By-Law No. 2030
THE COUNCIL of the Cerporation of the County of Elgin enacts
as follows:
For the purpose of this By-Law:
PARK means the standing of a vehicle whether eccupied or not,
otherwise than temporarily for the purpose of and while
actually engaged in loadinger unloading.
STREET OR HIGHWAY includes a common or public highway, street,
avenue, parkway, driveway, sc¡uare.place, bridge, viaduct or
trestle, designed and intended for or used by. the general
public for the passage of vehicles.
VEHICLE includes a motor vehicle. trailer. traction engine, farm
tractor. roadbuilding machine and any vehicle drawn. propelled
er driven by any kind of power. including muscular pewer. but
not including the cars of electric or steam railways running
only up en rails.
COUNTY ROAD 2 is the Road Allowance known as Main street. in
the Village of West Lerne.
QQYNTY ROAD 53 is the Road Allowance knewn as (a) Elm Street
from Talbot Street (Highway No.3) to Beech Street. (b) Beech
Street from Elm Street to John Street (Highway No. 73), in the
Town of Aylmer.
When properly worded signs have been erected and are on display,
no person shall park a vehicle on the highway or part of the
highway knewn as:
(a) County Road No. 2 from the east limit of Wood Street westerly
800 Feet to the Chesapeake and Ohie Railway Spur, on the
north side ef County Road No. 2.
(b) County Road No. 53 (Elm Street) within 250 Feet of the
south limit of Beech Street. on the east and west sides of Elm
(c) COUIlty Road No. 53 (Beech street) from the west limit of John
COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2030 .continued Page 2
Street to the east limit of Elm Street, on ,the south side of
Beech Street.
(d) County Road No. 53 (Beech Street) within 40 Feet ef the
west limit of John Street, on the north side of Beech S~reet.
(e) County Road No. 53 (Beech Street) within the distance of
175 Feet and 325 Feet of the west limit of John Street, on
the north side of Beeoh Street.
ANY PERSON violating any ef the p~ovisions of this By-Law
shall be subjeot to a penalty of not more than Ten Dollars ($10.0C
for the first offence, and not more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00)
for every subsequent offence, exclusive of costs. and all such
penalties shall be recoverable under the Ontario Snnooary
Convictiens Act.
4. THIS BY-LAW shall not become effective until appreved by the
Department ef Transport for Ontario.
ENACTED AND PASSED this 18th day of June , 1968.
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