2211 L. Johnson Clerk W. Hodgson Warden ffi September I 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 20th day of READ a second time this 20th day of September , 1972, READ 4. repealed. a first time this 20th day of September , 1972. BY-LAW 3. This By-'Law shall not become effective until approved by the ,Ministry of Transportation and Communica- tions and until a notice of the weight permitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at either end of each bridge designated in the attached Schedules. No . 2137 of the County of Elgin is hereþy !~ 2. Any person violating any of the provisions of this By-Law shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 152 of the Highway Traffic Act. 1. No vehicle or combination of vehicles ~t any class thereof, whether empty or loaded, shall be operated over any bridge designated in Schedule No.1, forming part of this By-Law with a weight in eXcess of weight limit prescribed in the Schedule for such bridge. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: weight of County of AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to limit vehicles passing over certain bridges in the Elgin: l 'U , the The Municipal Corporation or other authority having jurisdiction over a bridge may by By-Law approved by the Ministry ,make regulations limiting the gross weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles or any class thereof passing over such bridge: 111 \il I~ ,\, WHEREAS Subsection 8 of Section Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1970) provides that: 64 of the Highway "RESTRICTING THE WEIGHT OF VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES." L.. J.-.~ , __ By'-Law No. COUNTY OF ELGIN ~"~::::"'-'-=-=""="'="'='--",---'---~ 2211 SCHEDULE N O. 1 I BOUNDARY BRIDGES WITH THE COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX Schedule Bridge Road Name of Location Weight Year of Type of Adjoining 1 No. No. Bridge Limit in Const- Floor Munic- (MTC) Tons mction Finish ipality I, - - - - - \ 5-39 5 " 1. Walker Lot 1, ,\ J B. F. C., Township of County of DunWich 10 1902 Bituminous Middlesex 2. 5-42 Tait's Lot 7, B.F .A., Concrete, Township of Bituminous, County of DunWich 15 1914 Wooden Middlesex 3. 5-5 Ling's Lot 49, East Side T.R.N. Br., Township of County of Southwo1d 15 1907 Concrete Middlesex . Encl r;,-¡/-';T \ ',:?( '('I' j' /jÍ ,<c:y 1/ - ~/ ~r':'U---<-' (Mrs.) A. Ogiltree By-law Officer. jJ> J" An amendment being considered to provide section 64 apply to by-laws ment to The Highway Traffic Yours very to The Highway Tr. that the penalties _uy,' enacted under section Act will remedy this .,...... -, '3r sub 64(8). matter truly, Act is presently section 7 of This amend- You will note that the by-laws have been approved with the exception ,of section 2 which establishes a penalty for contravention of the provisions of the by-law. Section 2 has not been approved as there is no authority for a municipality to prescribe a penalty for contra- vention of a bridge weight by-law. Section 64(8) of The Highway Traffic Act authorizes municipalities to pass such by-laws, however does not establish any offence, or permit a penalty to be provided in such bY-law The power to prescribe penalties under 'The Municipal Act would not apply to a by-law enacted pursuant to the provisions of The Highway Traffic Act , Enclosed are approved copies of By-laws No. 2211 and 2212 of the County of Elgin which have been approved for a period of tWÇ> years each. This limitation of approval has been recommended by the Structural Office of the Ministry. Dear Sir Mr H. L. Johnson County Clerk, County of Elgin Court House, ST. THOMAS Onto \,' I' II 1',,1 I MINISTER: HONOURABLE GORDON CARTON, Q,C, PARLIAMENTARY ASSISTANT: WilLIAM NEWMAN. M,P,P, DEPUTY MINISTER: A, T, C, McNAB Ferguson Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Onto M7A March 9th, 1973 lZ9 MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS ONTARIO ~ v- , '.~'r""'··r-· . ~.--" " -.......-..~- --y----~...--~' r~·-..,,\¡":" , H. L. Johnson, County Clerk. ( "I'j '<::0 µ .... . J.¡ N OQ) µ P. tj o .µ (IJ (J) o,... ç¡,;.c .Z .uru.µ 0 u =' .....¡ <lJ ( ) J..I E-I ro ,.". 0 < :;¡ "" C,) 4-IP-1. H o .µ _ ~ M·O 0 t~,) t:: "'< . 41 00'\ 0"_. 'r4 \"""10 0 .µ .,.., ... D p., "'~ s::: ( ,.c: "" 0 ¡:::¡ tJ 0 Cù oW Z x ~ J,. ~ <:G ( ( )'E-< ( ) ;:S'::: u Z ( þ., 0 ,.,ej ~ Ctl ~ ,,~~ .wo::: .OE--! ,.c:""""<t1 ..c:: !>. bP""" ,.." [ri'l .µ cu ''''¡',O'\ 0 p:1 ",..¡"tj::ctt""'l ø 0 ::;: t'L4 ,.c: ( . '" '" 4.J.d..r;~ Z .-I U'''I [--1.'µ «] .-I I.() p¿, <'J tf.}1.{..¡ Em! N'M o..c: ...c;: 0 µ.. . .µ (/J"'" 0 o J:j ( ) Z"t:I o:¿: ( .... t;\: þ> (J} 0.0 tt! o.,..¡ 'r::: ~·t J..¡. Þ 'r! I '¡::l¡'O "0 þ.,p.J.¡J:j Ir¡ «I.p.¡ 0) I, H. L. Johnson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, dö hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No. 2211, passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 20th day of September, 1972. ~ ",' '" N ~.~ ~p..¡ ., ( "".... o u .,., "J.¡,.c: ( ),( kþo µ ., k .I"f '0 O()µ <If ,0 i:Y.:;:£: L. Johnson Clerk I~ W. Hodgson Wardèn September ¿:: a third time and finallyþaasecl, ; September , ", ....,.:.....,}.,... ::)!i\.,';:{<: thi~1';20th day of :,\" 1972. READ READ a first time this READ a second time this 20th 20th day, day of l~n,~ 1972 . 4. repealed. of ,', "_,- »;i:'_';'~} 3,l'his ; By-Law shal1'~~?t bec0m.ft~',!9ff approved by thè'Minishy of~ansportå'tlton tions and until a notice of t1\.~ Wèi~ñtlÞ1Þ,eZ1 printed, has been posted up i¡1 a conspfQ'uol end of each bridge designate,9 t in the atjiacn ;~ " ~ No. 2137 of.::the Count' ;':\~;',t -";¡r", ' -.('. -, BY-LAW , , 'j. ;:}:>'~ S~j$):ember , \~' ','"y VEHICLES PASSING OVER BRIDGES." " . "-;;;\J"" ';"":':,.,,'.,·,:'t,_, ,>:~·:"",r,¡.:!::-' WHEREAS Subsection 8 of SfilcUG,l' ..64 ofthèHig:hw~y Traffic Act (R.B.O. 1970) provides that:'./è' '. . .' (:"','):{t'"':':':,, ,_,_" :,'~" The Municipal Corporation or other ,author!t.y having jurisdiction over a bridge may by By-Law:'~,apPtoved :Qy the: Ministry make regulations limiting it he gross weight: of any vehicl'e or combination'of vehicles" pr ar?~·fcJ.à.ssthereof , '. " hb 'd'" '. ,:',. II ',,' " ,'~ ..' ' Pa:'~'s:~ng::'OV;E:)r,:> ~,-µq, ",,: . .r-:1 ,ge')t'?9;'~~~:>/',:",::'}J:':',::"~::\i1~íJ èl¡(},:'ðr,,!\y;-(,'i;f''!'f,:::~,',::'1 ;!~«,,', . . ·i ."''1#"', "P'':' ",'..'." \.. ", "r~i~f r:rì,\t:i;:,;' '! c\~i? WHEREAS it is ~eemea;~Ë :'6 :,í:"iÍ4!t the weight"ofve1Ücle's pàs(s~ng over cë"~,:t 'the"" C t "'fE'l'N~' ";':'".;",,' ",,:,,' " ':r. ' '1,\ oun y...o ,.",.n. '. ""'", ~.., '¿..., ,"" ". ,/;:i:,:'::\;,¡,:',,'Ji,"':i:' """"', ,,};'\--\~:JP::i¡j'-' ' , ;~', i'i,,\9h:'~}'N¡"';"""'" '.,,'; ":>:;,¡.¡,."tí:'i '\ ",¿'.":' '-'è'':'_ ,,'-, ,"', ,,",': ,_ ,", ' :1\' OW THEREFORE", ," of <,-",:~: ....,",',:,i<: ' ,>"'" ,'''_~~''" the CouÌ'I:,ty;:gf,Elgin enac: í:1 :>:?,}~,":,:;,~~~14~"",:--,," ""';',, ",':,:i;_',:,,:~~~~ 1.\,;~:Np\, vehicle, 0i.:~ class th:'Ëi~~Q;:f;1j,' whet4ét:\'i~" over ~nY:(\~!:~èl.g~ tlesi~n~~ of th~~ Bý;ot¡¡¡¡t.ji';,Wi th a we,;, prescnbed,::~A,"the Schedut~ , ",::)).!~:~J~¥~ß:'-':,':' '. ',:::" :""::"'F,:t;':,l~:1t~~ 2. ,'/AÏ).Y':person vioJ:41 By-Law sMl]:'~e subjecttó 152 of the HigÞ'wdY Traffic " ,i;'.,;*,', ¡ i~ "REs~iCTING I f ,ii' THE WEIGHT '-'~~--'.~,",---" -~--'''-'-'''-'~"__-.."",~_..-',r~~_'''~~r---''',:;.'''-'__~~__._,,,~,,__~,,,,,,~,~~_,_~,,,,___'~"'__,'!_~ COUNTY OF ELGIN :SYë~~' No,. 2211 r;; OF , rt ! 3. 2. f· 1. 1 SchedUle ;,~ Jot 5;"~~ ;'J" tr --....., -.V"- '..~- ~.~.._~, --y 1.. ,~J Coùnty of Middlesex , :"~~"~'-'"'' ~,;'!.!{:t~ I';: ~. \if , County of Middlesex ';;- ., ....:." .- '.,::,.,:.... Ox .joining Munic- ........>"'.:..:>.... ipa1ity ,~;!, '1'1 '.'>-