2135 COUNTY OF ELGIN By~Law No. 2135 "£?'§}..lli!..A 1?..Y.:'~~o El'_tab1isl:!.j'1t~:e.<?f.ti~..Qt º-'?!:illt.LRate for ..Th<L<l.9un.:tY.._Q.L!lgin For _The X~'!!.;¡: 1971." The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the following be the apportionment of the County Rate for the County of Elgin for the year 1971. Aylmer 11.40810 Belmont 1.28410 Dutton 1.44110 Port Burwell 1.17510 Port Stanley 4.78410 Rodney 1.74610 Springfield .53910 Vienna .48310 West Lorne 1.86610 Aldborough 8.26610 Bayham 9.49710 Dorchester South 3.02810 Dunwi ch 6.00710 Malahide 12.04010 Southwold 21.82810 Yarmouth 14.61610 - 100000010 Read a first time this 29thday of September 1970. Read a second1\:ime this2'9thday of September 1970. " Read a third time and finally påssed this 29thday of Septe~er 1970. ? ~ Warden