2071 FORM PB-PR-17A REV. APRIL 1964 BY-LAW NUMBER 207,1 .... . of THE CORPORATION OF THE.. . . ÇQu't\T'y. OF ¡q..q:¡;¡.¡ A By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Proposal and Estimate of Costs and its Submission to the Minister of Highways for the Province of Ontario Pursuant to an Agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as Represented by the said Minister Entered into under Section 22 of The Highway Improvement Act. "WHEREAS a proposal and estimate of cost dated the 21 st.day of JANUARY 1969 , for the construction of a portion of Union and Robinson Streets, in the Village of Port Burwell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . .. . .. . . . .'. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. ... . . . . .. . . . . being part of a highway designated as a connecting link has been prepared for submission to the Minister of Highways for the Province of Ontario pursuant to ,an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Ontario as represented by the said Minister." BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of The Corporation of the COUNTY of ELGIN : 1. That the hereinbefore recited proposal and estimate of costs be submitted to the Minister of Highways for the Province of Ontario. WARDEN 2. That the M(à:j(ä¡¡, ];{~and Clerk be and they are hereby author- ized and directed to sign the hereinbefore recited proposal and estimate of costs and to affix thereto the seal of the Corporation. Pas sed by the Council of the C?rporation of the --2,0UNTY of ELGIN this 23rd day of JANUARY 19~" SEAL Total estimated cost be shared $ 6/¡.'!i 329 23 (h of constrllction to Charged under Part X of The Highway Improvement Total Deductions Act $ - 13~1,3.1,O__ $ _~~, 73_~~_<.>2: (III) $ $- Canadian Paci fie Railway $ 8.044.12 CartadianTransport Commi 9sion $ _128 706 .04 Charged to others (Paragraph 12 3 of agreement II) Items to be pa.id by the Corpor Paragraph 4 of agreement) ation $ 3.444.53 I) Items not chargeable see Form PB-PR-3 g Dedllct under agreement f) Total estimated cost of constrllction $ -1..1,.8.067,32 e Terminating at rox STA 26 x 00 ) d Commencing at Wellington Street (A rox.. STA 13 x 40 ) c ) less a.) b) Type oJ con~trllction LenÎ5íh 1200 + Curb and Gutter Drainage, and illllstrated on the plan Or sketch attached accordance with plans and specifications approved by irì'the manner and at a cost estimated and divided substantially as follows thereto; provided construction the Minister and Pavi ng. €I, to be in the Corporation year\s) commencing the 1st street(s) to be constructed): Unlon and Robinson Streets from Erieus to Wellington Street Pursuant tbanagreement dated the 24th. day of SEPl'EMBER 1961 reinafter called the agreement ma'de between the Minister and the Corporation of the >unty of Elgin', åt'd subject to the terms and conditions thereof, and St :t also to riecessary apprOval Ofth;:'Bò~£''<l, under Section 64 of The Ontario Mur al Board R.S.O, 1960: 'Chapter 274 ~nd amendments' thereto the__ Corporat! . (Minister or i heretofore designated as a cc during present pr'oposes link, be that, the following constructed by the (Corporation Or the day Of April 19 68 of Cor highway ,oration Department namely describe portion(s Corpora.tion) Ifl11ecting fiscal of any Act portions Designated Roµte PROPOSAL AND ESTIMATE OF COST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CONNECTING LINK OR EXTENSION OF THE KING'S HIGHWAY (OR SECONDARY HIGHWAY) NO. 19 IN THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL IN THE COUNTY (OR DISTRICT) OF ELGIN Union a.nd Robinson Streets from ErieulI Street to Wellington Street OR FORM DATE APPENDIX NO JANUARY 21 1969 APRIL 964 (j) Total cost in (h) to be shared as follows (1) ar,!¡¡nOOlXlÐ6fK~)OOr01!OOHq¡¡~Jq¡(\X¡¡JOOiW CJ01%Jt~X(XÐ!X~JŒZx(xp{)x~~If¡¡~m $ X*K; (II) 100% by Minister, (Paragraph 12 (2) of agreement - item $ 64,329.23_ $ 64,329.23 (h) above) (k) Minister I s share: (I) ~EI$J6f $ $ ~XXQIJ}: or; (\, (II) 10 00/, of $ 64.329.23 $ $ 64,329.23 (h) (m Estimated annual expenditure of Minister's share: For fiscal year(s): April 1, 19 68.to Mar. 31, 19 69. $ 64,329.23 ~XK¡(XK!p{XXJOO{~1\.~~ $ hi:¡r¡mXXXXXltXXJOIXK1IXIDrXX2ßXV9{X1)Q{ $ ~nJ{ {x~xxxJOO{~¡¡¡¡:JíX:wiJÇXJqJtj{ $ $ 64,329.23 It is understood that the estimated cost is based on the best' information available at the time of submission and that no substantial increase in such cost will be undertaken or incurred without the prior written approval of the Minister, subject, whe re nece s sary, to the approval of the Board. THIS PROPOSAL is hereby submitted this 2'3rd, day of JANUARY 1969. by or on behalf of the CORPORATION (Corporation or Minister) U~/ ~~_ (SEAL) ? ;qf';~..-? >- . and is hereby accepted by or on behalf of the (Corporation or Minister) SEAL) Note Attach a plan OX\..,..~ketch showing roadway lengths, widths and returns, also a statement of the total estimated cost in detail and a breakdown thereof showing how the Minister's share was computed Yours very truly, The proposal is authorized by a special agreement dated September 24th, 1968 and has been duly executed by the Deputy Minister. I alll enclosing for your records proposal dated January 21st, 1969. an Construction Proposal, Appendix No.1 Village of Port Burwell, County of Elgin Union and Robinson Streets from Erieus St. to Wellingston St. Connecting Link original copy of a construction Re Dear Mr. Mr~;,H. L. Johnson, Clerk, County of Elgin, Court House, St,' Thomas, Ontario. Johnson: Downsview, Ontario, March 24,1969. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS l~Ä:i;;~<"fIØI\f.'oe;OHG~._£, -CWMME MINISTER ~-'-- "W'. ~4 0""",0 ' . REè.£/VED MAR 2 7 ,..,."':;<~c_____ ""PU,,"" ..........5T£.. 1969