2112 ·-·~-,Ù,____·,_~_ ._C.''''''-_._.____ ~ '---"..-...-.-----.-.--..,- ,,--- -~. .,......---~.~.,..""..,.,..',.,,,..~ COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2112 "A By-Law To Increase The Salary Of The County Weed Inspector -_._~---..--------_¥._----, ----:---- And Tree Commissioner." -...-------...--~-~---~-~-~- ¡.J THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN enacts as follows: 1. TBAT the remuneration of the County of Elgin Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner be $2.20 per hour. I 2. TfffiT a car mileage allowance of 10¢ per mile be paid to the Weed Inspector and Tree Commissioner for each mile necessarily travelled while engaged in the duties of his offices. 3. TfUIT County of Elgin By-Laws No. 1721 and 1777 be and are hereby amended accordingly. 4. THAT County of Elgin By~Laws No. 2018 and 2026 be I and the same are hereby repealed. I i 5. Tr~f this By-Law become effective December 27th, 1969, at 12 o'clock midnight. READ a first time, this 19th day of November, 1969. READ a second time, this 19th day of November, 1969. READ a third time, and finally passed this 19th day of November 1969. I I ~~ ../~ ~- --. ,.:. u":" _..5 §1:__ ~v4."-'¿ erk den "'" ~.;.."._."~._-- "==;~~~='~O.'.""",=7~;.';';~:,:,-,--:.;~~::,_..",.",,-,,~= --'----"-"-'-,...._.'---,~