2158 WARDEN ENACTED and passed thIs 21st day of AprIL 1971 desIgnated In the attached Schedules up In a conspIcuous place at eIther end of each brIdge the weight permItted legIbly prInted has been posted by the Department of TransPQrt and untIL a notIce of 3 ThIs By-Law shall not become effectIve untIL approved SectIon 52 of the Highway TraffIc Act By-Law Any person violating any of the provisions shall be subject to the penalty provIded in 2 of thIs lImIt prescribed In the Schedule for such brIdge part of this By-Law wIth a weIght In excess of weIght over any brIdge desIgnated In Schedule No 1 forming thereof whether empty or loaded shall be operated 1 No vehIcle or combInation of vehicles or any class County of NOW THEREFORE the CouncIL Elgin enacts as follows of of the CorporatIon of AND WHEREAS It is deemed expedIent to limit the wéi~ht vehIcles passing over certaIn bridges in the County of ElgIn the The MunIcIpal CorporatIon or other authority having jurIsdictIon over a brIdge may by By-Law approved by the Department make regulatIons lImItIng the weIght of any vehIcle or combinatIon of vehIcles or any class thereof passIng over stich a bridge Traffic W1ŒREAS subsection 8 of Section 52 of Act (R.S.O. 1960) provIdes that THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RESTRICTING THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES the Highway OF BY-LAW NO 2158 1 Schedule 5 BrIdge Number DHO SCHEDULE #1 Road Name Weig¡'t Number of BrIdge LocatIon in Tons - -- - Lot,. 42 VanOrder Con. S Twp of Bayham r[ " I; I I:" i " WHEREAS Tra ffIc Act (R. S NOW THEREFORE the Council of the CorporatIon of the County of ElgIn enacts as follows: ] No vehicle or combination of vehIcles or any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge designated In Schedule No.1, formI ng part of thIs By-Law with a weIght in excess of weight \i.mIt prescrIbed In the Sch,edule for such brIdge. 2 Any person violating any of the ,provisIons of this BY-La~,?,h~~ b"e",~i;~b~~,ft~£,the pe~alty provi,ded in I '.. ,".: .' ...... . '. ..:.....,.. ",: ::.' SectIon $ ci.f the HIghway Traffic Act. 3 ThIs ßy-Law'shall not become effectIve untIl approved by tJ~ Depdt'ment of and until a ,_:....,....,'"". .' ,.- ." ....'i~ '";" ::._:1:>:, ..~~'Yf~~\~>t: ~{, ··:',',.·..~\:>i¡-', ,i';, t hè'w~,ìght::p'eiini H ed prInted, has \_ :-'.::;~i'-;', --g",~",,:;,::,;?, ':'> up In ¡":'conspIèÍ1ous r end of '~Xf;':,t' ·:C)';"å , ' desIgnated in,' the es :!:ftHv~:; of AND WHEREAS "It i s ,<;le..ø:\íi< d'.Y!l*P~i''''nt'c:·t'6'' Yiltói.t ..t'ne '*lii.ght vehIcles pàssIng over certain hridges in the COl1nty of ElgIn RK I, G. C. Leverton, Députy Clerk of the Corpö~ation the County of Elgin, dqhereby certify that the foregoing a trueCQþy of: By-Law;, NS'. 2158, passed by the Council the said Corporai:,ipnbn::'tJ;1.ë,,21st day of April, 1971 THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN RESTRICTING THE WEIGHT OF VEHiCLES PASSING OVER BRiDGES The MUn Ipal Corporation or other authorIty havIng jurIsdI ion over a brIdge may, by By-Law approved by the make regulatIons lImItIng the weIght of Ie or combinatIon of vehIcles any ¿lass over such 'a 'bridge - Department subsectIon 8 of SectIon o 1960) provIdes that any vehic thereof passIng åF ç;¡"C. Leverton Deputy County Clerk 52 of the HIghway WARDEN AprIl "'~~~'b"'" pr i, 1 Schedu Ie Bridge Number DHO 5 SCHEDULE iF1 ~ = ~ Road Name WeIght Number of BrIdge LocatIon In Tons - Lot. 42 VanOrder., Con. 8 Twp of Bayham , /i ;r~ [' ~ h1 \/" '-,111,,1 '>. "~!