2210 H. , Johnson Clerk . W. Hodgson Warden ;U/, ~ September , 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of READ READ a a first time this second time this 20th day 20th day <Df of September September , , U72. 1972. This by-law shall not become effective until approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. , f :1 ,;J ~j l¡ 4. That any by-laws inconsistent with this be and same are hereby repealed. 3. by-law The penalties provided in subsection 16 of sec- tion 82 of The Highway Traffic Act shall apply to offences against this by-law. ¡, 2. When any highway or portion of highway set out on Schedule A appended hereto is marked in com- pliance with the regulations under the Highway Traffic Act the maximum rate of speed t4ereon shall be the rate of speed prescribed in the schedule. 1. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the speed limit for motor vehicles on the said highways or portions of highways be increased; AND WHEREAS each of the highways or portions of highways described in section 1 of this by-law is within a built,.up area as defined in clause 1 of subsection 1 of section 1 of The Highway Traffic Act; i ) i WHEREAS Subsection 6 of Section 82 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 202) authorizes the Council of a Township or County by by-law to prescribe a higher rate of speed for motor vehicles driven on any highway or portion of highway under its jurisdiction within a built-up area than is prescribed in subsection I.of section 82 providing that such increased rate of speed shall not be more than 50 miles per hour; PRESCRIBING A HIGHER RATE OF SPEED I!Ir-" .-. -, r " r--~ì By-Law No. COUNTY OF ELGIN 2210 --, i':;'-"'_~'~">'~~"'" " r )1 of 900 feet. '~..,'., ' \~i I 3 Road #20 beIng the road allowance between Lots #15 and #16 south of the i North Branch, of the Ralbot Road, Southwold To~shlp, from the south lImIt of the North Branch of the Talbot Road southerly for a dIstance of 591 feet l 4, Road #20 beIng the road allowance between Lots #15 and #16, North of the North Branch of the Talbot Road from the North lImIt of the North Branch of the Talbot Road northerly to the north lImIt of the PolIce VIllage of l Shedden beIng a distance of 1,980 feet. ! 'I 5 County Road #27 beIng the road allowance between ConcessIon III and IV, ¡! TownshIp of Yarmouth from the easterly lImIt of KIng's HIghway #4 easterly to 230 feet east of the east lImIt of Colborne Street In the Hamlet of 'I UnIon, a total dIstance of 887 feet (UnIon). it 1 ¡ l !! 6. Road #27 being the road a~lowanc~ between ConcessIon III and IV, TownshIp of " E Yarmouth from 1,020, feet west of the West lImIt of the road allowance between ¡, , Lots #21 and #22, ConcessIon IV, Yarmouth TownshIp easterly to the west lImIt of the road allowance between Lots #21 and #22 ConcessIon IV, Yarmouth TownshIp a total dIstance of 1,020 feet (Sparta) Schedule A ';> ~oad' ,,; jÒT\C~ :,.....'.",- :;·'.""l\ì ~Qad; ¡;~;:::;\::,/Sí,\ täVj't~~ d'" :','~;::': ~.o'~',:~~' ':,-{;/(';t¡y 'fr'" '~'¡'/kr: ,r~~i pÌ',:'St ,~~\;~.,;,t~::·:, 5'~~\1 fr ~~t~'4f:~~ ~t ""'i '~i: ~b,· á~"'f.!;! ;¡})iA;~,~ ~~~ ~'" it,'; ,:>.! ~; :." '~·'.'1 ' ~¡f~,;il':';rt Ròàd' lImIt of .J, ".¡ ;,'\...':' as shown on a #2'05 OffIce westerly for a dIstance of 600 feet of'StraffordvIlle ,>:..:'-...... .......-. Côunty (>1' E 19I n RegIstry the . f: PaRe 2 west ", .' H. . (' I, H. L. Johnson, CleriC of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of ByOLaw No. 2210, passed by tþ.e Council of the said Corporation on the 20th day of September, 1972. " j ~,I íj' I, ii tl ¡: ¡! l' I' ¡, ;'1 ¡: I', i ¡ [', r :t: I I.' ¡ I:; ¡ I r ~ i' I I I ! ,j I II i , ~\ 'i, '" ....,'. ", ,·'},:::,':'~;':_:-';_:'::·.{i':,_-·:,>->'"--"::;,\'-',-,':.,' ANDWHtREAS each of thehigh~ý~~\r' pò'ri;iò¡j.s of highways desc:r:i:þed in section: 1 of this by-law is in thin a built-up area>al? defined In clause 1 of subsection 1 of section 1 of Th~ Highway T:r;i'lff;icAct; " ' , :)\i:~;-.~;:f~~~ç}},:Ú;·,;_::,-,,'-<--_:....:;':,.':,-,,;{:.:,··:;',::ii";,.;;~~,:;j'}?,:;{--i;:;·':::·;-:-:--.-::":",: -', .._:,' ,.',' ,-',. - ',' '..i,:'" : - ":;'<,:,, >(";';~;:-)~"'.'-.', AND£~RE~ it ,is ;:g:~~~d 'e:kpedieñ'¡;\thàj \ the speed 11mi t for m9:Þ~~:;f~~,i~t.~s ~0X::\)~l:I:ê':~a:ici highwaYs or portions of highways "be¡';¡'Ð.crea$e'd·"'¡W"'~i~!~,' \"" ,I,' " , ":_"-~If.~;,;J: .tJf,;J\¡:;~:i~:c::' :: "t;" <',; ",', "", , ',,', NOW"?JJif ,,,:,i~ ',tll/:¡'~ç;Ò"~''';J:i!.~:;I;¡;,:Q~; tlì !'CotpQr¡¡l.~,iØh~.of '. ,~,......,. ,. :'", "':"'_.\":"~" ".-'" _...... i,-"'"'-''' '¡'_"<-!"',,' '~". " 'i- ...: _,'. ".', ,',j ,,~,.,.',.., -.-:..,-,' ,",' :: "." -"_::, :..¡- __,c'_': ."_,:.f' '·:\a'f-., ,,\..:: '..'" ." '_' .' ,,', .' the County of Elì¡f!l:I~:~I\acts ,(as; ,Þ'i\.e<;o~s:':,.'i~"\' ,<~,;.i~'¡,,~,':' , H'$'~ 1. Whenj)~~tf;\;:;t:~aý ;ii~~t&i:if¡Î7f' "~"'~ .. ' . J:j~H onS¢1i,~d\r~~Æiappended h~iø't:gJ¡~, ¡ " rí!!1mt~ lit5"""""~Aw"'~"'I:h"""':t:hlt ',·,,""','''',··,'''''''''"''"'''1'''' "'W''ii''i7'" P anc"",'",w, ''E '(. e regu a J.o'n'8 ¡,unµ ,,!', .' ' : ',' ',' :'"'''·''V:'''ì';:''''-'kií:·''' "":"""'"'''!''"''' "", , .:.' '.- ',' '-. ,- '...-'/.,.,.....,.:.".\~'"':.,""."..,...:.. ':"""'1':"'" ,.", i!;: ·".ß,:·' .' .:.,.-,.~{" Traffi'C:';,l¡1gt':"the maximUIÍl rat'e'of,sJi' e¡:r ,0 " { shan 'b'ê~~tb.¡~i tate of sP€1ÉÙi'priåsêr~&èii;(,ìii'Jthe schedùle'.!¡.,",? '. .,., " ',; ,;:fn;,'.' ' The penàltl l'!:i~J\'J:6 of, sec- tion 82 of' ~l\Iit~~~¡;:l1'i:ÞpÏy" 't ff ' ::<'J¡ ': ?:,'M ",,', : ,,', " o 0 ence.. ,,, ,;" ,,', .,;",' ,~' ~~;~t?:~:"~":<' -;"-,<;," "-if !\.t! ;~f"'" READ READ 4. 3 . ( H. a a third .>"'; . That any be and ß Y'j';~:,;,i:, L. Johnson Clerk ',J. 2 . SPEED ,/~ .Æ/h .~ Registràr of Mo}tor Vehicles WHEREAS Subsection 6 of Section 82 of the Hiqnway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1970, Chapter 202) authorizes the Council ofa Township or County by by-law to prescribe a hiqher rate of speed for motor vehicles driven ,on any highway or portion ,of highway u:nder its jurisdiction withiIla built-up area than is prescri;t:>edin subsection löf. section 82 proviciinq that such increased rate ofspeed,shali not be!ªpre than 50 miles perli~ur; :> ELGIN Gordon Carton, Q.C MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATION AND ,,- 2210 COMMUNICATIONS Per HIGHER RATE PRESCRIBING A OF By-Law "~. 'Ç,{f·iQ '\ '~i\:fjt2tj~A~W COUNTY ~,~" Approved this 23rd day 'of January purSuånt to the provisions of The Highway Traffic Act, ¡i>"'. 1973 I e-L ! 1 t:,', j :'~'~'W,,, r;':,:,',/it!':·'· MÂXUIOM RATE s C H ED U L E .. A , ----------- COUNTY OF ELGIN .~~"','~.,'¡¡¡¡ ~> ;1 S£.hedule A 7 Road #36 i".' . . MaxImum Rate of Speed 40 MIles Per Hour PaRe 2