2163 ENACTED AND PASSED thi.s 15th day of WARDEN ~~ June 1971. This By-Law shall not become effectIve until approved by the Department of Transport. 2 No person shall drIve a motor vehicle upon the Highways or portions of Highways åesignated in Schedules "A" and "B" appended hereto, rates of speed than the rates of speed In the schedules. at greater prescribed 1. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the CorporatIon of the MunIcIpalIty of Elgin enacts as follows AND motor vehIcles upon eIther decreased or WHEREAS it is deemed expedIent that the speed lImIt certaIn Highways In the Municipality of Elgin be Increased or both for WHEREAS Subsection 6a of SectIon 59 of the Highway TraffIc Act (R.S,O. 1960, Chapter l72) as amended, authorizes the CouncIL of a TOWnship or County by By-Law to prescrIbe å lower or higher rate oj: speed for motor vehicles on a Highway or portion of HIghway under Its jurisdIctIon that is not within a buIlt-up area, urban area, or suburban dIstrIct than i.s prescrIbed in Clause "a" of Subsection 1 of Section 59, but such rate of speed shall not be less than 35 mIles per hour or more than 60 miles per hour AUTHORIZING SPEED LIMITS BY-LAW NO. 2163 MUNICIPALITY OF ELGIN SCHEDULE "A" MAXIMUM RATE OF SPEED - 35 MILES PER HOUR 1. County Road No. l5, BEING the Road Allowance between Lots 12 and 13 In ConcessIon VIII, TownshIp of Dunwi.ch, from the south easterly limIt of King's Highway No.3,> BEIN@ the Road Allowance between Concession VII and VIII, Township of Dunwich, south easterly, a distance of eight hundred and thirty-one feet. 2. County Road No. l5, BEING the Road Allowance between Lots 12 and 13, in Concession VII, Township of Dunwi.ch, from the north westerly lImit of King's HIghway 3, BEING the Road Allowance between Concession VII and VIII, Township of Dunwi.ch, north westerly for a distance of one thousand two hundred and fourteen feet. -- G. C. Leverton Deputy County Clerk I, G. C. Leverton, Deputy Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No. 2163, passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 15th day of June, 1971. ~ ENACTED AND PASSED thIs 15th day of June 2. Tl¡is By-Law $ha11rl()f!"become"êffectIy~ approved by the Depar~ment of Transp~~~ No person sha 11 drI ve a motor vehic le upon ..the HIghways o,r port;Ions of Highways designatedi,.n;,:, .,! .S_chedul~s ','An }Ii\d,t<w:':; .!Ippendeil h~t1Iii:ò', à:~ greater . "rates of speed thai\' the rates of speed prescrIbed In the schedules. 1 NOW MunicIpalIty of THEREFORE Eldn the CouncIl of enacts as follows the C~rporâtton of WHERE-AS Subsection 6a of Section 59' of 'ay TraffIc . ., > " ,', ", ,·,'<"v\:,),;·· .' Act (R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 172) as amer;¡ded, aut.~~ ,unci.lof a Townsl¡ip or County by By~Law .~o pl;e~~~~&r~.~-;'~~~ !r,!r,~~~!"~ speed for motor vehicles on' a Highway (Jr'tl!1rtióit~. under Its jurIsdiction that Is not withIn a buIlt-uir'area, \¡,.iÞh _ a, qi:l~uburba" distrIct than Is prescrIbed In Clause "an'lòf SubseçtIon l"of':/>~YIon 59; but such rate of speed shall not be less ,than 35 miles per hqJ:1;r),.Qr more thli'n 60 mIles per hour; .. ' . , 'i' ..i" '" u' ..' :{i ..,' .:",;,~'~" ,', ,¡>~i::"'if:'::-", ,':~", ,.,"'.:,',," AND WHEREAS It is deemed expedient that,the s'pe'ed lImIt for ,'" " _. .,_,,1 ' ",::; ',", " motor vehIcl~s upon certain HIghways in the' MunIcIpalIty of ElgIn be eIther decreased 'or Increased or both the BY-LAW NO. ''¡ OF ELGIN . I. ~'" westerly of fee ¡ , , ~'. i . e~~terlY lImIt,~~~~,~ 1,...~,..,:·..,~..,·,.,......',:'."·,,.·· .... .. '," "c- "';"':·i""'''::·''·'~I·JiP··:'¥!"')·r, ~;~"(~¡t~1~.'i':;:>''':i''': '; "->~r\:<~r l,,: ,,?~I':, 'f bet;~en "Concešsion VI:t. III }@":(~,~::,~,: ,"'/-:./' ,"'.. .. ",,";:f~< east'edÝ\ ,~,. distancf! o~;~i~~hf.~~.~~ '.' 'i(~,~}i:" "\J~i",":I~I~¡'" ,"' count;Li'd'~&o. l5, ~J!INGj >r·"Road All. ,:,;,::;,:~;,:::::):,,~J:~,U:_:xt:'t'J{:~:·:'·"h, "," '",' ,'::}~'::':;'" ,,-.. _.',- .. "',, an<id¡!::;f~tcf~nèessi~~\rt ,. ,.,.~,':::'" --'.. " ':":'~""', ,.';: :,_,:' .'.i~:/":';:·::~;",:::\t~,:~~1~y::·,";":""i('~";-2:"-' westerly li:1Ii:tt" of" ki':¡s' s ·:'·""'.·'i::-/ , " ¡,,:,:'::;;':;~ between C ssIon vII a!ld 13 :4- A