2028 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2028 'Being- a By-Law _To JuæQ.:in~~ a By-la1vEnforcement _-º-ff~ç~~::. for the Connt;y of El,gi~. II iMHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin deems it necessary to appoint a person with the authority to enforce certain County of Elgin By-Laws. AND '\'lHEREA,s, under Section 59 of the Police Act, Chapter 298, R. s. O. 1960, the authority is granted to appoint By-Law Enforcement Officers. NOW THEREFORE' the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. 'rHA'r Arthur Pike be, and is herehy appointed a By-Law EnforcemelTt O:fficer for the County of Elgin with authority to enforce By-Law No. 1817 and By-Law Nc. 2020 as it pertains to restricted parking on County of Elgin Road Number 27. 2. THJ\:'r the salary of Mr. Arthur Pike as County of Elgin By-Law Enforcemen-t Officer be $1,00 per annum. READ a first time this 22nd day of May , 1968. READ a second time this 22nd day of May, 1968. READ a -third 'time, and finally passed this 22n d day of Jv!ay, 1968, ~ ~ß~~ erk Warden