2151 COUNTY OF ELGIN By- Law No .2151 'Bein ~thorize The War and. Clerk ,ed To Leslie McQ ~ , Town Of Aylmer" WHEREAS The Corporation of the County of Elgin has agreed to sell certain lands to LeslIe McQuiggan. NOW THEREFORE, The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT the Warden and Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin are, hereby, authorized to sign a Deed for the following parcel of Lot #82, North Talbot Road, in the Town of Aylmer. ALL AND SINGULAR that certaIn parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Town of Aylmer, in the County of Elgin and ProvInce of Ontario, being composed of Part of Lot EIghty-Two (82), North of Talbot Road in the said Town, being that part of County of Elgin Road Number Fifty-Three, (53), more particularly described as follows: PREMISING that the bearings given herein are referred to those shown on Deposited Plan No D751, registered in the Registry OffIce for the County of Elgin. COMMENCING at a point in the Southerly limit of the Westerly extension of Beech Street as established by By-Law Number 1483 registered in the Registry OffIce for the County of Elgin as Instrument Number 17115 distant Four Hundred and Fifty and Thirty-Seven One-Hundredths Feet (450.37') measured on a bearing of North Eighty-Eight Degrees, Fifty-Seven Minutes West (N88057'W) thereon from its intersection with the Easterly limit of said Lot Eighty-Two (82) said point of commencement being the intersection of the said Southerly limit of the Westerly extension of Beech Street with the Easterly limit of said County Road Number Fifty-Three (53) "'\'11 '<)~:I 1''' Page 1 Continued THENCE North Eighty-Eight Degrees Fifty-Seven Minutes West (N88057'W), SIxty-One and SIxty-NIne One-Hundredths Feet (61.69') THENCE South One Degree, Ten MInutes West (81010' W), NInety-Five and Twenty-Four One-Hundredths Feet (95.24') to its Intersection wIth the Northerly limit of the lands of the Canadian National Railways; THENCE South Eighty-Five Degrees, Forty-Nine MInutes East (S85049'E) -- along the Northerly limIt of said RaIlway lands Six~y-One and EIghty- SIx One-Hundredths Feet (6l,86') to Its, IntersectIon wIth the Easterly limIt of saId County Road Number Fifty-Three (53); THENCE North One Degree, Seven Feet East (Nlo07'E) along the Easterly limit of saId County Road Number FIfty-Three (53), NInety-Eight and SIxty-Two One-Hundredths Feet (98.62') to the point of commencement. CONTAINING by admeasurement an area of 0.137 acres be the same more or less. READ a first, second, and third tIme, and passed thIs 21st day of January, 1971. y~ (!.~ ",,-</ ~ ¡;" ~ WARDEN Sd~ ~-R/V'A'~'vVr '41;' ?; 'f. A