2062 --~£~ C1e~ ~ a ~)rcL4~ Warden November, 1968 . READ a third time, and finally passed this 20th day of READ READ a first a second time this 'time this 20th 20th day of November, day of November, 1968 1968. . Corpora'tion of 'the County execute an Agreement between the of Elgin attached hereto and marked Schedule Health hereby authorized to Registration Insurance/Board and the A." 2. THAT the Warden and Clerk be and are Coun:ty of Elgin Employee Group 1. THAT Mr G. C . I.everton be designated the Collector for the Elgin enacts as follows NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of the Conn-toy of Heal AND WHEREAS it is necessary to Registrai~i on th Insurance/Board and the County of Elgin Employee Group Elgin designating a Collectol' for execute an Agreement between the Ontario Medical WHEREAS the County Services Insurance Plan of Elgin has decided to parti cipate in the GrouE T9 SiE!Lß.n Agr<:§.'p£!!'£ \I)'1th ~þe lIeÜJ;l:L];nEJ,.!Q"al'!£.L.ßs:ogj.s:!?r.?tiQ!L.!?.2.-ª.r:Q :Q.£O'..ê i gn.iL~i1'\ß..S!.!~__1£'y_ertQ.!L¡~fU.:;.9.1 ~,pt..9r 1'22' th EL.,Ç.9..l!EJ;...Y.-..9L E lkLÌ!!_ E!!lJ?l.9.Y~"§. .. Beif!g..,,£L!1Y:::J.-ªl"._ To__ A!.!!:hQ!'_:i-ze_J;h e_11.?_rden_,3nd__qe.r:!<_ of ~h.~__ COllESY_,.2.J_ E:1,gi!! ..; ","",..,;,~"";/,..",~..,,,. .~~..r:7= \I-~'__ --'~ By-Law No. ,,- 2062 COUNTY OF EJ,GIN --, , r '" '-.---..-.;: .--.-~ ... The Group, the Collector, or any officer, employee or member of the Group shall not make any charge to the members in the said Group for any service or services rendered in the collection, administration,' reporting or remitting of medical services insurance premiums'of the participating members of said Employee Grodp; or any other such matters related to medical services insurance coverage llit 4 The Collector shall accept premiums from participating Group members and remit same to the Board ~nd theC?llector~hall likewise accept premiums from any new partictpattng Group member who is a resident of Ontario and who wishes to enrol in the Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan 3 2 The said Collector shall be the officer of the said Group with whom the Board shall deal in the administration respectirtg medical services insurance coverage for the members of the said Group ,and any notice addressed by the Board to the Collector at the address provided herein by tho'! Group for the collector shall be notice to the Group and its participating members Collector's address ST. Court House, THOMAS, Ontario Wellington St. The Board hereby designates @:. C. Leverton , oneÓf.the participating members of the Employee . ~rollPi;o~E!~he Collector for the said Group for purposesofpartictpattng in the Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan, namely, 1 NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that it is hereby understOod and agreed by and between the Board and the Employee Group and participating members thereof as follows: The Corporation of the County of hereinafter called the Employee OF Elgin Group THE SECOND· PART and THE HEALTH hereinafter OF THE FIRST PART BETWEEN MEMORANDUM of Novembergœ of Elgin OF AN AGREEMENT MADE THIS ,;,IoU day , at the City O~t. Thoili~~he County t i . ~, ',_....'~,.,. <""-', /,..,.,.,..",-~....~-- "'""""7J~'f,-- ".':----,..:-- ....,."~.:,r--,._...,._~.'.~~ - ~'_-~-,.- -'-o~~ SCHEDULE "A" -,'.-. ~\J~-"-"'-' '" ) ) ) C2 .~~!K~C.I.&~ ~.~ , Clerk Warden THE CORPORATION OP for Employee COUNTY OF ELGIN GROUP SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED) in the presence of ) ) ) ) ) THE for THE HEALTH INSURANCE REGISTRATION BOARD hands IN WITNESS and seals WHEREOF the said parties have hereunto set their 9 The provisions and terms used in this Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with ~he Medical Services Insurance Act, 1965, and the Regulations thereunder, This Agreement is subject to The Health Insurance Registration Board Act, 1967 8 This Agreement may be terminated by the respective parties thereto by written notice, Where the Agreement is terminated by the Group, written notice must be received by the Board at least thirty days prior to the date of the final premium remittance by the said Group 7 The said Group may make application to the Board to have the Collector designated under this Agreement removed from office and to have another participating member of the Group designated as Collector in his stead, and such application shall be signed by the signing officers or executive committee of the Group. If the Board approves the member named in the application he shall be designated the Collector for 'the Group. If the Board fails to approve the member named in the application the Group shall submit the name of another participating member for approval by the Board 6 The Group, the Collector, and the participating Group members agree herein to utilize prescribed forms and to supply such information respecting medical services insurance coverage as the Board from time to time may require The Group covenants that its Collector shall keep the accounts of all monies collected or held in trust as medical services insurance premiums, separate and apart from those of any other funds belonging to or administered by the Group and shall keep such monies insured at all times against loss from fire, theft and all other causes. The medical services insur- ance premiums shall be regarded as trust monies .r 5 , "~"~~'''"','-"~ ,I'" .'-"'-"~" 2 -. -\.'---_.~~-....-- ..,-,~~~- -.~'~-"'~'J -,..----., ~". ) ) ) a .lZ4:~JZ!«~e.I~~ ~.~~~., Clerk Warden THE CORPORATION OI>' for Emplovee THE COUNTY OF ELGIN GROUP SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED) in the presence of ) ) ) ) ) for THE HEALTH INSURANCE REGISTRATION BOARD IN WITNESS hands and seals said parties 9 WHEREOF the The provisions and terms used in this Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with The Medical Services Insurance Act, 1965, and the Regulations thereunder. This Agreement is subject to The Health Insurance Registration Board Act 1967 have hereunto set their This Agreement may be terminated by the respective parties thereto by written notice, Where the Agreement is terminated by the Group, written notice must be received by the Board at least thirty days prior to the date of the final premium remittance by the said Group 8 7 The said Group may make application to the Board to have the Collector designated under this Agreement removed from office and to have another participating member of the Group designated as Collector in his stead, and such application shall be signed by the signing officers or executive committee of the Group. If the Board approves the member named in the application he shall be designated the Collector for 'the Group. If the Board fails to approve the member named in the application the Group shall submit the name of another participating member for approval by the Board 6 The Group, the Collector, and the participating Group members agree herein to utilize prescribed forms and to supply such information respecting medical services insurance coverage as the Board from time to time may require The Group covenants that its Collector shall keep the accounts of all monies collected or held in trust as medical services insurance premiums, separate and apart from those of any other funds belonging to or administered by the Group and shall keep such monies insured at all times against loss from fire, theft and all other causes. The medical services insur- ance premiums shall be regarded as trust monies " " I""""....--:-'~'",..'> 5 r-........r"':'~'-~-""""" "~'·'fÞ-. '--,_____ 2 -.-- ,- -J.,.-....-,c,.;.J~ ~-j--'.~."";~""""""'- -,::~"..'~.-...;-- COUNty OF ELGIN By-Law NCh 2062 /I ¡"J¡b.~ wl1tr~~ an!$C,lork o~ t~~ Coun1 ~~in T 'Jt~ Itl¡ljÛ.t~ Insut'l'1nc¡e Rel.'!'istr~' ;;iC)~ - .Ii! II Q 'J1 ,\$ C(jl;t.ecjfot' 1"01" th~ Count~ ,of rn-¡ loyeø - Group./I WIŒRBAS the County of tllgb. helll decidødto pat'M.elpate in the Ontaro10 t1ed:l.eal SøJ:'vieølll ::rnsu:Nmce Plan. ANti WtIERE¡\S' it i$ necøS$Qry to e,,~u.ti\!! !iln Agf'eement bøtwecn the Regi~tf'øt1on ' Heal th ;ItUíUI'UnoEV UOQrd 4ul<1 the County of.' lU~in de$ignøtin¡;¡; a CollCl ot.ol' for the County of ElWin ~mployee Group. NO\\' tlltlJil.ßf'ORB the Council of the <';orpof'a'b!Qn of theC·ounty of ßlgin enaeta ,11$ :í;'ollows: 1. 'rIiA'f }1f'. G. C. Leverton be des!gn ¡\tCl'l4 'th$ Collector for 'the County øf Blgln Employee GrQu.p. 2. THA'l' the \varden and Clerk be and are lu!"røby authorized to Regll1itration execute ,a11 A(~1"ée!!!,;mt between the Health :Cru~ur ¡\r~ce/ßoa.1"d and t.he Corporation of' the Count.y of Blgin ðttach~d hereto 8n~ l1U\rked Schedule ÎlA," ¡U~Aj) II first. tlil1lCl'l thill 20th day of November, 1968. ru¡¡\u iii IiIÐc<m<l t:l.l\te 'this 20th day of Nov<wmbfjjr, 196¡¡. R!!AD a third time, and finally paEUJet.1 tllis 20th day of N<wamher, 1968. ~¿:w!'~~~ G ~TrJ¿ íiarden Cle It T, H. I.. Johnson, Clerk of the""C,orpora"t;ion of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law N 2062 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 20th o. day of November, A D., 1968 '":.:.""."'-."'"'"'_:_':'--'-':'~-_' ----- ..----..---..-,----".-.""-- February 10, 1969 Health Insurance Itegistration Board 2195 Yonge ßt. T01WN'l'O '7, On-tario Gentlemen: Re¡ Group M05773 O,þt)SoI~P'lt The County of Elgin enrolled as a group in the Ontario M~dica,l Services Insurance Plan in November 1968. At thf!t time tWQ- (2) signed copies of a Memonmdum of Agreement were given to your representative. Mr. E. V. Cutter. To date we have not received a copy back signed on behalf of your Board. In order that ~'1e may complete our By-Law file We would appreciate receiving a signed copy of the Agreement at your earliest convenience. Yours truly, ~-?- G. C. Leverton ,'J!^ ,., " ' Assistant Clerk.Treasurer, ¡',;r.. //1/ - þ;¡"':>O Feb. 17/69 - Mr. R. A. Robertson, Manager, Field Services Division, H.I.R.B., (Phone 187 1711, Ext. 201) called re this letter. They are in the process of revising this memorandum of agreement and will have another to sign if the changes to one sheet are made. It is in the hands of their solicitor for revision. If we require anything further on this we are to call him collect and he will attempt to have a copy signed and sent within 24 hours. He feels that some decision will be made shortly and feeæs we will have copies within a month. If not rec ved within two months we will fQl10w up. April 17/69 _ Will be aweek or s~ yet before a de~ision.as t? w~o can sign the agreement will be made.J Mr. Robertson wlll wrlte wlthln 10 days and let us know. - BF May ~7.69 I ~ ~~,\ k-· , ....)"'" , " . ·-.:\t"·,·-·-"'-"'·,;.-----~~"':-·......---;.;I --,--v......,.,.._..-".".,.,...- .-~-;~~-~ -..'-....,,-