opposite the v;esterly One Thollsand (1,000)
fee-t of Lot 18 Concession III.
(m) COUNTY Road 40 within 30 feet of the south limi,t of
County Road 52 on the east aÚd west sides of County
Road 40.
4. PENAVrIBS ....
ANY PERSON violating any of the provisions of this By-law.
shall be subject to a penalty of not more than Ten
Dollars ($10.00) for the first offence and not more than
Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for every subsequent offence,
exclusive of costs, and all such penalties shall be
recoverable under the Ontario Summary Convictions Act.
5, J.rr.::1A'\'œ No. 1817, 1873, 1979, and 1987 are hereby repealed
6. THIS BY-LA1Pl shall not become eff.ective until approved by
the Depar-tment of Transport for Ontario.
ENACTED AND PASSED this 22 day of }\jay , 1968
(Miss) M. Edmond
By-law Officer
/7l. ~.p--_d
Yours truly,
Copies of your letter and the by-law are to-day
being sent to Mr. K1einste,iber with a request for recommendations
respecting approval of the by-law. We will corréspond with you
again when the recommendations are forthcoming.
It is noted that you have forwarded information
relative to By-law 2021 to Mr. K. L. K1einsteiber of the Department
of Highways Bridge Office.
is enc losed
you enclosed
By-law 2020 has
This refers to your letter of May 29th, with which
two copies of each of the above-noted by-laws.
been approved
A copy
so endorsed
By-laws Numbers
2021 Count of
Dear Sir
Mr. R. G. Moore, P. Eng.,
Engineer and Road Superiritendent
County of Elgin
Cour t House
St. Thomas