By-Law No. 2123
-Law To A~thorize The Warden And Clerk To Sign A
Deed To J. A. Harvey Investments Limited, Of
The Town Of Aylmer"
WHEREAS, the Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed
to release certain Easements that were granted by J. A. Harvey to the
Corporation to facilitate the Construction of Elm Street (County Road
#53) in the Town of Aylmer, and, whereas, the Construction is complete
ánd the Easements are no longer needed.
NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the County
of Elgin enacts as follows:
That the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County
of Elgin are, hereby, authorized to sign a Quit Claim Deed releasing
the Easements on the following parcel of land being part of Lot #82.
North on Talbot Road East in the Town of Aylmer, which are
more particularly described as follows:
Cømmencing at a point in the northerly limit of Park Lot HZ" Plan
No. 145 distëi!.Rt Sevemteen feet (17') measured westerly thêrêon from
the westerly limit of Elm Street;
THENCE Northerly parallel with the Westerly limit of Elm Street a
distamce of 344.26 feet which point is the point of commencement.
THENCE continuing Roitherly parallel to the westerly limit of Elm
Street and distant 17 feet measured westerly therefrom a distamce
of 521 feet to the southerly limit of the westerly production of
Sphce Street;
THENCE Westerly along the westerly production of the southerly limit
of Spruce Street a distance of 200 feet;
THENCE Southerly parallel with the westerly limit of Elm Street a
distance of Five Humdred and Twenty-one feet (521')
THENCE Easterly parallel with the westerly próduction of Spruce Street
a distuce of Two Hundred Feet (200') more or less to the point of
SECONDLY - Being composed of the Eaat@rly 49 feet of Lot No. 45 and
all of lots 46 to 52 inclusive soutiþ",;,òn Spruce Street'as shown on
registered Plan No. 166. Conmming by a~easurement an area of Three
and Ten one-hundredths acres be the same more or less.
READ a first, second, and third time, and passed this 18th
clay of March, 1970.
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