2104 "~:¡'---'--- .... _._,~- .._-~_':'-'-'_..- BY-LAW NO. 2104 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RESTRICTING THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES WHEREAS subsection 8 of Section 52 of the Highway Traffic, Act (R.S.O. 1960) provides that: The Municipal Corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a bridge may by By-Law approved by the Department make regulations limiting the weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof passing over such bridge: AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit the weight of vehicles passing over certain bridges in the County of Elgin: NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge designated in Schedule No.1, 2, and 3, forming part of this By-Law with a weight in excess of weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 52 of the Highway Traffic Act. 3. This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transport and until a notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attched Schedules. 4. BY-LAW NO. 2094 of the County of Elgin is hereby repealed. ENACTED and passed this 18th day of November, 1969. ~~ WARDEN ~ CLERK :~.~'---,,,,--.- "-.¡--'- ~' ---.,- ----..-- ---_._~...~_._- SCHEDULE NO. 1 BRIDGES ON COUNTY ROADS - ' Schedule Bridge Road Name of Location Weight Year of Type of 1 No. No. Bridge Limit in Const- Floor Tons ruction Finish - - - - 1. 30 30 Patterson Lots 8 & 9 15 1908 Concrete Con. II, Twsp. of Yannouth 2. 34 43 Cooks Lot 1, Cone. 5, 15 1907 Bituminous Twsp. of Bayham 3. 55 43 Phillmore Lot 3, Con. 6, 15 1909 Bituminous Twsp. of Bayham 4. 63 52 Carrs Lot 5, 10 Early Bituminous Range II, 1900' s North of Edgeware Road Twsp. of Yannouth SCHEDULE NO. 2 COUNTY BRIDGES ON TOWNSHIP ROADS Schedule Bridge Name of Location Weight Year of Type 0 f 2 No. Bridge Limit in Const- Floor Tons ruction Finish - - ,-,,- 1. 23 Robbins Lot 5, 5 1898 Wooden River Road, Twsp. of Southwo1d 2. 24 Fulton Lots 3 & 4 15 1912 Concrete Mill Road, Twsp. of Southwo1d 3. 25 Meeks Lot 16, 20 1900 Concrete N.U. Road, Twsp. of Southwo1d 4. 27 Jamestown Lot 28, Con. 2, 15 1908 Bituminous Twsp. of Yarmouth 5. 52 Vienna Lot 14, Con. 3, 20 Unknown Concrete Bayham, Now in Recon- VHlage of structed Vienna in 1933 6. 61 Acacia Lot 22, Con. 10, 2 1908 Wooden Twsp. of Bayham (Road in poor condition) -- ,.,*,,~':":::":-:""': :""'~"""'-=~~~ .,.....,..-.-,.,.:, .~~_.. , , 4. 3. 2. 1. 22 17 4 3 5 Walker Tait's Ling's 33 Kains Lot 1, Con. Twsp. of Yarmouth Lot 49, East Side, T .R.N. Br.., TiJsp. of Southwo1d Lot 7, B.F.A. Twsp. of Dunwich Lot 1, B.F.C., Twsp. of Dunwich 3 15 15 15 10 1902 Bitumin- County of ous Middlesex 1914 Concrete, County of Bitumin- Middlesex ous, Wooden 1907 Concrete County of Middlesex 1899 Concrete City of St. Thomas Schedule 3 Bridge No. Road No. Name of Bridge Weight Limit Tons in Year of Const- ruction Type 0 f Floor Finish Adjoining Municipal- ity Location SCHEDULE NO. 3 BOUNDARY BRIDGES WITH OTHER MUNICIPALITIES ADJOINING ELGIN ALSO REQUIRED FROM ADJOINING MUNICIPALITY _.._~-_......"" Enc 1. "', (Mrs.\A. Ogiltree, By-law Officer D. F. Morrison Senior Solicitor. For :..-- /d?cU-> Yours To avoid any ambiguity or difficulty in the future it is recommended that rather than submitting an entirely new by-law and revoking the former that you merely amend the sched- ules to the presently existing by-law i.e 2104. very truly It is noted that By-law No. 2104 is in effect a third amendment to the original By-law No. 2021 which was ap- proved by the Department on June 27th, 1968, for a period of three years. I would also point out that the approval of By- law No. 2104 lapses on the 27th day of June 1971. Further to your letter dated May approved copy of By-law No. 2104. I Dear Sir 7th enc losed is Mr. R. G. Moore, B. SC., P. Eng. Engineer and Road Superintendent County of Elgin, Court House, ST. THOMAS, Ontario July 6 1970 III1 FERGUSON BLOCK, QUEEN'S PARK TORONTO 5, ONTARIO ·'~t~~"""-''''__,_..:._,,__. ,..,., ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT ~-_.