2171 ~--- r ~ ->-.- , _w ,------" ...~ .......--_..,,"''-,- '--:--\,,"' -.,'),,- -\.---- c -~,...- MUNICIPALITY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NUMBER 2171 DESIGNATING THROUGH HIGHWAYS WHEREAS clause 26 of subsectIon 1 of section 1 of the HIghway TraffIc Act (R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 172) provIdes that: "through highway" means any highway or part of a hIghway desIgnated as such by the MInIster or by By-Law of a munIcIpality ~pproved by the Department, and every such highway shall be marked by a stop sIgn or yIeld right-of-way sIgn in complIance wIth the regulations of the D~partment: NOW THEREFORE the CouncIL of the CorporatIon of the MunicIpality of ElgIn enacts as follows:- 1. The followIng highways or parts of highways under the jurIsdIction of the MunIcipalIty of Elgin are desIgnated as through hIghways: ROAD Nq. DESCRIPTION 2. From the east sIde of County Road #3 to the west sIde of County Road #8. The intersection of King's Highway #76 Is a through hIghway for", COJ1nty Roadif2,,, and HIghway #76 Is not a through hIghway at thIs poInt. 3. From the gate of the MemorIal Park in the hamlet ,of Port Glasgow to the County Boundary, whIch Is the centre of the Thames RIver. 4. (a) On the Aldborough Orford TownlIne from opposite the North side of the road between Concession IV and V, TownshIp of Orford to opposIte the south sIde of the road between ConcessIon VII and VIII, Aldborough. (b) On Road between Concession VI! and VIII Aldborough from the west sIde of the Orford-Aldborough TownlIne to the west sIde of County Road #3. 5. From the south side of the road between ConcessIons II and III TownshIp of DunwIch (County Road #9) to the County boundary whIch Is the centre of Thames RIver. 6. From the east sIde of County Road #7 to the west side of County Road i;3. 7. From the south side of the road between ConcessIons X and XI, TownshIp of Orford, to the County Boundary which is the centre of the ,Thames RIver. 8. (a) John Street, In the Village of Dutton, from the north sIde of County Road #15, beIng MaIn Street, to the south sIde of CurrIe Street (County Road #8). (b) New Currie Road, from the south side of John Street, in the VIllage of Dutton, to the County Boundary, which Is the centre of the Thames River - 2 BY-LAW NUMBER ßQAD ~. DESCRIPTION 9 (a) From the east side of County Road #3 to the west sIde of County Road ift5. 9 (b) From the east sIde of County Road #5 to the west sIde of County Road ift8. 9 (c) From the east sIde of County Road #8 to the west sIde of County Road #14. 11 From the east sIde of KIngs HIghway #4 to the west side of County Road,#26. 13 From the east side of County Road #15 to the west sIde of County Road ff14. 14 From the north sIde of County Road #16 to the County Boundary, whIch Is the centre of Thames RIver. 15 (a) From the south sIde of County Road #2 to the north side of Road #l~ (Lake Road) In Lot #10, ConcessIon X, DunwIch TownshIp. 15 (b) Lake Road, from the west sIde of Road #15 in Lot #10, ConcessIon X, Dunwich, to the east sId~ of Pearce Provincial Park, (Lot #12, Concession X, Township of DunwIch). 16 From the south-east sIde of County Road #15 to the west boundary of the City of St. Thomas. 17 From the east side of County Road #19 to the east side of the road between Concessions I and II, Township of WestmInster. 18 From the west sIde of County Road #20 to the west side of County Road #19. 19 From the north side of King's HIghway #3 to the north sIde 0 f Court y Road, ifl7 . 20 (a) From the north sIde of the road between the TownshIps of Southwbld and Delaware to the 'north sIde of County Road #18. 20 (b) From the south side of County Road #18 to the north side of County Road #16. 20 (c) From the south sIde of County Road #16 to the north side of Lake ',,Erie, In the VIllage of Port Stanley. 21 From the east side of County Road #20 to the west side of KIng's HIghway #4. 22 (a) From the boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the north sIde of County Road #27. 22 (b) From the south sIde of County Road #27 to the north sIde of County Road if24. 23 (a) From the east sIde of KIng's Highway #4 in Lot #2, Concession II Township of Yarmouth, to the north side of Joseph Street, In the VIllage of Port Stanley. From the west side of King's Boundary, being Kettle Creek. 34 34 (b) (a) HIghway From the west sIde of the roàd between Lots #10 and #11, Concession VIII, Township of Westminster to the west side of Lot #8, ConcessIon XIII, TownshIp of Yarmouth. #74 to the County From the west boundary of the City of St. Thomas to the south side of the Chesapeake and OhIo Railway right-of-way on the Townline Road between Yarmouth and Southwold TownshIps. 33 From the east side of County Road #52. 32 31 of From the north boundary of the City of St. north side of the road between ConcessIons North of Edgeware Road, In the Township of KIng s HIghway #73 to the south sIde Thomas to the X and Range II, Yarmouth. 30 (b) From opposite the west side of Lot the east side of road between Lots Township of Yarmouth. #8, Concession XIII to #8 and #9 In ConcessIon XIII 30 (a) From the north boundary of the CIty of St. south sIde of the road between Concessions TownshIp of Yarmouth. Thomas to the XIII and XIV 29 ~b) From the east side of Road County Road inS. #26 to the west side of From the east sIde of County Road County Road It3l. 29 (a) #25 to the west side of From the east boundary of the City east side of the road between Lots Township of Yarmouth. of St. Thomas to the #10 and #ll, ConcessIon VIII, 28 (b) From the south side of north side of the road Township of Yarmouth. King's between Highway #3 to the Concessions VII and VIII 28 27 (a) From the east side of King's east side of County Road #36. From the north of County Road HIghway side of County Road ins. it4 to the 26 26 (b) (a) 1111 From the east side of County Road #25 to the north boundary of the CIty of St. Thomas. to the west sIde From the north side of side of the road between Yarmouth and Westminster King's the Highway #3 to the north Townships of Southwold, 25 From the east side of County Road #23 to the west side of KIng's HIghway #73 at Port Bruce. 24 On Joseph Street, In the Village of Port Stanley from the east sIde o£King's Highway it4to the east side of East Street. in the Village of Port Stanley. 23 ROAD NO (b) DESCRIPTION BY-LAW NUMBER I, 3 v ! , i I " ~ ',\ ~ I' From the north County Road if37 47 side of County Road From the north sIpe of King's HIghway #3 to the north side of the road between the Townships of Bayham and Dereham. it48 to the north side of 46 45 (d) From the east side of County R9ad County Road i155. 45 (c) From the east sIde of County Road County Road #40. it40 to the east sIde of 45 (b) From the east side of County Road County Road it36. #36 to the west side of From the south side of County Road it22. if22 to the west sIde of 45 (a) 44 From the east side King's Highway #19, Road of County Road #16 to the west sIde of #46 to the west side of From the south sIde of County Road County Road #42. 43 (b) From the south sIde of County Road County Road #45. #45 to the north side of 43 (a) iþ38 to the north From the east sIde of King's Highway #19 in the Village of Port Burwell to the east limit of the road between the Townships of Bayham and Houghton. side of 42 42 (b) (a) From the east side King's Highway #19, of KIng's Highway #73 to the west sIde of in the VIllage of Port Burwell. On MaIn Street, from the north side of to the north side of ,Fulton Street 41 (b) King on Fulton Street, In the Village of VIenna, from the west side of Union Street to the west sIde of Main Street s Highway if19 41 40 (a) From the south side of County Road Oounty Road #42. 39 From the south of Lake Erie. iÞ52 to the north side of side of County Road From the north-west side of King's HIghway #3 to the east lImit of the road between the Townships of Bayham and Houghton,TownshIps it42- to the north side 38 From the east side of Road #47 to the east side of the road between the Townships of North and South Dorchester and the ,Township of Dereham. (b) From the east sIde ôf west sIde of Road #47. 37 (a) King's Highway From the south side of Courty side of County Roadit24. it74 to the 36 (b) Road it27 to the north From the south side of King's north side of County Road #27. 36 35 (a) Highway From the south side ofKIng's Highway north sIde of County Road #45. it3 to the it3 to the ROAD NO. DESCRIPTION BY-LAW NUMBER 4 CLERK WARDEN Äz ~£4' ENACTED AND PASSED THIS 20th day of October, ThIs By-Law shall the Department of 1971. not become effective until approved by Transportation & CommunIcations 5. 4. By-Law Number The penaltIes provIded in sectIon 85 of the Highway TraffIc Act shall apply to offences agaInst thIs By-Law. 2127 Is hereby repealed. 3. The designation In part of a highway as a Intersection, thereon, HIghway or where traffIc SectIon I of thIs By-Law of a hIghway or through highway shall not include any where the road intersected Is a King's control sIgnals are Installed. 2 From the north sIde sIde of County Road of County Road if45. 55 if42 to the south From the north sIde of County Road #48 to the south sIde of the road between Concessions X and XI, TownshIp of Dereham. 54 Beech Street, west', sIde of from the west KIng's HIghway sIde of Elm Street to the #73 53 (b) Elm Street, In KIng's HIghway Town of Aylmer. Town of Aylmer, if3 to the south from the north sIde of side of Beech Street In 53 (a) From the east sIde of County Road County Road iÞ40 52 (e) From the east sIde of County Road of County Road #30. #30 to east sIde of 52 (d) From of the east sIde of County Road #31. it31 to the west sIde 52 (c) County Road From the east sIde of County Road it26 In the TownshIp of Southwold, to the west sIde of County Road #25. iF25 to the west sIde 52 (b) From the east sIde of HIghway 4 to the west sIde of County Road #26. 52 (a) From the north HIghway 19. 50 From north side of Road the south sIde of County sIde of County Road #52 iÞ42 to the south sIde 0 f 49 48 From the east side of KIng's west sIde of County Road #54. Road HIghway if48 to the it73 to the ROAD NO DESCRIPTION r,r, r1lf!':' BY-LAW NUMBER 5 i Road, from tbe soutb side of Jobn Street, of , Dutton, to tbe County Boundary, Wh~ch is T_es River. Street, In tbe VIllage, of Dut~on, ty Road #15, beIng Main Street, to . Street (County Road #8) from the tlQrtblì1de of tbesout.h side of From the soutb side Town~bip of Orford, of the Tbames River. of the;road between Concessions X and Xl, to tbe County Boundary Whtcbis tbe centre From tbe east side of County Road #7 to the County Road #3. 6, west' dde From tbe south sIde'of the road between Concessions' 11 and 111, Township of Dunwich(County Road 19),tothe County boundary whicb is the centre of Thames River. 'If 5. On Road between Concession VII and VIII Aldborough from tbe west side of theOrford-Aldborougb TownlIne to the west side of County Road #3. I:IS (b) On the AldbQrougb Orford Townline from opposite tbe North side of the road between Concession IV and V, Townsbtpof Orford to opposite the ~outh side of the road between ConcessIon Vll and VIII., Aldborough. 4. (a) From the gate of tbeMemorial Park in tbe, bamlet of Port Gtasgow to tbe County Boundery. wbich is tbe centre of the Thames RIve,r, I," II 3. The intersectIon of KIng's Hig~way #76 is athrougb hIgbw.y f:or.' County Road #2," and HIghway #76 is not a tbrougb bigbway at thIs point. From. tbe e,ast side of County of, County Road #8. Road #3 to the II ¡I 2. west sIde ROAÐ ¡j~sctUPTION NO. ThêfoHowing bigbways or parts jurisdiçtion of the MunIcipa.Hty as thrQugh highways of,hIgbwaysunder the otEl~in ate designated . l. CouncIl of of Elgin ,enacts tbe CorporatIon of tbe as follows'- ~O~TIQ!:RE'OJtE ~thr?ug~ h~gbway" means anyh~gbwây or part of a bighway designated as sucb by tbe Minhter or by By-Law, of a \llUnicipality approved by the Department, and every such bighway shall be marked by a stop sign or yield right-of-way sIgn In complIance with the regulations o {,tbei Department tbe MunicipalIty "'. >',:',' WliER1tA$¢laus., 26!1f subsection 1 Trâffic Act (R.S.O. 1960, of 'section 1 Chapter 172) of the Higbwa, provides that - DI!StG~ATING TIIROUÇH ItXGIIWAYS . BY·LAW NUMBER 2171 . ,r' t: ., MUNICIPALITY OF~tGIN Ii,'" , I' J: ¡it ,(I i,;' , ,>'- iiL I!: :l~ ii II! Ii; 'I I' ;( " i, III' i' ik 'i, I~ ! ~~ ~ it! :i1Å ~!¡j ~i~ þ': 1:/ 1 ¡'.-, ~i, I, {;'f í~] :~ " j~ ~,\ Î,~ ( r{ !' ."""'-"-'C'"""""""'"""·-''''=!''ë·"",'·'''''~'''''~''''-''"''' "'~."""'~"~'-"=,~..,,~,..,. 2 BY-LAW NUMBER . ROAD NO. DESCRIPTION 9 (a) From the east sIde of County Road # 3to the west sIde of County Road US. 9 (b) From the east sIde of County Road #5 to, the west side of County RoadU8. <ç¢')~~';'f~~~*l1eéast side of Coutlty Road #8 to the west >f ,:\,A$~cléi.¡¡]¡,:,County Road ,#14. ,....·.....,..""..'''..\.d·...':.:·,-,· ,",' 11 From the east sIde of KIngs Highway #4 to fhe "est sIde of County Road #26. 13 Ftom the east side of County Road if15 to the west s~de of County Road #14. 14 From the north sIde of County Road #16 to the County Boundary, whIch Is the centre of Thames RIver., (a) r~~mthe south sIde of County Road #2 to the north '~'f.de of Roadlf15, (Lake Road) In Lot #10, ConcessIo,n X, J:),unWtch TownshIp. (b) Lake Road, from the west side oJ Ro'ad #15 In Lot #10, Concession X, Dunwich, to toe east sIde of Pearce Provincial Park, (Lot fl12, Concession X, TownshIp of Dunwich). 1.,6 F.~omthesouth-east side of CoutltyRoad #l5 to the , 1ìØ'Øtboundary of the CIty of St. Thomas. 'v"' '" i 17 From the east side of County Road #19 to the, east sIde of the road between ConcessIons I and II, TownshIp of WestmInster,. 18 From the west sIde of County Road #20 to' the, west sIde of County Road #19. 19 From the north sIde of KIng's HIghway #3 to the norto' side of Court: y Road, #17. 20 (a) From the north sIde of the road between the TownshIps of South>rbld and Delaware to the north sIde of County Road #18. 20 (b) From the south side of County Road #l8 to the north side of County Road #16. 20 (c) ,From tOe ,south sIde'of County Road it16 to, the north sIde of Lake ,Erie, In the Village of Port Stanley. 21 From the east sIde of County Road #20 to the west side of King's Highway #4. 22 (a) From the boundary of the CIty of St. Thomas to the north sIde of County Road #27. 22 (b) From the south sIde of County Road #27 to the north side of County Road #24. 23 (a) From the east side of KI~g's HIghway #4 In Lot #2, ConcessIon II, To~shIp of Yarmouth, to the north side of Joseph Street; in VIllage of Port Stanley. ~ " I 34 (b) Fr()mthe west side of King's Highway #74 to the County Bound~ry, being Kettle Creek. "U":" , 34 (a) From the west side of the road between Lots #10 and Ill, ConèessIon VIII, Township ()f Westminster to the west side of Lot #8, ConcessIon XIII, Township of Yarmouth. Fro,m the west boundary of the City of St. Tholllas to tbe south sIde of tbe Chesapeake and Ohio RaIlway rigbt-of-way on the Townline Road between Yarmouth and Soutbwold Townsbips. 33 32 From the east side of County Road #52. 3l of Fromtbe nor.thboundary,of ~he City of St. noX'tbs i.d,e, ,0 f 'tbe"r(t l.,4ibet'loleen CO,ncess i(tns Nortb of Edgeware Road, In the TownshIp of KIng's HIghway #73 to the Tbomas to the X and Range II, YarmOutb. soutb sIde 30 (b) FX'om opposite the west the east side of road between Township of Yarmouth. side of Lot Lots #8, Concession XIII to #8 and #9 in ConcessIon XIII, 30 (a) From the north boundary of the CIty of St. south side of the road between Concessions Township of Yarmouth. Thomas to the XIIIand XIV, 29 (b) From the east sIde of Road #26 to the west side of County Roadil25. 29 (a) From the east sIde of County Road #25 to the west sIde of County Road #31 ì II '~~ (þ) .t ':t,\. ;'~?~;the'ief)st boundary of the City V¡¡~!it iside "",0 f the X'oadbetween Lots '-':\'.'-'."':',":'-',' -,-".... Township of'Yarmouth. of St. Thomas to the #10 and #11 ConcessIon VIII, I 'I, "¡"" I, i II I l II 28 (a) , , ,::~:;ro~ the north side of ,';'~í"~ounty Róad #25. ''''<''~'\'jq¡'',.'". ..' .. .. '-r&~r¢[\'t_;',: ,"/"" ,\fX'om the east ,¡¡(st side of ,I, ' ~~øm the south side of King's Highway #3 to the :~c>~tb side, of the road between Concessions VII and VIII Township of Yàrmouth. side of King's County Road #36 Highway it4 to the to tbe :(b) 'J, (a) ,'<. County !,toad #11 itQ~ tbe east side ()f County Road #25 to the north ~ou~dary of tbe CIty of St. Thomas west sIde ,'from the north sIde of King's Highway #3 to the north ~~de of the road between the Townships of Southwold Ya~mouth and WestmInster. ""III I " ;,\ ,'i' !' (b) On Joseph Street, in tbe Village of Port Stanley ',,'" , ,~J"om the east side ()f King's ,Highway #4 to the /,(It>:J([¡~~s ;:side, ()f East Street, in the VIllage of PoX't j;'01!;~~ì~I~~~í~("I,:j~",,',i> ,',.' ' .' , @~:¡/,:%;¡jI~:~C 1íi'/tl\.';¡t¡st'Side ()f' County Road #23 ,to the siele of, King'sHIghwâY #73 at P()rt Bruce. west Stanley. 23 ROAD NO. DESCRIPTION BY-LAW NUMBER 3 ,-. """""',_.~ ,- . .,.~.,ë , II, IE___,~ 42 (â) From the east side of KIng's Highway #73 to the west side of King's Highway if19, In the VIllage of Port Burwell. 42 (b) From the east side of, King's ,Highway #19 in the Village of Port Burwell to the east limit of the road betweèn the ToWnships of Bayham and Houghton. 43 (a) From the ,south sIde of County Road #38 to the north side of County Road #45. 4~ (b) From the south sIde of County Road #45 to , :he north side of County Road #42. .' .. -, ' ,"I~' 44 , ;~1"!>!I\~~e, eas : SId~;,,~~)P!>µrt :Y"!i(')Ii(h#46 :(')/~~e\ol'l!st sIde of "I<t1igts"Highway#lg~"',}", ' ", ," "",' 45 (Ii) From the south sIde of Road #16 to the west side of Cou':1~,y ROlid if22. ')'("\.:, 4S(b)", ,fr~¡¡¡';t.~"'<eastsidè ói County Road #22 to thê\Hist:,í\ide of Co'unty'Road #36. 45 (c) From the east side of County Roád #36 to the west side of ",ÇoU!ltYiRoad #40. . '-,,' 45 ,(d) ,CFromthe east sIde of County Road *40 to the east side of "Coun :y Road #55. 46 Fr0Il!'thìÍnorth si<\è of King's HIghway #3 to 'the north side oftlte"¡1i'9~d between the Townships of Bayham lind Derebam. :'·-:····f:,·:/···, . 47 From thè north sidè of County Road #48 'to the north side of County Road #37. ::', ,.P';"r:F~!:<ton, Street, In the f,î,!~~~,,;,idl!'~,t\1~i,on St,reet to ;":r-" -·:·'t:'\"i(t:: .:. .' ',y " " On Main Street, from the north side of to the north side of Fulton Street Villlige of the west KIng's VIenna, from the 'side of Main Street. HIghway #19 ,'" .' ,.,.~.., (a':>:!"i",~,t.om the east side of King's , """,,,,,,, 't idf R d "47 '" jilii ,. :'~¡::;:"oJes 's e 0 oa 1r . .,.,"fl" , ,j~,,, ,/'t'::;,;t~::'1:;~¡',',E'\-\':\-~..' .' .' ' ~')" ,"::,'rrl!ìII the,'east side of Road #47 to t~e east sIde of ""{'~~9,1~:r9ad between the TownshIps of North, and South ¡;~Dòtt!,héSter lind the TownshIp of Dereham. ,:.)',t;,:,:>:\V: .::. :',r,:,:,,(:,,;_:::>::--.' _, ,"<_ 'V'!<~'iòm the nO,r :h-west side of KIng's HIghway #3 to the ¡) :;~~,,:.,~~,~{ li~ U ;9',f;, the road between the Townships of Bayham t,:, "'~!; Hòughto~¡,.Townships. ',:/:'4~. ,:;-':'--. ,,'.::',,\ 't.t~Þm the s~~~h sIde of County Road #42 ,\,pl\Llike Eriè.. >'t(':,,:.·,\',>'::":t\,:::>:-:' ,.__if··" ¡~'f,91ií the: ,south sIde of County Road #52 .40unty ~oad #42 to to the the north north sIde of side HIghway #74 ~ the south sIde of King's HIghway #3 to ',t\1 side of County, Road #27. ;--t~\0);',,',':':;::'<f:;~,;:~,~:',;~:?r'" :,::",:- :::" ,,:,,"_: . .... _. ",_;' .:::: ~\;1Ç~II:';S~h'$Ide oÒCourty Rolid #27 to the de of County Road fJ24. to the north the 35 From the south north side of sIde ofKing's County Road #45. HighwayfJ3 to the BY-LAW NUMBER ROAD NO. DESCRIPTION I ,;''1. ~~'-, 4 ------ 2, '·'i'i. .. ,'rn,~st;"síde, ~;1:·<'~:;":"{:::,\:,/>:,o:,,,:;.t ':~!'.,',k.·,;:¡f', ':&:" ".,,~·:,,·\,Þ,,"he "".';",~,n.;,i.~."..:.' rt h S,t',i,' de 0 f C',P unt Y lio a J., #48, ";...,.:,'"to the,,'. sout h s I de "zJJm,; ."1"'." ,,,...,,,, ," '} ...... . ':óf¡J~,e r~ád between Concèssi.ons X and'F,To~shlp pf D,! ",þam. ;,,r'i " ';,,'t.:',¡,::",';:,"U\ '. . :',: \~;':l:"':;:', . , ""~Y/;,::, _ . ':-, . " :. ..-',t', F:f'~~;¡,then$.tth si.,de ,of Copnty Road i/42 to the sout,h srdeéof Co'!nty Road #45. , f','",~ ',¡~' ¡ C;,\ :í'I¡? ,.'" Th. de~ig~ation~~n Sec~iorl, I ~$ thls~y~La~ of !" hIghway or part o~a ,,~Ighway as a', th1;oug~ highwa>: ~ba~¡l not; Inglu(\e any int~rs,~c,f~~n,; t;hereo"" ;~h~re ~he roadì¡;~').ter~~s~~!i. i.~ a KIng' s Hllt~wa¥ o!1Äwl;!'eFe~Fraf,fi.s~ont;tj)lf sig¡¡a'ls' a"g.r!~~If,ç,.al~ed," ::,.ilf.,:-,,y Jz~rr#;;, .k: Jt,' )::1,' ;,tf' 'J, ,;;:!!'~~~:í~$yt""-' ~/:',:3ri,:;t:,::(,_·:.'" . , "~'''''''\ ~ay"T,t.ffi.c 1J~f\~{*;~~Þ'~~,ì;,~::~;" j ~!f ". ..'." \;:~:'_' "'0{ -~.":-:',:;v Ì1Ü:S"20Jh' {i ~.;; ,-'.1 Ii,; qLEU 'I. .i. 'i<' ;~Iit~,v~', ~~~~l, I , !!1II!ß"" ;'~:~'~:\'~f1;'-': . !{"::~~~1~:~'¥~;;:,~~~i¡-~' '''"~/. :t ¥Ë-' day:of October i~".~l,··:¡'_ - {", Y "":¥' ./.?"," "^.'-"}Ú""J/(~"'" 1,~;~ west ;:j d~,ofCouPty Rq!ad #30 ';~j!::'Y' i) . :",-,,~:·,:;;~Y¡~¡:'.( \, -',;-, .'> .In';r¡oWl/ of,{Aylmer, ¡ from th~ north: side of ay;,'ðf3 ~o t\1e south sIde of Beech Street, ~!~~);'; "j2~\Ú:::;: .:,' ,,' ,.\~;;¡,,;;;¡¡¡n\': '<¡;~\i'J;"':;; " " ;:~'i~fuj~~ë\~est s,icÌe op Elm Street to 19in&,' s',¡:j1g~y #13. : . f·' th ,oad #48 to '>"'I' lr.&;,S .'''''''Y¡'.'...,.'...·".:~y..oun. ~~f~' -",: j' f': ,\\!,'\";:~¡}jt'd-';·'?':.'} ,",: ~"",¡,;'~i"'::i'""!}{"":"~""'b¡; .,r:';:t""''''~''':I~i,1:;, '''' ""~ N'" ""Ii ,,' '''d l;J~';, ,...;~,~:rtb::rt.., :;W~iI; "e liway 19.' '-·F..' ;':i:\';}"::'.",,-,,"\:,''''·: . e.~s~èide o'f HIghwàY 4 to the west sIde of ',(: . .:":. .::'., . ,ad #26" In the ',Township of ,COu!ltY'.'Road inS. f'«::·:::, A, ,ad inS 'fo the fest '/- . },'r~;., ;i :~\ , , ,¡. . ,. ad'*31 to the west .,. '+ east side of KIng's of Cpunty ROad #54. tó'east the the side o'f Id';.' s -". side In ?; ,; i' " , iI'" -',f' ',>~' ,.\-~:f'~...:~-"~~. BY-LAW NU~ ROAD NO DESCRIPTION f· 48 From t~ side Charles MacNaughton MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND ;~'CAð ~ Reg1str~~~Vehicles the Highway #73 to , 5 '~'T'"'''''''''~'O".'''''~=·'''=~'''' Approved this 3rd day of Ñovember:- 1971 pursuånt' to the provisions of The Highway Traffic Act '