2039 'g ¡ I J¡ ~ I' !1 H' + r ",.-.~' ,~"':'"'co><'" '"."C.,.,..", Jr,.........,. j'~""'''''~>~------'~ ',--,---,~..,~-"-",,,,-----, 1.1'- , COUNTY OF ELGIf BY-LAH NO. 2039 "BEING A BY-LAH TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREE}ŒNT ~IITH THE NINISTER OF HIGHï,AYS FOR ONTARIO, RELATING TO A COUNTY ROAD NEEDS STUDY' IT IS HEREBY ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin - 1. THAT the \'arden and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement between the Minister of Highways for Ontario, and the Corporation of the County of Elgin, a copy of which is attached hereto and marked "AGREEMENT". READ a first, second, and third time, and passed this 19th day of November, 1968. a ~ :;¿¡~ ,lARDE}; ----- , i I: f ,\.l} vvorK" mean pi-eparation of 01' directed by pXt.~\;Ul...LUH Vl ~,eportin the )epartmcnt t,.1J. ;:) I,~A-'-'.)' manner pr.esc'rj bed /DP ATTACHED ENGINEER The attached agreement form has been signed by the Honourable G.E.Gomme1Minister of Highways for Ontario,as of December 18th, 196ö. Dear Sir Mr.R.G. Moore, County Engineer, County of Elgin, County B1dgs. St. Thomas, Ontario. ELGIN COUNTY RE: COUNTY ROAD NEEDS STUDY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS London-----Ontario Dec. 31, 1968 P. O. Box 217 .;.../"" "'v"" ii: /-/ON, Q.I:;~~f5T~R GOMM.F; ~- '..,'....""'. ~Ì¡- .... T. c. ...c...:.... DF.PuTY .....¡..'STE.. , \ Work" rncans the execution of the study a,nd the preparation of thp. report in the manner pre sc ribed or directed by the Department (I) 1 NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the ternlS and conditions herein contained the partie s hereto follows In this agreement lTIutually agree as AND WHEREAS the municipal.ity requ~sted a Consulting E!lgincer hereinafter referred to as the "Consultant"," to estimate costs to effect the study in accordance with Part I to Schedule "A" and the Consultant's Proposál.accepted by the municipality on the 7th day of MAY 1968 is attached hereto as Part II to Schedule "A" of this agreement AND WHEREAS the parties hereto have set up a Co-ordinating Conlmittee to direct the prosecution of the study whose Terms of Reference are attached hereto as Part 1 to Schedule A" of this agreement WHEREAS a1', agreement for ù8velopment and improvement of the the Department and the the preparation of a report road Municipality de sire to enter being a study of the öf the Municipality; systern into ,~ hereinafter called the Municipa1.ity OF THE CORPORATION OF',THE ELGIN COUNTY and the Department Province hereinafter c~lled a.s represented hel'ein by the HER MAJESTy' THE QUEEN in right .of thi!Pl'ovince Minister of Highways for of Ontario the said THIS AGREEMENT BETWEEN . , The Department may agre,e, upon the request of the to the enlarging of the Terms of Reference as set forth of Schedule "A" and to increased costs thereby incurred Municipality in Part 1 9 The Department shall pay the Municipality 75% of the Cost of the Work included in a road expenditure By-law under The Highway Improvement Act approved by the Department and the statement òf the Cost of the Work shall be submitted to the Department in the form prescribed by the Department 8 The Municipality invoices 5 year s shall keep the records, in connection with the Cost of the from the date of the com.pletion of the report accounts, vouchers and Work for a period of 7 inspection or' audit The Municipality shall maintain a separate record of the Cost of the Wor.k in a form and manner satisfactory to the Department and the accounts and records with respect t,o the Work may be and audited by the Department, and the Municipality shall reasonable assistance to the Department with regard to inspected give all such 6 The Municipality shall the printed report 5 supply the The Municipality shall supply to the inventory data assessment projections, and fixed costs as prescribed by the Department on or before the 30th day of June, 1969 Department with 20 copie s of 4 The Municipality shall such pãrts of the Work as the prescribed by the Department Department the from time to time furnish to the Departrnent Department requires in the form 3 The Municipality agree s to have this the last day of August 1970. 2 work completed on or before Payroll costs of the Municipality" means the direct salaries of the staff of the Municipality while solely employed on the Work, plus provision for vacations with pay, statutory holidays, unemployment insurance where applicable, workmen's compensation, pension plan. and sick leave benefits, where such benefits are regularly paid by the Municipality and an allowance of 10 cents, per mile of travel for -necessary transportation (Ill) (II) "Cost. of the Work" means, payments made by the Municipality to the Consultant as set forth in Schedule "A"; expenditc¡res made by the, Municipality during and as part of the 'Work to obtain traffic data not provided by the Departrnent; the cost of printing the report and the payroll costs, of.the Municipality for such parts of the Work executed directly by the Municipality . 2 - . 3 The parties to this Agreement, by their officers duly authorized in that behalf, have signed and affiXE>d thE>ir s"eals below to witness their accE>ptance of the tE>rms and conditions,containedhE>rÚn, Signed and sE>alE>d this 18th day of December , 1968 ' for thE> . nE>partmE>nt. (SE>a1) ~~-...,.."" . /'./ - - . r>0;--rj~ MiniSfer of Highways for-Ontar·,. SignE>d and sE>alE>d this 19th day of November 1968, for thE> Municipality SE>a1) a. (i. /J&{~¿G-VI?V WardE>n .~ ¡ Routine traffic counting shall bù dOI)e by the Depa rtment Ontario and estimates of the Annual Average Daily Tr,,££ic will be pl'ovided of Highways, (A.A.D.T ) Phase 1 --- Traffic GENERAbDESÇRIPTION OF Countin TEE PH1'.SES , (5) preparation of a report on the foregoing (4) estimates of future revenues estimates of probable and adminï.stration COSlS. county road department, policies which effect the county and maintenance, machinery replacement costs review of the organization of the a l'eview of regulatory by-laws and road system, a and (3) classüication ,and inventory of the present and desirable county road systems and estimation of con;struetion needs, (Z) (1) traffic counting, The work shall be divided into five major phases as follows The consulting engineer shall be required to work under the supervision of a co-ordihating committee . immediate '1he Road Committee of the Council of the County of ELGIN requires the services of a qualified consulting engineer to ass(~·i.i;;:-updatir;g- the 1',1601 Needl3 Study data of the county road system (including those roa'ds under the ,iurisdîction of ßuburban Commission(eO ) for the 1970 - 1974 pro- gramrning period a.nd in ca.rrying out a detailed study of the needs for the second five year period, 1975-1979; the estimation of revenues that will be available to meet those 'needs; the development of a method to diree t anticipated revenues to the areas of greatest need; and the preparation of a formal report to County Council summarizing the findings of these studieô Dear Sil'(s) REQUESTING A. !'1. Spriet & Aeeociate., 264 WelUngton Street, Lonclon. Ontario. (Name ,lnd Address of Consulting Engineer) A PROPOSAL SAMPLE LETTER TO A CONSULTING ENGll"¡EER ·¡;;'ÿ11,t:UI.;.l.;.L..~ ~-~-~---- .~-_._._-- .--,~~~_.,-~--~---"-- ~ on the completion of the report All ori~inals of papers the County of BLGIR work sheets and fo'l''ms shall become the property of and shall be given to the Co-ordinating Committee The Co-ordinating Committee will provide the consulting enginaer with work sheets, proced\1re manuals .and other necessary items and data " Ii 1 , 111 The consulting engineer shall provide staff acceptable to the Co -ordinating Committee, office accommodation, equipment, material and transportation when necessary, and he shall supervise the printing of the report. The cost of printing the report will be a charge to the County of !LGIN and shall not be included in the cons~lting engineer"s fees I: GENERAL A report shall be prepared by the consulting engineer in accordance with an outline prepared by the co-ordinating committee and the Department of Highways, Ontario. Phase 5, Preparation of the Report lì I:"'::' These estimates shall' be prepared in accordance with procedures developed ~y the Department of Highways, Ontario Where necessary assistance will be given by the co-ordinating committee Phase 4, These estimates shall be prepared in accordance with procedures developed by the Department of Highways, Ontario and with the' assistance and advice of the county engineer and the co-ordinating committee Estimates of Future Revenues The inventory and construction estimates shall be prepared according procedures prepared by the Department of Highways, Ontario. Where necessary unit costs will be supplied by the county engineer Phase 3 Estimates of Probable Future Macllinei-y Replacement Costs Maintenance Overhead and rl I' ~ , u < 'j I : 1 Phase Z, Inventor of the Present of Constructi.on Costs to stems and Estimates in co-operation with the County of Elgin The consultant,1shall review the adequacy of the routine counts and shall make recommendations to the co-ordinating committee regarding the nec'essity of obtaining supplementary counts on roads carrying high seasonal volumes and on roads in urban areas 15 The existing county road system of the County of of'OO miles of road (including the roads ELGIN consists uJ'lder the direction of the ,;~ ;j ;, :~ " ~:~1 Inventor of the Present and Desi!able Systems and Estimates of Construction Costs Phase Z, i ,j ,~ ;~ .I ,j , \ , , ELABORATION OF PHASES Z If, during the course of the study, the Co-ordinating Committee alters these terms of reference the upset limit may be re -negotiated 3 4and5 Such fringe benefits shall exclude any bonus or profit sharing Payments will be made monthly syst<:m (8) sick leave allowance (7) approved pension: plan. and (6) group life insurance (5) health and medical insurance, (4) unemployment insurance (3) vacations with pay, (Z) ~ workmen's comp !nsation insurance 1 " ( 1) However the fee shall be limited by an upset figure above which no further payments shall be made. Direct salaries shall include' suèh fringe benefits as may be paid by the consulting engineer to his staff and may consist of payment for statutory holidays disbursements for staff expenses properly formance of the work (Z) incurred the per- " ij ] ! ! I '; .~ , the actual cost of direct salar and the actual cost of direct and ies of permanent staff salariesòf temporary in plus staff plus 1000/0. 50"/0, (1) The consulting engineer's fee shall be based on t?e following f'7"'"'' ,,,,\1<3' ,.'/,'.. ";r- , "'~ , j' f i METHOD OF PAYMENT 16 ~ ! I , " " ì ¡ t 1 , Machinery replacement costs shall b~ baséd on estimates of useful life of the various machines owned by the courity, and the current prices fOr re- placement. Increases in the volume of construction, or the standards of maintenance, and local knowledge of the capabilities of the present equipment shall be the basis upon which the need for additional equipment shall be made !I I! " , , l ) \ ¡ 1 , Estimates of future overhead costs shall be based on the projection of the historical record, as modified, where necessary, by the judgement of the Co-ordinating Committee. Such judgement will consider necessary expansion of the operation of the county's road department and increased costs if any due to increased construction and maintenance expenditures 1"1 ! I ',I 1 I 1 'I " \! 'I ;IJ: -j Future maintenance costs shall be estimated from past expenditures, local knowledge of the adequacy of past maintenance standards and of the present and probable future maintenance demands.. The est.imates shall be compiled from estimates of desirable expenditures per mile Estimates of Replacement Probable Costs Phase 3, Maintenance, Overhead, and Machinery I. !,; 'I' Estimates of construc"tion costs shall not require the measurement of quantitiès. The county engineer will supply unit costs of various work items as a basis for estimating future costs. Construction costs are to be estimated in the field so that special conditions which will effect the cost of construction may be allowed for Appraisal sheets covering the presxnt road system, the desirable county roads not in the present system and each bridge under or proposed for county jurisdiétion located on the present or desirable county road system or on a local road within a county, shall be completed according to instructions in the manual supplied. This appraisal requires that each section of road be driven over at least three times and each bridge be ex- amined at least once. The appraisal of STRUCTURAL ADEQUACY shall be carried out in the Spring of 1969. Before the inventory is carried out the consultant shall identify a desirable county road system by application of the cr,iteria for cotmty roads in both rural and 'urban areas, ~ j suburban commÍ£;sion(x> >. In addition, the county wishes to obtain iniorm" tion on some 10 miles of road now under local jurisdiction which the county feel could possibly meet the criteria for desirable county roads. On this total mileage are located 42 bridges, and a further 17 bridges under county supervision are located on vadous local roads within the county, 17 (3) desirable revisions to the county road system and the timing of these (2) the methods used in the study, (1) The report shall the background and purpose of the report, include: The finding of the Committee shall be compile,d in a report prepared by the consulting engineer, which shall conform to a formi!;t prepared by the Co- ordinating Committee and the Department of Highways Ontario Phase 5 Preparation of the Report The Department of these estimates Highways, Ontario will supply a guide for preparing St. Thoma. In addition estimates of the future assessment(s) of the City(" of Vie_, f_~.<'Ayl_r VlLLAØI8 of I 904..,. ... Port ....t Burwo1l Lorø. Duttou, Port Stauley, Bel_ut:, SpriugUalcl, Á14lboro.llI. Du_ch. a" ..,. Hal,hide. 'I.'OWt'SRl" of. So.th_14. Ya_th, South Dorche.ter, The municipalities to be considered are The el/timate of future county assessments will be còmpiled from estimates of the future population of the municipalities in the èounty that contribute to the county road system multiplied by the current assessment per person value s . Phase 4 Estimates of Future Revenue Estimates shall be made in accordance with procedures laid down manual supplied by the Department of Highways, Ontario 18 in a ~ J available construction funds arrang...nt 18 ftc.had from other tables, maps, charts committee may direct (10) 11) graphs and diagralTIs as at the selected mill rate, and after the Ontario Department of Highway., the co-ordinating financial (9) total need~ by time pe riod s and available funds at various mill ra te s (8) />' machinery replacement Rched,lle 1 6 5 ye 10 v :1 :i :: ;.~ (7) tables of fixed costs and construction needs by timlS perivds now (6) past and future asse ssments 0.£ the county 1 I ~. I 1 5) past bridge inventory numbers priority ratings, and'future assessments of the cities and scpara ted towns (4 msc and the road· inventory section numbers A.A.D.'C s and the priority ratings (3) 2) the present suburban road system(s) traffic counter - stations with proposed pre sent ! 1 i I 'I i I i j (1) the present county road classification revisions system with proposed revisions showing The or in following table s information shall be shown on maps drawings or charts (11) methods of other and keeping the study data under review recommendations respecting regulatory by-laws and policies, and special problems identified during the course of the study (10) n ~ I :1 (9 a financial plan of action 1 6 5 yel\! ra 10 yearl (8) dollar value and priority of needed work. by time periods now 7 6) anticipated future assessments of the county organization of the county road departmen't 5 4 future revi s ions to the maintenance suburban road system 9 overhead and machinery s) and replacement the timing of the s 8 costs ~\ i I i! :1" !; ;1 '\ \. il ~ (4) the upset limit you propose the names of persons you propose to engage their qualifications (and proposed saJ.aì:y), (3) (2) for the study the names of persons on your staff and available for the their quó.lifications (and thei; direct salary as of the date of proposal), and study and your (1) the qualifications of your firm tions of the Department of as Highways they relate Qntario the recommen<;lac appended hereto Your submission should cover the to following points Ontario Court House c/oR.G. Moor!..., County Engineer County of In in Co-ordinating Committee The Chair If you are prepared to undertake this of your proposal to - man work, please All appraisal sheets, other needs data and estimates of future assessments shall be submitted to the Department of Highways Ontario for tabulation and analysis not later than June 30 1969. submit 2 copies A was ant considerable anlOunt of the data necessary to complete Phases 2 3 and 1 tabulated for the 1964 study and the,se data are available to the consult- Consideration shoulcl be given to this when preparing the proposal It should be noted that two items of policy will have to be decided by county c.öuncil. These are the desirable changes to the county road syEtem, and the clesirable level of the county mill rate for roads. The latter item should not be referred to council until early in 1970 at which time an effective mill rate for the 1970 -74 Pl'ogramming periocl can be calculated. These decisions may require some time and the consulting engineer should make due allow "nee for this 20 ¡ ,<, I 'O"""':"_~:.._;::::;:r' County Engineer R.G. MOOR!. Yours truly Samples' of other reports prepared by your firm may be submitted at your option (7 other points you deem worthy of your cstimate of the cost and the approximate man-hours to complete each of the various study phases and mention (6) (5) conditions under which the upset 21 limit shall be re -negotiated ~ I~ ~'ÆI!J I'W '.!') , ,I !/I ~. i ...J . ~ , ~ 1.::',.... '-::- , , i I ',"'. '>""":{? . A \ AA4\ M. SPRIET C·:;';¡:···-·:¡ AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED A."§] ~__,J,.,.." 264 WELLINGTON STREET, LONDON, ONT., TE\.. 498-2943 f&i¡:¡' CONSULTING ENGINEERS May 7, 1968 The Cha Irman, Co-ord Inat Ing Committee County of Elg In c/o Mr.'R. G. Moore, County Engineer Court House ST. THOMAS, OntarIo , Re: The County of Elgin Road Needs Study Gent I emen: We are pleased to present our proposal to complete the up- dating of the 1964 Road Needs Study. It ~Iould appear from the "Methods Manual" Volume I, County Road Needs Study 1969 and the terms of ref~rence that the methods and the format of the study have not changed apprecIablY. I expect that much of the work will be similar although somewhat more familiar than the 1964 Needs St ucty. We have on file many of the maps and overlays, which were used In the 1964 st udy. These wll I be of some assistance in completing the proposed study. Since the 1964 study, salaries have risen appreciably. The Increases tend to offset any saving that might arise In carry Ing out the 1969 report. In accordance with your, request, we aubmlt the following: (I) ;~, ,j. Quallflcat Ions of the, FIrm We were fortunate to be chosen by the County of Elgin In 1964 to complete the County of ElgIn Needs Study. We trust our past, per forman ce will provIde sufficient InsIght Into the qual ificatfons of our firm. (2) Persons on Staff Our staff has grown apprecIably since the 1964atudy. Att ached to this submission Is a schedule of personnel with thefr respectIve salarIes. The schedule shows the method of calculation used to arrive at payrol I costa. .... 2 WE DESIGN BUILDINGS . BRIDGES. ROADS . SEWERS t ,,.,:1 11 ~ .j ~ u 1 ~ "I 1 j I . A. M. SPRIET & ASSOCIATES LIMITED 2 (3) We propose to use severa of the personne st ed In the above sched ute. They wi work under the supervision of W. E. Kelley, p, Eng. and myself. Any temporary or summer help which i$ employed by our firm and who is working on the study wi II be charged at a I essor rate (1.5 x payrol I costs) . (4) On ~he basis of the terms of ref~rence and the present salary scale, we propose that the upset I imlt for the studY be $18,000.00. It wi II be our sincere endeavour to complete the report as efficiently as possible. Any savings which result wit I accrye to the county, (5) The upset limit should be renegotiated upon the following cond It lonsl (a) The ext ent of the st udy Is appreciably altered. (b) The number of mIles of road to be Investigated Is appreciablY Increased. (6) I estimate the man hours and the cost to complete each phase of the study as followsl Man Hour !Æ! Pha se I Traffic Counting 50 $ 600.00 Phase 2 Inventory of the Present and Proposed Systems and Estimates $4,800.00 of Construct Ion Costs 400 , ,.' " ' ,,',,' '\ Phase 3 Est Imat e s of ProbabJ~ FÚ,ture', Ma Intenance' and Overhead 'and Mac~lnery Repiacement Costs 200 $2,400.00 Phase 4 Estimates of Future Revenues 200 $2,400.00 Phil se 5. Preparation of the Report 600 $7,200.00 I tru$t the foregoing will outline sufficiently the paints mentlar¡ed In the terms of reference. We look forward to working with the Courlty to update the Ir present Road Needs Study. It Is our pleasure to be of service. Yours trulY, A. M. SPRIET & ASSOCiATES LTO n AMSlmm Ú' /} I ¡Jr~J A. M Spriet, P Eng Ene CALCULATIONS FOR THE PAYROLL SUMMARY Notes ( year = 52 weeks @ 37~ hrs. = 1,950 hours Less 10 statutory hol idays 75 hours Less 10 vacatIon days 75 hours· Actual Working T!me 1,800 hours assuming no O.T Sick Leave Assume 18 days or 135 hours .p,er year (2) Basic Hourly Rate = ~6.646. 16 = $3.69 1,800 (3) Fringe Benefit $urcharge = ~1.508.72 = $.84 ' 1,800 . Examol e: John Smith works 2,000 hrs, for cl ient in one year Charge $4.53 x 1,800 = $8,154.00 (Surcharge x 1,800 hrs '( , ¡t.:_<,", \ " 4 'I 1·,;:,:·::!·,__".oo·, ,__ _', ':. $3.69 x 200 = $ '738.00 (Normal 'tIme x 'ZOO hrs,) $8892.00 ~ . ¿ \ ! ! II $ 3. ï,': $ - 0 .;S....: $ 20'- ..' 1 $ 3.13 .! $ 2.9:' I $ ~ '" I :> ~ "1._.- I $ .3.6:. \' $ 1;85 $ 3. ïC , $ 3.9\ - $, 4 "<7 - .-' $ 3.6~ $ 3. If " $ 2.14 $ 8;22 $ 9.1; $L~.P9 \ $ 5.4~ $ 2.57 :1; 2.I!f· . ! $ 1.61 I $ 2.6 í \ ; 4.2' I Tot" : R~te per hour $ .63 $ .74 $ .53 $ .55 $ .52 $ .72 $ .70 $ .35 $ .69 $ .71 $ .77 $ .60 $ .63 1·14 ! ;30' 1.42 $1.83 $ .92 $ .17 $ .i4 $ . II $ .47 $ .21 \ . ( Surcharge ~ for Fringe Benef its 'per hour' I I \ I \ '," I ! . r \ $1,1,27.80. 1$ 3.07 $1,279.80 $ 3.20 $ 888.44 $ 2.43 $ 914.32 1$ 2.58 $ 931.12 I $ 2.40 $1,292.08.. \1 $ 3.20 $1,252.68 $ 2.93 $ 631.59 $ 1.50 $1,241.80 $ 3.07 $1,279.80, \$ 3.20 $1,393.80 $ 3.60 $1,082.l,3,r~,3.08 \ $1, 138.68 [ $ 2.53 $ 258.28 $ 2,00 $2,340.87,' $:6.92. $2,560.09 $ 7.69 $3,290.87 $10.26 $1,658.85 $ 4,53 $ 302.32 $ 2.40 $ 258.28$ 2.00 \.$ 191.79 $ 1.50 ,'$ 847.66 $ 2.14 $ 381.00 $ 4.00 Bas Ic Hour 1 Y Rate , Tota I Cost' of all Ftlnge Benef Its I I I \ \ \ \ , "\ ,',. -.:,. -~ J__ 1 I $ 96.00 , __ $96.00 I $48.88 $ 48.00 I $48.88 $ 48.00 I $48.88 $ 48.00 1 $48.88 $ 96.00 I $48.88 $ 96.00 I $37.44 $ 48.00 \ ______ $ 96.00 _- $ 96.00 \ __'- $ 96.00 , ____ $ 48.00 I . $ I' $48.88 96.00 $48.88 --- I . $ 96.00 $190.80 I _____ $ 96.00 $190.80 I _____ $ 96.00 $190.80 ¡ .,..-__ $ 96.00 $190.80 \ $48.88 ----- $48.88.--- ,---- $37.44 --- I 1 $48.88 $ 48.00 $' 76.80 \ ------ -- , \ \ [ \ $ 76.80 $190.80 $ 76.80 $ 76.80 $ 76.80 $154.20 $190.80 $ 76.80 $190.80 $190.80 $190.80 $ 76.80 $190.80 Mldd. , Ins. .. ant .' Hòsp. U.I.C. . , ! 1 , , 1 , ~ \ I $8'1.00$ 414.00 $81.00'...; $ 432.00 $68.76 $ 306.00 $73.44.---$ 306.00 $73.44 $ 324.00 $81.ÖO '- $432.00 $81.00" $ 396.ùO $41 . 85"'i~;)¡7$ 202.50 $81 .00i$ 414.00 $81 .00Y.$ 432.00 $81.00'/ $ 486.00 $81.00 $ 415,39 $8I,OO~' $ 342.00 $59.40 ,. -- $81.00 ($ 934.61 $81.00"..,'",:\. $1038.45, $81.00 f $1384.61 $81.00; $ 611.55 $73.44" /' $59.40 \ ---- $4185 . -----....... $64.08 $ 288.90 $81.00 ' -- Slck< 'Leave Canada Pension $230.00 $240.00 $i70.00 $180.60 $180.00 $240.00 $220.00 $112.50 $230.00 $240.00 $270.00 $230.77 $190.00 $150.00 $519.23 $576.92 $769.23 $:339..75 $1}80.00 $150.00 _-$112.50 $160.50 . $300.00 10 stat. Ho I ¡days ,COST OFFRtNGE BENEFITS . ----- $160.50 ---- ------ --- $519.23 $576.92 $769.23 $339.75 ---- $230.00 $240.00 $170.00 $180.60 $180.00 $240.00 $220.00 $112.50 $230.00 $240.00 $270.00 $230.77 , $190.00 2 weeks Vacat ion I \. I \ ... .'2' i I $ 5,520.00 $ 5,760.00 $ 4,080.00 $ 4,334.40 $ 4,320.00 $ 5,160.00 $ 5,280.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 5,520.00 $.5,760.00 $ 6,480.00 $ 5,538.46 $ 4,560.00 $.3,750.00 $12,46.1 .54 $13,846.15 $18,461.54 $ 8,154.00 $ 4,500,00 j>C3,750.00 $,2,BI2.50 $ 3,1322.00 $ 7,200.00 Basic salary costs without vac.Qr stat. _.__0 ho I nräys .J .' Yearly Salary based on 1800 hrs. actual working time Inc4uding 2 wks.vac; &10 days stat. hol. $ 5,980.00 $ 6,240.00 $ 4,420.00 $ 4,680.00 $ 4,680.00 $ 6,240.00 $ 5,720.00 $ 2,925.00 $ 5,980.00 $ 6,240.00 $ 7,020.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 4,940.00 $ 3,900.00 $13,500.00 $15,000.00 $20,000.00 $ 8,.832;00 $ 4,680.00 $ 3,900:00 $ 2,925.00 $ 4,160.00 $ 7,800.00. . ~- ,,: 'f , ~ " ~msaY 'de ~~UIIOU9h ) [MaY I ) ~er 'idamour 'ibbons if:.,. tllllman ¡oward ¡(¡swami ) ~,Apr. 1 ) Wnold gob inson ~nsell ~.Kelley t. DeVos ~;Spriet Dunn ~pr i et !!usse I I NCkham !friesman perksen ,,".