2167 \1 !I JI ¡ County Clerk the day of 19_ of By-Law No passed by the Council of the said Corporation on 1 do hereby certify that the foregoing Corporation of the is a true copy Clerk of the County of ~ ;JI: ~ Z~ Warden SEAL Passed at this day of ST. THOMAS 22nd SEPrEMBER A,D 19 71 (4) The penditure is tures or monies approval of authorized or raised in a subsequept year the Ontario Municipal Board work commenced which will be shall be obtained before any ex- financed by the issue of deben- the (3 Department The clerk shall transmit triplicate of Highways Ontario, not copies of this by-law later than March 31 st to the district office of of the said year (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed county road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. TOT ALS $ $ 20.000 -I $ ~/ 20,000 SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD $ $ $ NEW MACHINERY $ $ nil $ BRIDGES AND CULVERTS ROADS $ $ CONSTRUCTION $ $ MAINTENANCE 20,000 I $ $ TOTAL 20,000 / (1) The sum construction and year 1971 ,as follows of $ 20,000.00 is hereby estimated as maintenance of the roads and bridges under its the expenditure upon jurisdiction during the the THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation ~f the said County enacts as follows WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires roads be provided for annually by county by-law and that the by-law be Minister of Highways for approval that the total expenditure on submitted to the HIGHWAY A BY -LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE FORM OB-MR-6 REV. OCT 1964 IMPROVEMENT AC T IN THE COUNTY OF 19_ 71 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS UNDER THE 2167 ELGIN BY -LAW NO ,~ thé :¡;'y-Law No 22nd day of September 19 71 of 2Ì67 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on E do hereby certify that ,the f()regoing Clerk' of the Corporation of the C is a true êòpy I H L ohnSQn ~~~~ Warden Passed at SEAL this day of , ST. 'rHÞW 22nd 8£m_1t A,D 19_11 (4) The penditure is túres or monies approval of authorized or raised in a the Ontario Municipal Board shall be ,obtained before apyex- work commenced which will be financed by the issue of deperi'; subsequent year the (3) Department The clerk shall transmit triplicate copies of of Highways Ontario, nÖt later than this by-law March 31 st to of the the said (2.) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the county road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with I'rr'\þrÙvem,ent Act TOTALS AND OVERHEAD $ $ $ 20.0&0 $ $ 20,000 $ $ nil $ BRJ.DG.ES AND CULVERTS ROADS $ $ $ $ CONSTRUCTION $ ao,ooo $ 20.800 (l) The sum cdnstruction and year 1971 ,as follows MAINTENANCE: of $ 20,000.00 is hereþy estimated as maintenance of the roads and bridges under its TOTAL the expenditure upon t0~ jurisdiction durin:gthe the Council of the Corporation of the said County enacts,as i Minister r''bad's THEREFORE ,^:t-IEREAS The Highway Impr?vementAct requiJ;;es be provided for annually by county by-law and that the by-law be Þ¥iHighways for approval that the total. expenditµtE'C)Il '.":,:.::::;',':,"-:,"/.,i S ubmi tte dtotþ:~ HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT IN THE COUNTY OF ¡LOIN A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE FORM 08';"'MR-6 REV. OCT '9-64 19,11 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS UNDER THE BY-LAW NO RECEIVED OCT 1 5 2167 1971 ¿J/VJ//~C" r/ JZ ::/z.?'" ~"¿'¿-I. r.r7·~ e, ,- _,~,_.,f' Charles Minister ,//' "',;? 3-<'/Vl , ~,~~;:;;T¿:-;';;"',",-';;.c;~ ,;j';'j<;:T,~ë\~:E-Ti3 ( /) ,* ./V cY-e,,---C ðh"';,f4,,'ì .4~/,o...-<'~-¿~ "~"¡.-""\~" ) ??/ I -Ag' will be. npted.onkhe,appr0valwhic h,you ,will receive shortly, this money is a separate approval due to the large extri winter expenditures this year and should not be considered as a precedent for possible approval levels in 1912 Yours sincerely In response to the request from your Council for additional maintenance assistanCe due to the extra costs for snoW control last winter, please iIlÍ0rm your c0uncil that 1 special maintenance subsidy allotment of for your municipality. have approve! a $ 10,000. Dear Sir Mr. H.L. Jobnson Clerk Treasurer, County of Elgin, coul,tbouse, st. Thomas, Ontario IK ,-\:,{ , '", Ferguson Block, Parliament Buildings Toront0 182, Ontari0 ~, 7.,1971, RECEIVED 0 CT 1 2 1971 ONTARIO THE MINISTER OF TRANSPo.RTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS 3rd F.lò0r :;.'1 I 1 ,"¡"'ì,', :?t 117"/ 1(/ i/ ',;:,!'!",/J " , ;) ; Ii;' " Total of Subsidy Alloca tions 627,900 / 17'7/ 213,500:{ $ Construction $ Maintenance $ 841, Total 400 ~ Yours very truly One copy of It is, to be understood that additional approvals given' as a direct result of the severe winter conditions which prevailed in the early part of this year in no way establishes a level of approval for maintenance allocations which may be used as a guide in future years. the subm i ssion as approved is returned herewith. The total subsidy allocation for Construction and for Maintenance is shown at the bottom of this letter. Please note that where expenditures pro- duce subsidy amounts in excess of either of the total limits shown below, the excess amounts will not be eligible for consideration. $ 10,000 10,000 / TOTAL for Special Winter Control Maintenance $ $ j for The Honourable Charles MacNaughton, Minister of Transportation and Communications, has authorized a supplementary subsidy allocation in the amount(s) of Normal Maintenance Re 1971 Supplementary Subsidy Allocation with Supporting Statement of Proposed Expenditure Dear Sir Mr. H.L. Johnson, Clerk Treasurer, County of Elgin, Courthouse, st. Thomas, Ontario Ii, II Downsview 464 Ontario October 12, 1971 . DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ÀND COMMUNICATIONS 7r~" . ONTARIO RECEIVED 0 CT 1 5 1971