2127 Lc~"" New Currie Road, in the Village of which is the Gentre 2 from the south side of John Street Dutton, to the County Boundary, ot~the Thames River. 8 (b) John Street, in ,the Village of Dutton', from the north side of CountyiRoad 4115, being Main Street, to the south side of Currie Street (County Road #8). 8 (a) '~i,l~;; From the south side'of the road between Concessions X and XI, Township of Orford, to the County Boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. , 7 , From the east side of County Road side of County Road'#3 6 4n to the West From the south side of the road between Concessions II and III, Township of Dunwich (County Road #9) to the County Boundary, which is the centre of Thames River. 5 4 (b) On Road between Concession VII and VIII Aldborough from the west side of the Oxæord Aldborough Townline to the west side of County Road #3. DRY'" ,-. :,:> On the Aldborough Orford Townline from oppOsite North side of the road between Concession IV V, Township of Oxford to opposite the south of the road between Concession VII and VIII Aldborough. and side (~ R:ç.-o{.~"0 4 (a) the G From the gate of the Memorial Park in the Hamlet of Port Glasgow to the County Boundary, which is the centre of the Thames River. 3 The intersection of King's highway from County Road #2, not a through highway at this Highway 4n6 is and Highway point. a through 4t76 i s From the east side of County Road side of County Road #8 2 ROAD NO DESCRIPTION 4f3 to the west The following highways or parts of highways under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Elgin are designated as through highways 1 NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Elgin enacts as follows - "through highway" means any highway or part of a designated as such by the Minister or by'By-Law of municipality approved by the Department, and every such highway shall be marked by a stop sign or yield right-of-way sign in compliance with the regulations of the Department highway a WHEREAS clause 26 of subsection 1 Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1960, of section 1 Chapter 172) of the Highway provides that DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS BY-LAW NUMBER 2127 MUNICIPALITY OF ELGIN ~"" . ,."",..". ~_._--------- --"-- ,"," ;,' .," .n " )i 3 From the east si4e of King's Highway #4 in Lot #2, Concession II, Towri~hip of Yarmouth, to the north side of Joseph Street, in the Village of Port Stanley 23 (a) From the south side of CQunty Road side of County Road ,#24. 22 (b) in7 to the From the boundaryo:f,the City of St north side of Co~~þy Road #27 :¡,:. north 22 (a) From the east side of County Road side of King~,s High¡<ray i;4. Thomas to the 21 From the side of Stanley south side of King's Highway ino tô the west County Road #4, in the #16 to the north Village of Port 20 (c) From the south side side of County Road of County Road il16 the north 20 (b) From the north of Southwold County Road il18 to side,of the road b~tween the and Delaware to the north side #18 Townships of 20 (a) From the north side of King's north side of County Road #17. 19 Highway From the west side of County Road side of County Road i119. i;3 to the 18 ino to the west From the east side of County Road #19 to the east side of the road between Concessions I and II, Township of Westminster. 17 From the south-east side of County Road west boundary of the City of St Thomas. illS to the 16 Lake Road) from the West side of Road illS in Lot ill 0, ConcesSion X, Dunwich, to the East, side of Pearce Provincial Park, (Lot #12 Concession X Township of Dunwich.) 15 (b) From the South side of side of Road #15 (Lake X, Dunwich County Road Road) in Lot in to the north ill 0, Concession 15 (a) From the North side of County Road #16 to the County Boundary, which is the centre of Thames River. 14 From the east side of County Road side of County Road #14. 13 iFl5 to the west From the east side of Kings west side of County Road #26 11 Highway From the east side of County Road side of County Road #14. i;4 to the 9 (c) From the east side of County Road side of County Road #8 #8 to the West 9 (b) From the east side of County Road side of County Road #5 #5 to the west 9 ROAD NQ..:. (a) DESCRIPTION i;3 to the west BY-LAW NUMBER I"~-~ - ~______~_ 4 From the west side of King's Highway County Boundary bei_ng Kettle Creek. 34 (b) 1f74 to the From the west sid~ of the road between Lots 1flO and 1111, Concession VIII,/Township of Westminster to the west side of" Lo.t·1,í8, Concession XIII, '/.' Township of Yarmouth' 34 (a) From the west boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the south side ot·the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway right~of~~~l on thè Townline Road between Yarmouth and Southwold To~ships. 33 From the east side of King's Highway 1f73 to the Main Entrance of the Ontario Provincial Police College. 32 From the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the north side of the road between Concessions X and Range II, North of Edgeware Road in the Township of Yarmouth. 31 From opposite the west side of Lot 1f8, XIII to the east side of road between and 1f9 in Concession XIII, 'Yarmouth. Concession Lots 118 30 (b) From the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the south side of the road between Concessions XIII and XIV, Township of Yarmouth. 30 (a) From the east side of Road of County Road 1f25. 29 (b) 1f26 to the west side From the east side of County west side of County Road 1f3l. 29 (a) Road From the east boundary of t,he City of St. Thomas to the east side of the road between Lots 1110 and 1fl1 Concession VIII Township of Yarmouth. 1125 to the 28 (b) From the south side of King's Highway 113 to the north side of the road between Concessions VII and VIII Township of Yarmouth. 28 (a) Front! ¡"the east side of King's east side of-County Road 1136 27 Highway From the north side of the road between Townships of Westminster and Southwold to the west side of County Road 1f25. 114 to the 26 (b) From the east side of County Road 1f25 to the north boundary of the City of St. Thomas. 26 (a) From the north side of King's Highway 113 to the north side of the road between the Townships of Southwold, Yarmouth and Westminster 25 From side the east side of County Road of King's HighwaY1f73 at Port 1f23 to Bruce. 24 the west On Joseph Street, in the Village of Port Stanley from the east side of King's Highway 1f4 to the east side of East Street, in the Village of Port Stanley. 23 ROAD NO. (b) DESCRIPTION BY-LAW NUMBER ,"'"'-J,.o,..;..T___",~, _...;.~~: ___.~_ 3 - -~~~"~,..,; .,~! BY-LAW NUMBE~ ROAD NO. DESCRIPTION 35 From the south side of King's Highway #3 to the north side of County Road #45. 36 (a) From the south side of King's Highway #3 to the north side of County Road #27. 36 tb) From the south side of County Road #27 to the north side of County Road #24. 37 From the east side of King's Highway #74 to the east limit of the road between the Township of North and South Dorchester and the Township of Dereham. 38 From the north-west side of King's Highway #3 to the east limit of the road between the Townships of Bayham and Houghton. 39 From the south side of County Road #42 to the north side of Lake Erie. 40 From the south side of County Road #52 to the north side of County Road #42. 41 (a) On Fulton Street, in the Village of Vienna, from the west side of Union Street to the west side of Main Street. 41 (b) On Main Street, from the north side of King's Highway #19 to the North side of Fulton Street. 42 (a) From the east side of King's Highway #73 to the west side of King's Highway #19, in the Village of Port Burwell. 42 (b) From the east side of King's Highway #19 in the Village of Port Burwell to the east limit of the road between the Townships of Bayham and Houghton 43 (a) From the south side of County Road #38 to the north side of County Road #46; 43 (b) From the South side. of County Road #45 to the north side of County Road #42. 44' From the East side of King's Highway #3 to the west side of King's Highway #19. 45 (a) From the south side of Road #16 to the west side of County Road #22. 45 (b) From the east side of County Road #22 to the west side of County Road #36. 45 (c) From the east side of County Road #36 to the West side of County Roað,.,1140. 45 (d) '~'\(~¡.~ From the eastside";,of County Road 4140 to the east side of County Road #55. 46 From the north side of King's Highway 413 to the north side of the Road between the Townships of Bayham and Dereham. , 47 From the north side of County Road #48 to the north side of County Road #37. 5 -~"---- ..... - -.-----..--,------- ._..-.~-~_.~,."'""'=...".~.-.....,...;..,~=-;~.""'='''''"- _··,····,,___..__n_.····,····..M _.·.m......... ....._ ,'""'.",," -....,.........- ,~,,~._-".~.-:_~-~,-'._.~,.,,~~._-~._.~-~, ENACTED AND PASSED this 20th day of May, 1970. This By-Law shall the Department of not become effective until Transport. 5. 1938 are, her,eby, approved by repealed. 4. By-Law Numbers The pena~ties provided in section 85 of the Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this By-Law. 1897 and 3. 2. The designation in section 1 of this By-Law of a highway or part of a highway as a through highway shall not rnclude any intersection, thereon, where the road intersected is a King's Highway or where traffic control signals are installed From the north side of County Road south side of County Road #45 55 #42 to the From the north side of County Road #48 to the south side of the road between Concessions X and Xl Township of Dereham. 54 Beech Street, from the west &ide of Elm Street to the west side of King's Highway #73. 53 (b) Elm Street, in the Town of Aylmer, from the north side of King's Highway #3 to the south side of Beech Street, in the Town:'of Aylmer. 53 (a) From the east side of County Road side of County Road #40. 52 (d) From the east side of County Road side of County Road #30. 4,,30 to east 52 (c) From the east side of County Road side of County Road #31. #31 to the west 52 (b) 4F25 to From the east side of Road 4F26.:in the Township Southwold, to the west side of County Road #25. the west 52 (a) From the south north side of side of County Road County Road #52. of 49 4,,48 to the From the east side of King's Highway west side of County Road #54. 48 ROAD NO. DESCRIPTION 4,,73 to the BY-LAW NUMBER .11 Encl. ~-c¿M~~ (Mrs.) A. ~i-1tree, By-law Officer, For D. F. Morrison, Solicitor. :'". May 29 1970. Mr. R. G. Moore, B. SC., P. Eng., Engineer and Road Superintendent, County of Elgin, Court House, ST. THOMAS, Ontario. Dear Sir: Enclosed is approved copy of By-law Number 2127 of the County of Elgin. Yours very truly ~ , I , RECEIVED JUN 2 1910 FERGUSON BLOCK, QUEEN'S PARK TORONTO 5, ONTARIO rr '",,4> .,¡',f; ? ;1f'~_';~- (~. J '..". ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT ;'y:'",