Any person violating any of ,the provisions of this By-Law
subject to a penalty of not more than Ten Dollars for the
offence and not more than Fifty Dollars for every subsequent offence
exclusive of costs, and all such penalties shall be recoverable
under the Ontario SurnrnaryConvictions Act
sha 11
When properly worded signs have been erected and are on display
no person shall park a vehicle on the highway or parts of highway
hereinafter set on Schedule "c" as attached hereto for a longer
period than three hours between the hours of 12:00 o'clock midnight
and 7:00 o'clock A.M. (local time).
When properly worded signs have been erected and are on displaY
no person shall park a vehicle on the highways or parts of highways
hereinafter set on Schedule "B" attached hereto
No person shall park a vehicle on any street as designated on
Schedule "A" as attached unless on the right .hand side of the
street proceeding and unless the right ftontand right rear wheels
or runners of the vehicle are parallel to and distant respectively
not more than six inches from the edge of the roadway
Vehicle includes a motor vehicle, trailer,
farm tractor, roadbuilding machine and any
or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power
not include motorized snow vehicles cars of electric or
railways running only upon rails.
traction eng,ine,
vehicle drawn
but does
Street or Highwa includes a common or public highway, street
avenue, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or
trestle, designed and intended for. or used by, the general public
for the passage of vehicles
Park or Parking, when prohibited, means the standing of a vehicle
whether occupied or not except when standing temporarily for the
purpose of and while actually engaged in the loading or unloading
of merchandise or passengers
For the purpose of this
The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of
enacts as follows
This By-Law shall not become effective until approved by the
Department of Transport.
By-Laws #2020, #2030, #2103, are hereby repeáléd.
ENACTED AND PASSED the 16th day of June. 1970.
1. (a) COUNTY ROAD iH5 is the Road Allowance known as M,¡in'
Street, in the Village of Dutton.,
(b) COUNTY ROAD #16 is the Road Allowance known as the
Talbot Road East Branch opposite Lots, #18 and #19 in
the Township of Southwold.
(6 ) COUNTY ROAD it20 is the Road Allowance bet¡<een Lots
#18 and #19 North and South of Talbot Road East
(d.) COUNTY ROAD #42 is the Road Allowance known as Wellington
Street in the Village of Port Burwell.
(a) A restriction on County Road #15 in the Village of
NO PERSON shall park a vehicle on County Road #15 in
the Village of Dutton unless the right side of the
street having regard for the direction in which the
vehicle has been proceeding and unless the right
front and right rear wheels or runners of the vehicle
are parallel to and distant respectively not more than
6 inches from the edge of the ro'dway.
(b) A restriction on County Road #16 and County Road #20,
in the Hamlet of Fingal:
NO PERSON shall park a vehicle on County Road #16 within
1,000 feet of the limit of County Road #20 or on County
Road #20 within 1,000 feet of the limit of County Road
#16 unless on the right side of the street having,regard
for the direction in which the, vehicle has been proceeding
and unless the right front' and right rear wheels or
runners of the vehicle are parallel to and distant respectively
not more than 6 inches from the edge of the roadway.
(c) A restriction on County R()ad #42 in the Village of Port
NO PERSON shall park a vehicle on the portion of County
Roa,d #42 known as Wellingto'';S,treet unless on the right
. 2
SCHEDULE "A", (cont Id)
2 (c) (cont I d')
side of the street having regard for the direc,tion
in which the vehicle has been proceeding and unless
the right front and right rear wheels or runners of
the vehicle are parallel to and distant respectively
not more than 6 inches from the edge of the roadway
r~'- ._.~
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I 1. (a) COUNTY ROAD ,#2 is the Road Allowance known as Main
I Street in the Village of West Lorne.
(b) COUNTY ROAD #8 is the Road Allowance known as John
Street in the Village of Dutton.
(c) COUNTY ROAD 1115 is the Road Allowance known as Main
Street in,tbe Village of Dutton.
(d) COUNTY ROAD #16 is the Road Allowance known as Talbot
Road East Branc,h opposite Lots 1118 and 1119 ,in the
Township of Soutbwold.
(e) COUNTY ROAD #20 is the Road Allowance between Lot #18
and #19, North and South of Talbot Road East Branch
and North of Talbot Road North Branch in the Township
of Southwold.
(0 COUNTY ROAD #21 is the Road Allowance known as Warren
Street in the Village of Port Stanley.
(g) COUNTY ROAD #27 is the Road Allowance and the Road
Allowance as widened between Concession III and IV
in the Township, of Yarmouth.
(h) COUNTY ROAD #35 is the Road Allowance and the Road
Allowance as widened between the Township of Yarmouth
and Malahide opposite Concession V, Malahide.
(1) COUNTY ROAD #40 is the Road Allowance between Lots
#20 and #21 in Concession IX and X in the Village of
Spri ngfield, (formerly the Township of Malahide).
(j) COUNTY ROAD #42 is the Road Allowance known as Wellington
Street in the Village of Port Burwell.
(k) COUNTY ROAD #47 is the Road Allowance and the Road
Allowance as widened between Lots #3'and #4 in Concession
X, in the Township of South Dorchester.
(1)' COUNTY ROAD #48 is the Road Allowance and the Road
Allowance as widened between Concession X and XI,
opposite Lots #3 and #4, in the Township of South
(m) COUNTY ROAD #49 is the Road Allowance between Lots #6 and
. . 2
SCHEDULE "B'" (cont'd)
1. (m) (cont'd)
#7 in Concession XII in the Village of Springfield,
(formerly the Township of South Dorchester).
(0') COUNTY ROAD #52 is the Road Allowance between the
\ Township of South Dorchester and Malahide now in the
Village of-Springfield known as Main Street.
2. When properly worded signs have been erected and are on
display no person shall park a vehicle on the highway or
part of the high,my known as:
(a) COUNTY ROAD #2 from the East limit of Wood Street,
Westerly 800 feet to the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway
Spur on the North side of County Road #2.
(b) COUNTY ROAD #8 within 50 feet of the North limit of
County Road #15 on the East side of Gounty Road #8.
(c) COUNTY ROAD #15 within 50 feet of the South limit of
County Road 1;8 on"the Nor~hsidê( of Road #15.
(d) COUNTY ROAD #15 within 25 feet of the North limit of
Mary Street, in the Villageof Dutton on the West side
of County Road #15.
(e) COUNTY ROAD #15 within 25 feet of the North limit of
Shackleton Street, in the Village of Dutton on the
West side of County Road #15.
(0 COUNTY ROAD 1/16 within 30 feet of the East limit of
County Road #20 on the North side of County Road 1/16.
(g) COUNTY ROAD #16 within 15 feet of the East limit of
County Road Ino on the South side of County Road 1/16.
(h) COUNTY ROAD #16 within 25 feet of the West limit of
County Road #20 on the North side of County Road #16.
(1) COUNTY ROAD 1/16 within'.3.o feet of the West limit of
County Road 1;20 on the South side of County Road ftl6,.
(j) COUNTY ROAD #20 within 30 feet from the North limit of
County Road #16 on the East side of County Road #2.0.
(k) COUNTY ROAD #20 within 15 feet from the North limit
of County Road #16 on the West side of County Road #2.0.
. . 3
SCHEDULE "BI!, (cont'd)
2. (1) COUNTY ROAD #20 within 100 feet of the North limit
of King's Highway No. 3 on the West side of County
Road #20.
(m) COUNTY ROAD #21 within 50 feet of the East limit of
, County Roadil20 on the North ,side of County Road 1121.
\ i'
(n) COUNTY ROAD 1121 within 50 feet of the 'East limit of
County Road #20 on the South side of County Road #21.
(0 ) COUNTY ROAD #27 opposite the Westerly One Thousand
(1,000) feet of Lot #18, Concession III.
(p) COUNTY ROAD #35 from the South limit of the Road
Allowance between Concession V, '(the Gore South of
Talbot Road), Malahide, Southerly for 2,640 feet
on the East side of County Road #35.
(q) COUNTY ROAD #35 opposite the South limit of the Road
, J
Allowance between Concession v;''''<the Gore South of
Talbot Road), Malahide Southerly for 2,640 feet on
t· ..'
.. """,,, .;_:......'_.:..~_....:... .".,:,,,{,.- ..,_<-.,-..:.... ·.··.,:-:.·:·:-,'.--·s"""·:.·.·::-·-.."····"·:--:·','<·..'...--.::;.,.'''':.:..-:..-->.... >:,
" the West ~ide of 'Co~nty Róad #35:
(r) COUNTY ROAD #40 within 30 feet of the South limit of
County Road #52 on the East and West sides of County
Road 1/40.
(s) COUNTY ROAD #42 (Wellington Street) within 25 feet of
the East limit of Robinson Street ,on the North side
of Wellington Street.
(t) COUNTY ROAD #47 within 95 feet of the North limit of
County Road #48 on the West side of County Road #47.
(u) COIJNTY ROAD #47 within 60 feet of the North limit of
County Road #48 on the East side of County Road #47.
(v) COUNTY ROAD #48 within 60 feet of the East limit of
County Road #41 on the North and South sides of
County Road #48.
(w) COUNTY ROAD #48 within 65 feet of the West limit of
County Road #47 on the North and South sides of County
Road /148.
(x) COUNTY ROAD #49 within 50 feet of the North limit of
County Road #52 on the West side of County Road #49.
. . 4
SCHEDULE "B' (cont1d)
2. (y) COUNTY ROAD #52 within 34 feet of the West limit of
County Road #49 on the North side of County Road #52.
(z) COUNTY ROAD #53 (Elm Street) within 250 feet of the
South limit of Beech Street, on the East and West sides
of Elm Street.
(aa) COUNTY ROAD #53 (Beech Street) from the West limit of
John Street to the East limit of Elm Street, on the
South side of Beech Street.
(bb) COUNTY ROAD #53 (Beech Street) within 40 feet of the
West limit of John Street, on the North side of Beech
(cc) COUNTY ROAD #53 (Beech Street) within the distance of
175 feet and 325 feet of the West limit of John Street,
on the North side of Beech Street.
(a) COUNTY ROAD #3 is the ROad Allowance known as Furnival
Road in the Village of Rodney.
(b) When properly worded signs have been erected and are on
display, no person shall park a vehicle on, the highway or
'parts of the highway known as County Road #3' in the Village
of Rodney for a longer period than three hours between
the hours of 12:00 O'Clock Midnight and 7:00 O'Clock A.M.
(toea 1 time).