2125 ',j¡;);;¡¡:) ~'f;\ ~13<p"1 I'ª"'~' p~'''' County Clerk the lath day of March 19--ZL do hereby certify that , >,' ~',,:RY the Gouncil \. of By-Law No 21,15 passe of the said Corporation on El in the Clerk of the Corporation of the County of foregoing is a true copy I HaJ:' SEAL day of A.D 19_70 Passed at St Thomas this 18th March (4) The penditure is tures or monies approval of authorized or raised in a the Ontario Municipal Board shall work commenced which will be subsequent year financed by be obtained before any ex- the issue of deben- the (3) The clerk shall transmit triplicate copies of this Department of Highways Ontario, not later than by-law March 31st to of the district office of the said year (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision oÍ'the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. TOT ALS $ 242 000.00 $ $ 242 000.00 SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD $ $ $ NEW MACHINERY $ $ nil $ SRI DGES AND CULVERTS $ 15 000.00 $ $ 15.000.00 ROADS $ 227.000.00 CONSTRUCTION $ MAINTENANCE $ 227 000.00 TOTAL (1) The sum construction and year 19 70 as follows of $ 242 maintenance 000.00 is hereby estimated as the of the roads and bridges under its expenditure upon jurisdiction during the the THEREFORE WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires roads be provided' for annually by county by-law and that the by-law be Minister of Highways for approval the Council of the Corporation of the said County enacts as follows that the total expenditure on submitted to the ", ~l HIGHWAY A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE FORM'OS"""MR':'·6 R;=:V. OCT. T 964 IMPROVEMENT ACT IN THE COUNTY OF 1 9 70 ' EXPENDITURES ON ROADS UNDER THE SUPPLEMENTARY ELGIN BY-LAW NO 2125 r,.,.-"."",,., -~ 7~__'_ .. } ........."..".......,'.'.. .' ..:--__. -~-,-..._,--- i 1M ., .'.",., RECF. ON~RIO .IVE"D Mln? j 19?t'1 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Co., Twp. Mr. H.L. Johnson Clerk-Treasurer Downsview 464, Ontario County of Elgin August 18, 1970 Courthouse ST. THOMAS, Ontario Dear Sir: RE: Supplementary Expenditure By-Law Number 2125 in the amount of $ 242,000 The above cited by-law has been approved by The Honourable George E. Gomme, Minister of Highways, subject to the limitation that the subsidy payable for work performed under this by-law, together wi th the subsidy payable under c' <; by-law (s) previously approved, shall not in total exceed $ 744,600 for Construction $ 215,000 for Maintenance This approval is also subject to the following conditions: 1. That the individual works of road and bridge construction and the purchase of each unit of equipment and the award of contracts for same shall be subject to the approval of the District Engineer. 2. That the District Engineer shall be informed and his consent obtained before tenders are called for the proposed work or purchase and before any conunitment is made by the Municipality. 3. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. X ]¡JOmt :rox }OOf :~X.ì!JIJOOO!X XQ::!OOCD XX XIOOOOOI:M IDrnIDttJOO{ Very truly yours, ~-- >,// Ý - ~.. - , ~('., .y ~/ . . .. ,-j- CRW:sl C. R. Wilmot Encl. Municipal Engineer SUJVIMARY OF APlROVALS MAXIMUM SUBSIDY PAYABLE Construction Maintenance Total !"¡ 1st Approval 723,~eg;' 215,000 938,100 ;'i.' 2nd Approval 21,500 - 21,500 Total 744,600 215,000 959,600 " ¡f.-\<¡ I ¡<' ¡"\.),.;;~ (/ /2~ ?.," , . .' ';1'4'1 I _"", '~""'-"'-'-.,,,>; ,..-'"....~') j "",,, ,//)' t,>' // " ~ , Engr ~:--c<:; ~.~-.¿~ A. A. Ward, Assistant Municipal very tr uly Your s Attached is a limited approval of the amount of subsidy on expenditures under the above by-law to allow action to be taken on some of the proposed projects in your road prograrnme. A further review of the by-law will be made by the Department at a later date and the final approval of the amount of subsidy on your road expenditures will be issued at that time Dear Sir Re County of Elgin Supplernentary B"'y'::.Law Number 2125 Mr. H. L. Johnson Clerk-Treasurer, County of Elgin, Court House, St Thomas. Ontario '~ Municipal Roads Office, Downsview 464, Ontario July 17th 1970 DEPARTMENT OF HIGH WAYS r';("" .~-...".."~--,, "w--',___,," " ",'0, ,.J fJC"'."·(·n.~Clilt:>li'. t:...(i¢....Mf; :,:./.,,:.,,"":'.:,' .', "fIWHT':/(:. . , , ;}' '''''''':~''''''''''''~'- ~-r .. .~- .~--- '..~.---.'-"--'~ ~. 'T.C t>E~n.Y~ RECEIVED JUL 2 0 1970 TOTAL 1st Approval 2nd Approval '723, .JoL~~ 100 ,'.:, ,."LQO ,I, 000 215,000 - -- 938 10L~, , 100 000 619 215,000 834 , 100 Sl!)I1MARY OF A!'J:'ROVALS Construction MAXIMUM-1?UBSIDY PAYABLE Maintenarice Total CRW:sl Encl truly yours , ~, //~.;>::;¿,//Ý ;::00",~ .~..- ,y- v-- '- C. R. Wilmot Municipal Engineer , j- Very the by-law as approved is returned A còpy of In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work o~ purchase is to be raised in a sUbsequent year' or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto herewith 3 That the District Engineer shall be informed and his consent obtained before tenders are' called for the proposed work or purchase and before any commitment is made by the Municipality 2 That the individual works of road and bridge construction and the purchase of each unit of equipment and the award of contracts fOr same shall be subject to the approval of the District Engineer 1 subject to the following conditions This approval is also $ 215,000 for Maintenance $ The above cit/ed by-law 'has been approved by The Honourable George E. Gomme, Minister of Highways, subject to the limitation that the sUbsidy payable for work performed under this by-law, together with the subsidy payable under the by-law (s) previously approved, shall not in total exceed 723, 100 for Construction Supplementary Expenditure By-Law Number 2125 in the amount of $ 242,000 Dear Sir RE Elgin County Mr. H.~. ~ohnson, Clerk Treasurer Court House ST. THOMAS, Ontario Downsview 464, Ontario July 17, 1970 ~-!:~, Co ''-' -~_"":""_,_..::~-..'~--,-,--,,--.,- ---.,..."-- ... ..' ''"'''- 0' '. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Twp ~-~- -..,