2166 : COUNTY OF' ELGIN , By-Law No. 2166 "A BY-LAW TO ADOPT A PLAN OF COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT AND ESTABLISH A COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN UNDER THE HIGHWAY INWROVE- MENT ACT." WHEREAS the By-Law adopting a plan of county road improvement and establishing a county road system in the County of Elgin has been amended from time to time by adding roads or portions of roads to and removing roads or portions of roads from the county road system; AND WHEREAS certain roads formerly included in the county road system have been assumed by the Province of Ontario, and certain roads or portions of roads so assumed have been reverted to the munici- pality previously liable for their maintenance and rep~ir or transferred to the municipality withifi which the same are situate as the case may be; AND WHEREAS the descriptions of certain roads included in the county road system and the recorded mileage thereof as established by by-laws heretofore passed have been affected by alterations to or diversions of the said roads or by alterations to the boundaries of certain local municipalities; AND WHEREAS certàin roads or portions or roads heretofore added to or removed from the county road system have not been described sufficiently in the relevant by-laws to permit them to be identified with certainty or to make clear the true intent of the Council in respect thereof; AND WHEREAS it is deemed in the public interest that the locations of all roads or portions of roads included in the county road system be described in a manner sufficient to permit ready identification; AND WHEREAS in order to attain greater efficiency in the administration of the county road system it is deemed expedient to adopt a plan of county road improvement and establish a county road system in the County of Elgin. TlillREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as By-Law Number 2166 as follows continued 2 1 The roads shown as county roads on the several plans numbered 2 - 1, 2 - 2, 3 - 1, 3 - 2, 4 - 1, 5 - 1, 6 - 1, 7 - 1, 8 - 1, 9 - 1, 9 - 2, 11 - 1, 13 - 1, 14 - 1, 15 - 1, 16 - 1, I ! 16 - 2, 17 - 1, 18 - 1, 19 - 1, 20 - 1, 20 - 2, 21 - 1, 22 - 1, 23 - 1, 24 - 1, 24 - 2, 25 - 1, 26 - 1, 27 - 1, 28 - 1, 29 - 1, 30 -,1, 31 - 1, 32 - 1, 33 - 1, 34 - 1, 35 - 1, 36 - 1, 37 - 1, 38 - 1, 39 - 1, 40 - 1, 41 - 1, 42 - 1, 43 - 1, 44 - 1 45 - 1, , 45 - 2 45 - 3, 46 - 1, 47 - 1, 48 - 1, 49 - 1, 50 - 1 52 - 1, , , 52 - 2, 53 - 1, 54 - 1, 55 - 1, comprising Schedule "A" to this by-law are designated the county road system of the County of Elgin. 2. The roads shown as county roads on the several plans numbered as in paragraph 1 comprising Schedule "A" to this by-law shall be known by the numbers shown on the said plans and such numbers shall be used for all purposes of administration and accounting. 3. The cost of constructing and maintaining the county road system shall be met from; (a) monies raised by the levying of a general annual rate upon all municipalities in the county not separated therefrom for municipal purposes and, (b) provincial grants-in-aid and, (c) the proceeds of debentures issued for purposes of road con- struction and, (d) any special contributions made by a person or persons, public or private corporate bodies, the Federal or Provincial Govern- ments, their agencies or boards, or from any other source. 4. By-Law Number 897, being the original by-law adopting a plan of county road improvement and establishing a county road system in the County of Elgin, ¡:¡s amended by subsequent amending by-laws and consolidated by subsequent consolidating by-laws, and all other by-laws adding or purporting to add roads or portions of roads to the county road system are hereby repealed. I 5. This by-law shall come into force upon and to the extent of the I approval thereof by the Lieutenant Governor in CounciL PASSED at the City of St. Thomas in the County of Elgin this 22nd day of September 1971 ~¿; 'X 7~« 1 :.\. L- 1 -, cc: Mr. L. E. Walker District #2. -~.~_.~. ,_,_'._,w", .. .... ,..,. _, _ --?/'/- - - - " ~ 1,' c I /c;,~ 7/ C RW / AEN / amn. Attach. ~ð/"''.f'' ./'(/ ~ 6 J ~I L' ,1-7/ 1;/1 '¡)~,' ")-1~tJ';'d.0 C. R. Wilmot, Director, Municipal Branch. z'y_ _/~¿::/~ ---þ ~ '77~? <>'?,?()tr~ .;z6 6; if>. N, .\." -'.",,0. The original and signed. Yours very truly be forwarded when dated ''''',1' 'í' ? Co} 4.0.. <'. crono£1ex plans We are sending under separate cover, 1}:'Jtq,L:~s.i~§,~,EoJ2i",~,,, of the plans for the above by-law which, when attached to copies of t:fle(5r(ferin Council, become legal documents describing your County road system. will ì I I \J Attached is a copy of Order in Council No. OC-3416/7l dated November 18th 1971, passed to approve By-law No 2166 of your County. Dear Sir County of Elgin By-law No. Re 2166 Mr. H. L. Johnson Clerk- Treasurer, County of Elgin, Court House, St. Thomas, Ontario. Downsview 464 Nov=r" ""', RECEIVED NaV 2 5 1971 1971. Ontario. MINISTER HONOURABLE CHARLES MacNAUGHTON DEPUTY MINISTER: A. T. C. McNAB DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS r""'" " ONTARIO By-Law No 2166 " ,/',il 1i.:.J'JPT /1. ¡;LPd JF cnUNTY il(JAD IMP;.¡OV}:MENT AND £.:;TAi3L"i 3\-1 A . ..__u,___·____ :.,r!!~L(._i:{.~.'jL,::;.Y;;l~EM IN THE COUNTY OF E;LGIN UNDEH THE HIGHwAY IMPROVE- MENT ACT." wHE1~EA3 the By-Law adopting a plan of county road improvement dnd "",tablishing a county ,road ,system in the County of Elain has been f:UHPfl,:J.e'd rrOJ[l time to time by adding roads or portions of roads to and ff?HiOV 1 no roads or portions of roads from the county road system; . AND \v¡·ŒRJ'AS certair! roadl~ formerly included in the ¢ounty lOdd system have been assumed by the Province of Ontario, and certain !\)d(U,; or porti>ns of loa'::!,,; so ds"umed have been revertèd to the munici- pality plevioualy IlabIe for their rnalntenance and repair or transferred ti,) thl ¡"unicipalitv within which the same are situate as the case may be; 11,iD WHEfŒJ\S the descriptions of certairt roads in(~luded in the county r0",d system and the recorded mileage thereof as established by bv-J¿fws lWJetoforfJ passed have Dec,n affected DY alterations to OT '..i1..v(~rsi()ns of the said roads or bv alterations to the boundaries of c:ertdln 1.0cal ntu~icipalities; 1\ND VlHEf,EA3 certain roaòs or portions or roads heretofore ôd'j(','("! to () r removed from the county road system have not been described ~;)uf r icìently i nþh'è relevant by-laws to penni t them to be ldenti fied wllh certainty or to make clear the true intent of the Council in rf:~::;P¡:'::'ct tì18reof; M1 D w' !I}: ¡-lEA;:' i t is d<"rmu>d In the public interest that the l(I(;ôi:ion~:; of all rOi"d'S or portions of roads included lnthe coúnty road ßV'SLc% be dpscribedin a martr\eT ,sufficient to permit ready i{:lent:i.£1 cr].ti c)n; fiN [Iv/HE 21';,,:; in ori'1.'-:'y to a t tat n greater e ffird ency in the ddmini,;l,ration of the count ';' road system it is deemed expedient to ¡dopt d plan of county road i.mprovernent and establish a, county road .;v:-) LHm U1 the C011nty of El()in~ 'r :n-~PEFc.)'¡tr,', ti1 t·) Courtci 1 of the Corporation of the County- of :lou'\ endcts dc; ,i3y-Law NIDnber .1].66_ as follows continued \ r' 0'0 ,d Q) " . .-.J (I) 1') rei (fJ i,~; (~< i 'Jlo "~' ... lOCO I -:F) ;:~ r,:{!1J',c:.""J '¡,J:; !,+.J ,',_ ',¡" 0 '(".!IH71 \'fO ',-, ~ ,,_\I,'rr,j )"¡;':'-l ( X , \ ...-~~ þ,." om ..q.~ ,~ () . o "-,~ If} þ~) t-- ,J1 O~O) ;':c; o,,-·,. :0 '0 r..) ... Q) '" ;j ill H .,q .µ ¡:¡ ill Hj ;p 0< <n ill ....1,U) ~;>-\ ...--1 +J .-'1 r:~ 0 :--j '--; o ;1 UO U ill .r::;.Q} +J ,.c: +J t :,..¡ o :>, (¡ of PA3SED at the City of st September 1971. Thomas approval thereof by in the County of Elgin this 22nd day 5 This to the by-law county shaH the Çome Lieutenant Governor in Council. into forçe upon and to the extent of the by-laws road system are hereby repealed. adding or purp'~rting to a.dd roads or portiöns of roàds consolidated by subsequent consolidating by-laws, and all other the County of 19in, E as county road amended by improvement subsequent amending by-làwS and 4 ì')y-Law Number 897 being and establish',ng a county road the original by-law adopting a plan of system in ¡.jll- 00 r.;.~ o ·t,J \.; r:: QJ 0 t)·d +J ~~)' cd )~ ¡"1 Q) 0 ¡..¡ P. (l),~t ~c:,o U o "() '0 .....j . ró r:: If) ,'-1 t~ ill -.j ,.C; +" ,\< " Q) ~ ,J ( d ments, or any private corporate special contr iblltions their agencie" bodiés, made by a person ör or boards, the or from any other source Federal or Provincial Govern- persons , publi c . ( c struction and, the proceeds of debentures issued. for purpöses of road con- ( b provincial grants-in-aid and, municipal municipali ties purposes and, a monies in the county not separated therefrom l'aised by the levying ofa general annual for rate upon all 3. shall The cost be met of constructing and maintaining the county road from ; shaH be used system for all purposes of àdministration and àccounting. known by the in paragr numbers shown on the said plans and such numbers (lph 1 comprising tJ' rr,~ ..,-c 10 ~ ty.q-i "I m, 0 "N :>, n:J ,{) QJ c' , < . .J ··t·! ró ,r~ +J "0 ç; C'J N Q) ~c~ +.1 2 by-law are designated the countyroàd The roads shown as county Schedule "A" roads on the several plans to this by-làW numbered as shall be 52 System of the County of'Elgin . 2 53 1 54 1, 30 38 15 1 1, '2, 31 39 45 1, It 3, 32 40 46 1, 1, 1, 55 33 41 47 1, 1, 1, 1, comprising Schedule 34 42 48 1, 1, 1, 35 43 - 49 1, 1, 1, 36 44 50 "A" to this 1, 1, 1, 37 45 52 1" 1, 1, 2 :3 1 24 1 2, 2, 24 25 1, 26 1, 27 1, 28 1, 29 1, J.(ì 17 1, 8 1, 9 1, 18 1, 2, 19 1, 20 1, 20 2, 21 1, 22 1, 9 11 '1, 13 1', 14 1, 15 1, 16 1, 1 2 The Toads 1, 2 2 shown 3 as 1, county roads :3 2, 2 4 on the 1, 5 several 1, 6 plans 1, numbered 7 1, ~)s~ '.ò"¡ &w! ,\,;:,,~"t,~ '0'.· ONTARIO ----.---- EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OFFICE 00-3416/71 Copy of an Order-in-Council approved by His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, dated thè 18th day 0,1' November, A.D. 1971. Upon the recommendation of the Honourable the Minister of Transportation and Communications, the Committee or Council advise that pursuant to Section 41(7) of The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 201, approval be given to By-law No. 2166 of the County of Elgin passed to amend the 1"0ad system of the said County. Certifi.ed, ClJ(~t~ve~n~ "- '\ (J I CONTAINING PLANS NUMBERED I 43--1 44-1 45,1 4"" 45-3 46--1 47-1 46--1 49-1 50-1 52-1 ~2 53-I 54-I 50-I 29-1 3D-I 31-1 32'1 33-1 34'1 35-1 36'1 37'1 3&-1 3&-2 39--1 40-1 41-1 42-1 42-2 16-[ 16-2 17-[ 18-1 19-1 20-1 20-2 21-[ ,22-< 23-< 24--1 24-2 20-1 26'1 27-1 28-< 2-1 2-2 3'-[ 3-2 4-1 5-1 6-1 7-1 8'-1 9--1 9-2 [I-I 13-1 14-1 15-1 N 0 ,2 I 6 6 A W L B Y ___ff.. ¡;;Æ""""",__ PREPAf/EO ~r>d DRAW" 8'f 611,.,. C .GOROON DATE ----~~~~~-~~~~--- -~'%¿~EÑ-_h D.R.rOOD -r¿J'. ~uunu_ t7ëOtJNTY CLERK H.J...JOHflSON _ i;:'"""" _.&- _ %....~ -- COU:r M~INEER BY- LAW E$TABLlSHING OF ELGIN COUNTY CORPORATION OF THE THE if': III \IJ c 0 U N T Y 0 F E L G / N ~ oo<m INDEX SHEET " EST. BY-LAW 2156 AMENDMENT ADDED "" AMENDMENT 'D~ '< AMENDMENT '<'", AMENDMENT ~G'j, AMENDMENT ROAD PLAN No. BY~LAW REMOVED " BY-LAW REMOVED '", BY-LAW ADDED REMOVED BY-LAW ADDEO REMOVED BY-LAW ADDED REMOVED " ,., 5.75 ,,' '''' , , ,~ ,,' .. 4' " ", 4' ,,' ,.0 ,,' 6.35 8' 14.3 ", ,,, '" 1.25 II-I ,~ 13-1 8.85 '" 6.65 ,~, 745 16-1 11.0 16-2 0' '" 2.35 '" " '" " " , 10.0 20-2 0," '" '8 22-1 " '" " '" " 24-2 , 4,' ,~, 4.65 26-1 " 27-[ " 28-1 ',0 '" 4~ 30-1 0' 31-1 " 32-1 0,' '" 1.10 ,." 3.15 '" 800 36-1 D" 37-1 4,8 38:-1 " 38-2 OS 3~H 11.2 40,1 OA '" ,,, ", " 4" " 43-1 4.55 44-1 10.4 " , 9.71 45-2 '0 45-3 ÕO 46-1 " 47-1 ,.. 48-1 " 49-1 ," '" ", " , " 52-2 0' 53-1 05 ,." ." ", TAL MILEAGE 310.92 -""' \IJ c 0 U N T Y 0 F E L G / N ~ "' INDEX SHEET " £5T. BY-LAW 2/66 AMENDMENT ADDED REMOVED '. AMENDMENT ADDED REMOVED ''''e AMENDMENT AODEO REMOVED '" AMENDMENT ADDED REMOVED "'>" AMENDMENT ADDEO REMOVED ROAD PLAN No. BY-LAW BY-LAW BY-LAW ", BY-LAW BY-LAW " , , 5.75 " ,~ ,-, ,," ,-, " ,-, " , , " ,,' " ,-, 6.35 , , 14.3 ,-, ,~ " '" 11-[ ,,, 13-1 8.85 '" 6.65 15-1 7.45 16-1 11.0 18-2 0,' 17-[ 2.35 '" ,,' '" " 20-[ 10.0 20-2 0.25 '" M '" " 23-1 " 24-1 " '" , " ~, 4.65 " , . " '" " 28-[ " 29-1 '''' 30-1 " 31-1 " 32-1 0,' 33-1 1.10 ~, 3.15 "" 'œ 36-[ '" 37-) " 38,-1 " 38-2 0,' '" 11.2 40. I OA '" ,,, '" " '" ',0 43-1 4.55 44-1 lOA '" 9.71 '" '0 45-3 " 46-1 " 47-1 ,,, 48-1 " '" 0.36 50-[ ,,' 52-1 ," ", " '" " ~,' ,,, ", I!2!AL MILEAGE 310.92 _I ..~-- ... -.'c.j!:>;...:.:"._.... "'~,.' ".- r ',\ ',\ ROADS COUNTY E L 6 I N AMENDING BYLAW No, 2280 (NO V 21. (973) ESTABLISHING BYLAW No, 2166 (SEPT. 22.1971) ~ DRAWN BY --------- ------ 6- C. GORDON ---------------- DATE .IAn ,/974 R N. JOHNSiON - ---CÕUÑTY -WARDEN ---- H L· .JOHN.SON --- -couÑTŸ-C"LÊRK ---- R G. MOORE. P. £NQ. ----COOÑÑEÑ~~ER--- BY- LAW AMENDMENT TO THE ESTABLISHING COUNTY OF ELGIN CORPORATION OF THE THE , I ! ! . \!J c 0 U N T Y 0 F E L G / N ~ INDEX SHEET " EST. BY-LAW Zl66 AMENDMENr ADOED REMOVED '" AMENDMENT AOO£O REMOVED ',,> AMENOMENT ADDED REMOVEO '<>", AMENDMENT ADOEO REMOVED '<>.., AMENDMENT ADDED REMOVED ROAO PLAN No. BY-LAW BY-LAW ~..., BY-LAW BY-LAW BY-LAW ,. ,,' &00 :2-2 '" "3_1 6," ,-, 4,6 4-' 3.9. 5-' 4,' 6,' ',0 7' 6.35 e-' 14.3 9...,1 ',55 H - '" 11-1 ,,. 13-1 10.5 14-1 6.65 15-1 7.45 16-1 H.O [6-2 0,9 17-[ 2.35 18-[ "e 19-1 5,9 20-' 10.0 20-2 0," 21-1 5.95 22-1 ',6 ,3-, 67 24-1 39 ,..., 4,7 ,..., "5 26-1 - .. 27-1 ',7 28-1 ',0 ,.., 4." 30-1 09 31-1 37 ",' 07 33-1 1.10 ~-I 3.15 35-[ e,05 36-1 0." 37-' 4,e 38.1 ,e 38-2 0,9 39-1 11.2 40:-1 0.4 41-1 565 42-[ 9,6 42-2 7,0 43" 4.55 44-0 10.4 45-1 9.?! 45-> 9,0 45-3 3.0 46-' '6 47-1 5.4 4e , ..e 49-1 36 50-! 7.35 " , ,9 " , 09 5' , 0,' 54" ,<5 65 , "80 5[-) 0,9 TAL MILEAGE 3J5.2 7 707"- MILEAGE 3[6.17 \ ¡ , ~. R OA 0 S COUNTY E L (; I N AMENDING BYLAW No, 2280 (NOY. 21, 1973) ESTABLISHING BYLAW No, 2166 (SEPT. 22,1971) ~.'~=--_._--"-"~ ... '. ( ;..~ G. C. GORDON --------------- DRAWN BY , c.. ! .¡¡;¡ri ,1974 ------------~--- DATE " R N.JOHNSTON - ---CÕUÑiY -WARDEÑ ---- H. L JOHNSON ----eooN~-~~K---- R G. MOORE. P. ENG. - - -- éõuÑTY -EÑGïNEEf~· - -- r \ , BY- LAW AMENDMENT TO THE ESTABLISHING " , I ¡ , , COUNTY OF ELGIN CORPORATION OF THE THE ., _v,__~.,.. ~.,-.,.;; -)""-~"- :w;¡¡¡¡,œ:. _---------=~.=-~"'_~--""'··:·-..:c=o_~·""', "- ......;.:::._~, .~- -~..~.,__.o<=..,"C>= ì= -..- -- \rJ c 0 U N T Y 0 F E L G I N ~ - INDEX SHEET '" EST. BY-LAW 2166 AMENDMENT ADDEO REMOVED '" AMENDMENT AOOED REMOVED ',,> AMENDMENT ADDEO REMOVED ""'- AM£NOMENT ADDEO REMOVéO ~'? AMENDMENT ADDEO REMOVED ROAD PLAN No. BY-LAW BY-LAW '" BY-LAW BY-LAW BY-LAW ,,' ,-, ." /2-2 '" 3 , ." 3-' 4' 4-' - 3,' ,., 4,' ,,' 3,0 7...,1 6.35 , , 14.3 9,' 13.55 9-' '25 " , ,," 13-1 10.5· ,..., .65 ,,., 7.45 16-1 11.0 16-2 0,9 J7-1 2.35 18-1 .. 19-1 ',9 20-1 10.0 20-2 0,25 21-\ 5.95 "H " ,,-, ,,' 24-1 " 24-2 4,' 25-' '" 26-1 ., 27-1 ,,' 28-1 ',0 '''' 4,75 30-' 0' 31-1 " ",' 0,' 33-( 1.10 ...., 3.15 35,' ,.0; 36-1 0," 37-1 4,' 38. , 3,' 38-2 09 39 , 11.2 40. I OA 41-1 '" 42-1 " 42-2 '0 43-1 4.55 44-t 10.4 45-[ 9.71 4", .0 45-3 - 30 46,' " 47-1 ,.. ., , ,., .. , " SO" i'3S " , " '" 0,9 53 , 0,' "" " 65·' 2280 51-1 0,9 , TAL MILEAGE 315.2 7 TOTAL MILEAGE 316.17 \ .--'0 :,c- ~'m .... - u _._.---- --.. --..'--- -'-"- ----- -'-- __'~'m '. , " ,~ , , , I