2025 COUNTY OF EI.GIN By~Law No. 2025 'Bein~-ª-...JlY:..-L~:ro_ Set the ~,-il;¡' Rem~2.t.iof!.. to...12..~ Pa...oid 1t.2.J':I..£~JL'2:~'i_~f _i!þe.._ , El,gÜl. Coun'ty"'_C~;.£il....for.:._At:¡-"-endance a"c J:'lee"tin,gs of the El¡;i.1l.......County_..Ÿ..2..LlllC"'l and CO]~1!.ittees Thereof." nm COUNCn, OF THE CORPORATION OF T:iE COUNTY OF EI,GIN 'SNACrS as follows:: 1. THAT the following remunora"tion be paid to each member of the Elgin C'ounty Council, wi'th the exceFtion of the 1,o[arden, for attending meetings of the Council and Committees thereof, (a) For a'ttending meetings of the Elgin Coun"ty Council $20,00 per day. (b) For a't'tending a meeting of a Commit'tee when the said Committee holds forenoon and afternoon or afternoon and evening sessions on the same day $18.00. (c) For attending a meeting of a Committee when the said Committee holds a session in either the forenoon, the afternoon or the evening $12.00, 2. IN ADDITION to the above remuneration each member, with the exception of the Warden, shall be paid .1010 for each mile necessarily travelled in a'ttending such mcetings. 3. THA~? By-Law No. 1695, By-Law No. 1760, and By-Law No. 1809 be, and tho samc are hereby repealed. 4. TH1\'r' this By-I,aw become effective June 1, 1968. READ a. first time this 22nd day of Nay, 1968. READ a second time this 22nd day of Hay, 1968. ¡mAD a third time, and finally paSsed this 22nd day of ]\1':JY, 1968. -Æ''ff a ~')¡f -------------~ C ..'rk 1'larden