2183 r I CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN BY-LAW NUMBER 2183 I, ,I II A By-law to amend the By-law adoptIng a Plan of II County Road Improvement and EstablIshing a County I Road System in the County of ElgIn under the Highway Improvement, Act. The Councíl of the CorporatIon of the County of ElgIn enacts, as follows: 1. The schedule to the EstablIshing By-law Number 2166 h amended - (a) removIng therefrom the road on Plan Number 41-1 attached hereto and known as COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 41 and (b) adding thereto the road shown on Plan Number 41-1-R-71 and 41A-1-71 attached hereto to be known as COUNTY ROAD NUMBER 41 and 41A respectively. 2. This By-law shall come Into force and effect upon and to the ex~ent of the approval thereof by the LIeutenant I Governor In CouncIL. " I PASSED at the CIty of St. Thomas In the County of Elgin thh 17th day of November, 1971. ~ l' 'q' - ' ~~¿¿t' WARDEN ~ ¿~ - CLERK i ,")i;""<q'O?i:~,"¡': "'...·..~'i"1-3'r!~;'p*:~"'j)~"'.1'.<V_.'%<-'~'t,"!''-,:-,.;"·,,'',..:~;~ _."..;',._. <==' "'-~~~<. ~~~