2170 f' ~Ir> \..-.---_. ,- ----- --.",,~_.~- -V·-·-~~·--~·_- -"" ----'" --V---.~.______,-/,- .' . . MUNICIPALITY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NO. 2170 AUTHORIZING SPEED LIMITS WHEREAS Subsection 6a,of Section 59 of the Highway TraffIc Act (R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 172) as amended, authorizes the CouncIL of a TownshIp or County by By-Law to prescrIbe a lower or hIgher rate of speed for motor vehicles on a Highway or portion of Highway under its jurIsdIctIon that is not wIthin a buIlt-up area, urban area, or suburban district than is prescribed in Clause "a" of Subsection 1 of Section 59, but such rate of speed shall not be less than 35 miles per hour or more than 60 miles per hour; AND WHEREAS It Is deemed expedient that the speed limIt for I motor vehicles upon certain Highways in the MunIcipality of El~In b~ either decreased or increased Qr, both; I II NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the MunicIpality of El~In enacts as follows: I' II 1. No person shall drive a motor vehIcle upon the Ii Highways Qr portIons of Highways designated In I' Schedules "A" appended hereto, at greater rates I \, of speed than the rates of speed prescribed In the ! Schedules. 2. This By~Law shall not become effective until approved by the Department of Transportation and I CommunIcations. ENACTED AND PASSED thIs 20th day of October 1971. I t~ 1-7 ~ - WARDEN I I " SCHEDULE IAn ~ Maximum Rate of Speed - 40 miles er hour. 1. County Road #15 beIng the Road Allowance through Lot",XI, Concession "A", TownshIp of DµnwIch from the south easterly limIt of County Road #2, being the road allowance between ,ConcessIon A ,and V, North of "A" Township of DunwIch, south easterly, a dI stance 0 f 1240 feet to the north westerly limIt of the VIllage of Dutton. ~ I :î ì i i i j ~ " ~ ~ ! I 11\' ..'a ~\ J j , ¡ ¡ q 1 , .~:, -; J ,~ ;. ~; õ, ',) , , ~ .,~ , , , ,'j , ~; 'i I~ 'J )" ii; ." " ~~ :~; "~ ~ l· i " , , ;r, Æ I '!J ~ ~ ; , , 'j , f , :;~ì~~;~'~{':{; , ;,;' ,n< J"';);.;¥\;':;): ,{f~', '.' , '¿ ~, ,), I, H. L. Jo!î.nson, <CleJ[~ o~th«"'G;brþ'orat;Lon of'i,±b'e, ,Gp&µnty of E 1, d h b t . f t"" t tl' f ""."" "'1:"" 1JJ1i 4i""'1" B L g~n, 0 ere y cer ¡; y ,.a l~>o,Œ'egq'l.rìg:.;¡,¡;;{a,'rue ~;Po/I,or y- a'IŸ, No. 2170, passed by the C01J;ncil of' $he ):[jª;Lf\:Ì'/G~itpÇf':r'atiö'ff.¡¡{i;K~j;·t:J;\e ~oth:i¿¡i day f October 1971' .'.' 'h.;·" J<1::""" "'''Ì1Í,t,)C,.,,~/, ,ß o ," ~.¡ ,~. '", . ..:/,<.".-",- -,t., O·A"..,,,~,;', ',--'!:' '··"""""·":i ' r.. ". '.... ,..";,"..1t;::¡: , ,~. .. :'~~~'~~;i. l' 1.':~ ',r '. .------------ <')< 'it, ~---' . --------------- , :-.' '( '~ "<. 2. ENACTED ThIs By_Law $hall not become e~fect1veuntll approved by the Department of Transpo~tation an4 CommunIcat!on$. ' 'f AND No person shall drIve a motor véhicle upon the Highways or portIons of Highways des!gnate4 In Schedules "N' appended hereto, at greater rates of spj ed' than , ¡1:\e1rat\!'So¡;II~~t}:I prellcribed In Schedules ';" , the 1 NOW THEREFORE the CO\lncll of M\lnIcipalIty of Elgin enacts as follow$ AND WHEREAS motor vehicles upon either decrea$ed or the Corpor~tion of the it is deemeö exped!ent that the speed limit for certain Highways in the M\lnicipality of Elgin be increased or bot1:\ ,i'l' ¡:' ",_.y¡?,;;:~·':':~~:~:~4,\ '" ~RE~~~BeCtIon6a of SectIon 59 of the H~~hway Traffic Act(R,S'.R.~~60~Gbapter 172) u amended, authorizes the CO\lncil of a TOWnl 1:\iP?~,County br By-Law to prescribe a lower or higher rated Bpeedfor,~ :or vehicles on a HIghway orp<>rtIon of Highway under'.it$, juri.sdIct,",O'l1 that h not iJ,thIn a bui.lt-\lp arell, urblln aru, or suburblin dI,strictthan is prescribed In Clau$e "a" ,of SubsectIon 1 of Section 59, but such rate of speed shall not be le~s than 35 miles per hour or mOre than 60 mi.lu Per hour ì~ ,'~ ,-,-, -, ;:,-:;.:,,:;, .\.: ,.,···.....,ê .<,: BY-LAW,' NO. ,\'--':\:%;,:,i:i::::" ~~~ZING SPEED LIMITS ;r;~~>?':-:j-\Z',:i 2170 MUN1CIPALITY, OF, ElßIN ".--'-' .~~ "": ~ /,1./ "";~~;'h"'" Charles MacNliughton MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS Per ~, ~Y-"'--1,'- t~~ "" I; :~ " SCHEDULE "AU ::.:"',,¡,:: - 0'.': MaxImum Rate of Speed~"..- ~miles er hour - 'Nx: 1. County Road #15 beIng the Road Allowance through Lot XI, ConcessIon "A", T"1wnshIp of Dunwich from the , south easterly lImi:t of County Road 112, beIng the road a llowance between ConcessIon A and V, North of "A" TownshIp of DunwIch, south easterly, a distance of 1240 feet to the north westerly limit of the Vi.11age of Dutton \ "