2197 '- COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2197 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM BY-LAW NO. 71-42 OF THE TOWNSHIP' OF SOUTBWOLD, BEING A BY-LAW TO STOP UP PART OF THE ROAD IN LIEU OF THE LAKE ROAD." WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Southwold on the 7th , day of February, 1972, A.D. did pass By-Law 71-42 to stop up part of the road in lieu of the Lake Road in the Township of Southwold more particularly described in Schedule A to By-Law No. 71-42 of the Town- ship of Southwold, a true copy of which is hereunto annexed. AND WHEREAS pursuant to provisions of the Municipal Act the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situate, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not later than one year after the passing of the By-Law of the Council of the Tøwnship. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming the said Township By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By-Law No. 71-42 of the Township of Southwold, being a by-law to stop up part of the road in lieu of the Lake Road be and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 15th day of March 1972. READ a second time this 15th day of March 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of March 1972. :?&(/ ~~ ;:/~ I Warden ~ - U Clerk I McKAY, McKAY &. VEDOVA BARRISTERS AND SOL.ICITORS W, SCOTT MCKAY, B.A.. Q.G:. 344 TAL.60T STR¡¡;ET W, K. A. MC"KAY. B.A.SC,,'L.L.. P.O. BOX 399 G. R. VE:OOVA, B.SC" I..L..B. ST. THOMAS. ONTARIO G. L. CAME:RON, a.A."I...L.a. TE:LEPHONE 6:3:3-0040 February 24, 1972 County Clerk RECEIVED FEB 2 5 1912 Court House, Wellington Street, ST. THOMAS, Ontario. Dear Sir: Please find enclosed herewith 2 certified copies of Township of Southwold's by-law #71-42 . Would you please arrange to have such by-law confirmed at the next ordinary meeting of the Council. In this connection please see section 443(6)(c) of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1970. We assume you will let us have a certified copy of the by-law which we will register. Yours very truly, McKay, per: elf"''''' ,,l-/ ~""'xt"'?..JI ~-.tt: .2 8' / ;7".> Z",/ / y" -lel \ , ; ! Maroh 20, 1972 McKay, McKay & Vedova Barristers & Solicitors 344 Talbot Street P. O. Box 399 ST. THOMAS, Ontario Gentlemen I Attached please find a oertified true copy of By~Law No. 2197, being a by-law to confirm By.Law No. 71.42 of the Township of Southwold to stop up part of the road in lieu of the Lake Road, passed by the Council of the County or Elgin at its Session held March 15th, 1912. Yours very truly, H. L. Johnson Att. Clerk·Treasurer. ;1 " WHBREAS the Council deems it expedient to stop up a portion ,......]11:; of the 'toad in lieu of the Lake Road. NOWnu1RsPdb THB COUNCIL OF THB COR.PORATION OF THB ,TOWNSHIP OF SOUnIWOLD BNACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. Thelandsð..c1"ibed inSc:hedule "A" attached hereto I a~d.formt.~'pa:rt ,of, this by~la:wbø and the same are I '·":M.>' ' ',~" '<'-".""'¡..':, ," , 'I hèreby stC)J»P'ø.+üp. '. , READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIMB this ;;2. Z> .".,J., day of No'" """b...V' 1971. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this -;1'-;,(, day of -ç-"'\:,v.........y 197.2.. II '¥:..C\. '?~ Clerk " Certified a TI1'IU1iCOPY 1"'-0' f"~- Clerk-Treasurer TOVlfNSHIP OF SOUTIFIWOl I I I ¡, II II I, II I i I I '> A by-law to stop up part of the roåd in lieu of the Lake Road , .. BY~LAW NO. TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD 7 ¿ ¡¡ '{r v ¡ 1Iil..,,,...,,,,"" '. IfY':«",:,¡/""·;,,, ; " '~,' I,'· ¡ Yo '-'~J~:,r--: , ,~,..,,-,.,~~~"--~"'~--~- ------_.._"^~.~ "............. _,._._ .'·m.___'___,._·_.._ .------ . ¡ . CertH ed a True Co 11 --'..'_"-~" with 1:I1e SO\J1:I1-Easterly limit of said Road at said, Point p . Lot 12 a distance of 51.50 feet.more or less to its intersection '!'IIENCE Sou1:l1erly parallel to the I~as terly limit of said Easterly limit of said Lot 12. measured Bouth-'~esterly thereon from its intersection with the of the Road in Lieu of the Lake Road at a point distant 80 the North-Hesterly limit feet Commencing at said Point Cin I LINE C - D the NO;¡;th-Eastorly limit of said road at said Point D. THIS IS SCHEDULE fA TO BY -LAW NO. -/I - Jf:J.. . ---- --.....;.< . I I II , í ; ¡ II " ""- """,,- ....- _..,,,-- ......._ 0._- "" I' i across said road a distance of 49.5 feet ,to its intersection with ~~ ~L_ ~_..~L~"'M~__'y limit' of the Road I):1 Lieu of the Lake Road View as shown on said Plan 229 thence North-Easterly at right angles t thereon from its intersection with the Eastêrly limit of Cleveland II Lieu of the '~~. Loft' 40, LINE I py i I I ~ ~ -+ Clerk-Treasurer' I, TOWNSH!P 01" SOUTh1WO,l.~ I $1 " '"f''',,- as and C - D WI:1dhlfl,'lÊ!s¡aremoreparticularly described as A - ~ ,.j'i;\';)~;li.;,~:';i;":!;')!i:'i'S;~",~ ,i,>; . " " ,'" coJlUtenø~Í)g.;,i;~~;;(!¡¡'.id,þj;¡írì t )\' int1'l.e*9:rtb,-E:äs terly ,;,:\i,6,;:'"t((':';J:;\,'ê:;\},",,<,;;,<,~,;",,;,',"- .-.....,.... .' ". ,'":,,,,;' 229Whi'cll·:ts ,the$outh-wÊ>ster'1y Hmi t of Lake 242 feet :Plan Road c:1i¡!tan.t measured South-Easterly the road limit in of :(:'ollows :- of Lake all situate \-'~. the countY'Of;E~gin' and Province of Ontario being composed of .... ........j,..._,," - that part of the Road 12 Road'a¡¡ , W'id~ad and In tieu Of tra.velled The Lake Road lying between line in Lot¡ A -B South in and premises lying and being in the Township of Soµthwold , ALL AND SINgular that certain parcel or tract of land .~.'" '~"f~ _~"_'-_"""'~H_""'~";";'~'~' , , r- ·---.,r"""'.r------ , .-------.....";o---../"" ~""'.' I,' ~"",'í",,"" ", ,",',',', ",.., U' ''!' q'"" ,'..< "- ;\1: ,. ~~:r ¡'-';', ',:: i~~; TOWNSHIP OF SOUTHWOLD ~'------"""~____'C-:-'.--....,....~,.-:--,,-,.--------..(~,__,~_--...,~."~~__ .~~