2107 ~ "','';ij;:,';:c:,',-':,:,:. ,;,~:;;:;:;;;:::,_:,":::::::~--~-_. "~,::=:~~~ - ._.__._._-~_.._-- ,---- ---;.-- ;",,",~-.::"'..'-:'.:""'--'=.~..~ :;;o,,--C--T ~.~~"~~~. -;;?ð.7?~/~~ ,;;? ~__L:Z:.d'- ~~ ¿/ Clerk Warden day of November , 1969. READ a third time, and finally passed this 19th READ a READ a first time this 19th day of November, second time this 19th day of November, 1969 1969 . . Department in wh i ch he or she is employed. day off shall be approved by the Head of the granted each employee in lieu thereof and the a Saturday or a Sunday a day off shall be Day o When any of the paid holidays falls on Labour Day, Thanksgiving , Christmas and Boxing 1 . Monday Paid Holidays ~ , Victoria. Day New Years , July 1st , Good , Civic Holiday, Friday, Easter deleted and the 1 . THAT Clause 1. following substituted therefore (Paid Holidays ) of By~Law 2061 be County of Elgin enacts NOVl THEREFORE the as follo"1s Coune! 1 of the Corporation of the : of Elgin Monday in the Paid WHEREAS Holidays it is deemed advisable to granted to employees of the County include Easter "Bei.!~2L~_l?X~~-'!'5:?_~E,i... BY~!:~~_!'!~!9..?l: (A_ By-La~Yo _~st~!?lis~ ) ." Ho 1 i?a,{.2__.f~E_..~mploy_e_~~....2!Jhe:.....,º~!:m ty ..2L Elgi n.. COUNTY OF By-La,,! No . ELGIN 2107 ! ,~ ....- ~.~ ~ ""-~. :.,,....,.,,~,-:.~ "'~'~~~, '-=-~~~~,.."' '",~