2141 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 214J, "Being A By-Law To Amend By-Law No. 1696, Thereby Adjusting The Salary Of The Elgin County Road Superintendent." WHEREAS By-Law No. 1696 deals with the appointment and remuneration of a Road Superintendent for the County of Elgin. AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 1696 is presently amended by By-Law No. 2108. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to change the present salary of the Elgin County Road Superintendent. NEW THEREFORE the Municipal Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT Clause (4) of By-Law No. 1696 as amended by By-Law No. 2108 be deleted, and the follow- ing substituted therefore: "That the salary or remuneration of the Road Superintendent shall be the sum of Eighteen Thousand Dollars ($18,000.00) per annum, payable bi-weekly, and that he be paid an allowance for the use of his car based on the following schedule." MILEAGE PER CALENDAR YEAR o ---- 5,000 .15¢ per mile 5,000 ---- 10,000 .08¢ per mile over ---- 10,000 .06¢ per mile 2. THAT By-Law No. 2108 be, and the same is hereby repealed. 3. THAT this By-¡awshall take effect on December 26th, 1970, at 14 o'clock midrti~ht, subject to the approval of the Minister of Highways. PASSED in open Council this 18th day of November, 1970. 7 ~ Warden i I Att¡¡.ch. cc: Mr. L,. 'E.W alker ~;¿:::: \o/~ A. A. Ward, Municipal Operations Engine er. Yours very truly, Subsidy on the mileage allowance will be restricted to the total amount which would accure under the rates for Provincial Government Service. The Honourable George E. Gomme, Minister of Highways, has approved the attached By-Law Number 2141 of your county which amends By-Law No. 1696 and increases the salary of the Road Supt. and County Engineer, Mr. R. G. Moore to $18,000.00 per annum plus a mileage allowance at 151' per mile for the first 5,000 miles, 81' per mile for the next 5,000 and 61' per mile thereaft:a~, effective December 26th 1970. De ar Sir Re Count -Law No. 2141. Mr. H. L.; Johnson, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Elgin, Court'House, St. Thomas, Ontario. -.-,' GHWAYS Municipal Roads Branch, Downsview 464, Ontario. December ~h, 1970,' ~jECE;¡VED 1 ,(ii, DEC 1 6 m, lj DEPARTMENT OF H ~-"""¡¥~"""'''''' '_J_.