2052 II· ,:,'~-"~_"-,"~~,,¡¡;...,,-:,-,_.~.:...c--...=c;;:= , Warden (J, f3~'fA~ (!J!el/UÞ - .-- November, 1968 . READ a third time, and finally passed this 20th day of READ a second time this READ a first time this 20th 20th day of November, day of November, :1.968 1968 . at 12 0 1 clock midnight 3 THAT this by-law shall become effective December 31st, 1968, 2 THAT By-Law No 1997 be and the same is hereby repealed. bi-weekly County of Elgin be Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000,00) per annum, payable 1. 'fHAT the salary of the Deputy Assessment Commissioner of the enacts as follows THE COUNCIL of the Corporation of the County of Elgin 'B eiQg-ª-..nY.::' LaJ:{ 'f 0 Ad.iust the Sala£.Y.... of De f or_ the .J;:ountJ!:_2L_Elgin. the gt 1/ Ase~~ent Commissi2E~ r" ;;-",~ :,,' ',' I r' ',"¡" ~, " , .-'-''''' . '_~_',.".'--~..,,"":-'\. By-Law .,;'..,.,....,-~ COUNTY OF ELGIN No ".-~-~.",.... 2052 -:-"".~...-. _. . "-"-'~-.~.-.~-,,..,.--., "