2102 THAT By-Law 69-65 of by-law tö stop up, close and sell between Concessions A (B.F.) and and the is hereby confirmed READ READ READ same a first time, a second time" a third time, this this and 18th day of 18,th day of fina)ly passed '" , 1 Township a portion of in the Township November, November, this 18th November of the Dunwich, being a road allowance of Dunwich, be, Warden , 1969. 1969 day 1969 . of No . the of Elgin NOW enacts THEREFORE the Council as follows . . of the Corporation of the County AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a by-law cónfirming the said Township By-Law. situate, than one Township Act, ed by a the AND WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirm- By-Law of the Council of the County in which the Township is passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not later year, after the passing of the By-Law of the Council of the . WHEREAS the Council of day of October, 1969, A.D., did pass By-Law No close and sell a portion of the road allowance A (B.F' ) 1, in the Township cribed in said By-Law true . and the , of Dunwich, more copies hereof are the Township . of Dunwich òn the 69-65 to stop up, between Concessions particularly des- hereunto annexed. 6th itA By-Law To Confirm By-Law Being JLJ1y::.La~ Al:J:..<2.wance Betw~en .Sto;e U.£ Concessions No. 69:...~~f The Townshi Close And Sell APorti~Æ-0f A (B.F.) An.d 1,' In The Dunwich.1I Of Dunwich, The Road Township Of ~' - ,,-.j..,.",'.,.....::.'::.'... ,." ~.~- ,','.,:"'<~';~j~::'::~;,.,:>''''' ... .. . '~--'-'_:...---" COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2102 ---.....-. . i..... Clerk ,/ R~eve III 'bstlllRo Second f1me alld nNALLY PASS$) tt!h 6th day Of Octobe:, A.Þ. 1969. RW 3. 'lHts ay"10. shall COllIe 1nto forQ. .1Id take effect on and dwr it. IiØRUtI1I.t10n by 'the Coul'lcil of tM Co1'pØration of the County øf Elgin, and u !)()napprov$lof the t1e\1wAant Govemor 1n CouncU,l\Ihd :1.1'.$ rêghtraUon 1n tb<i'fìe:ghtry Ollie. of the Registry DJ.vh1øn of ~ ~nty of ¡Ug1n.. ¡. tHAt the Relive and Treasunr be Ii't.urCMIllf.jr of tne above portion of bl'lt.i. àutt!o:r1~ed to dilllpose of alld cOl'lvey title ~ the ALL AND S¡NGUW tñatce:rtd.tI pu¢e¡ ó;' tr.çt of bnd 111M pre$he ¡ ti:l.tuate, ly1ng aNlbtlnø :J.ÞtbeTov.nsMp of I'IUnwich, in tn. County øf Elgil4, and P:r(l'ÂMe of ent_do, beln, cœpostdofau that pari. of the Roild AltoVlMee Between CwlCe$SloJU\ A ('token ,fIro"t) _1 11' the ..,1<1 Town$hip lY',09 South !/ltU.tf/l'ly of Ii Une wbieh It., be mClte partic\llulydescrlbeQ ..I»UowSI PIU!MX$INGtbat ~ beultl90f tt. South ¡"ted, limit of 11>'1; 7. Coacudon A (Droken Fnnt) i,$ .;crth 46cO 35' I!aat (au\ I\\e4J all bearings herein belng Hlated th.reto. Ca.wI'iNCUIG at a.po1ßtln the NOl'th We$ter¡y Ul1Il t of thlt aøad AUówanoe htwell\ Conef/¡;$il.'lns A(Bl'(¡\(oiInJll'ont)and ¡, dhtillnt 20.791"' measUred SQuth Wester¡., thereon f)/Ofl! tne Ealllterly an!Jle of Hid t.ot 1, 11ŒIICBSøuth 430 ~. !i4!1t ÌI dbtanee of, 66 feet to 1 t$ inteX'seeUøn !/tUb thø $øuth la$1:f/rl'1 H.$it:. of the sa1d Røad AUo_noe ¡etWilen Co/!Ices$ionlll A (iroken tr....llt} aM 1. WRliFOߌ the Municlpal CouMU of the To!fftsblp of 1. THAT aportlon of the Ro~ 111loVlanc¡e between Cone.lUIlon$ A (a.,.) and h 1a the TO~$bl'ol Ðunwicb, $b&11bel:¡o$e<l, aAd whicb $1I1d po:rtion 1111 tnóre pert1c\tlarly delll" ~ribtd as follows. Uunw1cb enlul't$ AND ,WHllfUEAS tt!e Mlmie.pd Co.rpora'tioR of the 1'.{)\'II'I$1\11> of t:>unwicb b$$cOll1pl1ed with Sect!!>" 462 of the blun1clpa¡ Act 11111 to advø1'tisint thøtr int.aUIIn of, 010$$.1\9 and/Us.. '0$11\9 <ill a !)():rt!on of tbe Roø AUowance between CoJtCèll$i.OIìI A (D.P.) and 1. 10 the Town$bip. of Ðul"lwiclh a$ 101101'1" Am) \$mìliiAS tneCouncil of thhMwllidpal1ty fph that thh power $hould btexø:rched á$rø Jø.ni$, ill po:rtion of the ftèleQ A.l1øwance bttweeo Conee$dons A (8.,.) ..ad 1. in the '.i'CWI\$bip ó f I.Iuaw1ch. 1\Ø11iPIli.A$ uJlderS.cUOtì 4$<;; ,øf th. Munidpø.1 Aet, tbeCollncU ·of bAY t.l:uØici.pal1tyh 91wnthflpqWil:t tø Plll$$ by-law!! {oX's1:opp11\9 up and d1spo$ing of any tfi~wayor part. thereøfwitbin the f<tunicip¡lll1ty" Dtlli", aay..taw tOlluthodlle the støpping \IP, 0)1' c:lolilng IiM sdUog of a port1on of ~ad AU.owanc¡e between (Ioooe$$1one·4 (a.,.) anc! It 1n the ToWlt$hi¡)G~ I.)uQw1~.' ~IIJ ---.:" A¡~~·,-.,..'A:-_ _.._" ,,-~...,....,...¡. - -., ---"-"'~"'--' ----~ -