2174 I, {: 1¡li "I ,I " , r J .' '. ,- COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2174 "BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW No. 1900, ,it BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A PLAN OF SICK LEAVE CREDIT G~ruITIES FOR EMPLOYEES." WHEREAS By-Law No. 1900 deals with the establishment of a plan of sick leave credit gratuities for the County of Elgin employees. AND 'WHEREAS By-Law No. 1900 is presently amended by By-Law No. 1940 and By-Law No. 1988. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed advisable to alter the provisions of the sick leave plan with respect to employees absent from his employment. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Corporation of the County of E~gin enacts as follows: 1. THAT paragraph 3, Section (d), of By-Law No. 1900, be deleted and the following substituted therefore: (d) Where an employee is absent from his employment for a period in excess of three working days in a calendar month, the sick leave credit referred to in section 3 (a) shall be as follows: Wo~kinSLPays Absent Monthly Sick Leave Credit 0 - 3 It days 3~ - 10 1 day 10'¡¡- - 17t ~ day 18 or more 0 The above shall not apply to an employee: (iJ who does not work his regular shift because of emergency or other conditions and has been requested by his Department Head or the Department He~d's representative, to work dif- ferent hours. (ii) who is absent with pay. (iii)who is on vacation. (iv) who is on a paid holiday. The a,bove shall apply to an employee: (iJ who is absent because of illness. (ii) who is absent without leave. (iii)who is absent without pay. (iv) who is absent as a result of an injury suffered during the course of employment. 2. THær this by-law shall take effect on December 31st, 1971 at 12 o'clock midnight. READ a first time thi s 17th day of November, 1971. READ a second time this 17th day of November, 1971. READ a third time and finally passed this 17th day of November, 1971. ,- ...? Clerk