2128 Ii II I' [ [ 'i \ , COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law Nó. ~128 "B . ..Law A'lthorizinc¡ The Destruction Of Certain. eJ.n Documents. Records And Papers." WHEREAS the CO'lRcil, pursuant to Section 248B of the Municipal Aøt R.S.O. 196@ as amended, is authorized to destroy certain documen.ts, records and papers with the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. AND WHEREAS Winspear, Higgins, Stevenson & Doane, County Auditors, have certified in writing that in their opinion it is no longer necessary to retain the documents, records and papers hereinafter set forth. AND WHEREAS certain documents, records and papers of the County of Elgin priar to the 1st day of January 1961 are of no further use, and now occupy space which is required for other purposes. NGW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin'enacts as follows: 1. TH]Œ the fallowing documents, records and papers of the CO'lnty of Elgin, all of which relate to transactions completed on or before the 31st day of December 1960, shall be destroyed: Cancelled cheques 1960 and prior Cheque stubs 196Q and prior Bank Statements and Pass books 1960 and prior Paid Accounts 1960 and prior Payment vouchers 1960 and prior Hospital Notice of Admission of an Indigent Person 2. THAT this By-Law comes into force on the day it receives the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. READ a first time this 2Qth day of May 197Ð. READ a second time this' 20th daY' of May 1970. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of May 1970. ~ Warden COl:l:espondents in the _,,,-_..c--~ ':;"-- ~ VNl7ED KlNGDON,AUSTlIALlA.NEW ZEALAND, CONTINENTAL EUROPE, SCANDINAVIA,MEXlCo,PUERTO RICO SOUTH Ai'RlCA,SOUTH AMERTCA,T.f/E UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND JAPAN Chartered Accountants of Admission // /{ j/t/01/k/fe&'2.- /J~,f1'~1 /~;;,~'~{~( #~ ,. :<JO~/1 (f) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Hospital Notice of an Indigent Person Payment Vouchers 1960 and prior Paid accounts 1960 and prior Cheque Bank Statements and Pass prior Books 1960 and prior stubs 1960 and Cancelled cheques 1960 and prior following documents records and papers longer necessary to retain the of the County of Elgin In our opinion it is CERTIFICATE no The Municipal The County of Court House ST TI1Qmas Ontario Corporation of Elgin, April 27 1970 ~ 631-8250 AREA 519 Chartered Accountants OFFICES THROUGHOUT CANADA ONTARIO ALAN J. CLARKE ResidentPBrti'ler D NE ST. THOMAS i f" .. 7<1 ct cr-'J C7,~ ? ,,¿ /.-C-e I::<.ot tz.û"¡:, (;:7 " .~ 6.~,,~ _ / .__../"" .l'6:~ J-c-<_.", / ,- .',,/ Ac...~ ~-i':.,.,L",",. ;? ól"" r-/ A?/ ~.. "f ~¿: ,.JC<'"':::I¡..' '" . "'. / Ene. Clerk-T Yours very truly, It is resPectfully requested that Depart- mental approval be granted to this By-Law and that one copy of' the By-Law so approved be returned to me. Also enclosed are two copies of the certi- ficate of our municipal auditors stating that in their opinion it is no longer necessary to retain the documents, records and papers set forth Enclosed herewith are two certified copies of County of Elgin By-Law No. 2128, which permits the destruction of certain documents, records and papers of the County of Elgin,' relating to transactions completed on or before the 31st day of December '1960. Dear Sir t Supervisor Municipal Administration Branch Attention ~ The Department of 801 Bay Street TORO,NTO 5, Ontario : . Mµnicipal Affairs May 21, 1970 G. C. LEVERTON, A.M.C.T. DEPUTY CLERK-TREASURER H. L. ...J0!"iNSON COUNTY CLe:RK ANP TREASURER ,. PHONE COURT HOUSE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO 631 460 ,",~.,."...",.,~~."...,-_...-.-"-.--,~....,...~ -,.; DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS 1 8 0 1 8 A Y STREET. TORONTO 5, ONTARIO ONTARIO May- 28, 1970. Mr. H.L. Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Elgin, RECEIVED JUN 1 1970 Court House, St~ Thomas, Ontario. Dear Mr. Johnson, Further to your letter of May 21, 1970, we are pleased to enclose herewith one copy of Elf-law No.2l28, duly approved on behalf of the Department. Yours tr1iq', ~ DRT/DJ