2218 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2218 "A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM BY-LAW No. 1772 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, BEING A BY-LAW TO STOP UP AND CLOSE AND SELL A PORTION OF SECOND STREET, IN THE HAMLET OF EDEN." WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham on the 11th day of October, 1972, A.D. did pass By-Law 1772 to stop up and close and sell a portion of Second Street, in the Hamlet of Eden, in the Township of Bayham more particularly described in By-Law No. 1772 of the Township of Bayham, a true copy of which is hereunto annexed. AND WHEREAS pursuant to provisions of the Municipal Act, the said Township By-Law shall not have any force until confirmed by a By-Law of the Council of the County in which the Township is situate, passed at an ordinary meeting of the Council held not later than one year after the passing of the By-Law of the Council of the Township. AND WHEREAS application has been made to the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin for a By-Law confirming the said Township By-Law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: THAT By-Law No. 1772 of the Township of Bayham, being a by-law to stop up and close and sell a portion of Second Street, in the Hamlet of Eden, be and the same is hereby confirmed. READ a first time this 15th day of November 1972. READ a second time this 15th day of November 1972. READ a third time and finally passed this 15th day of November, 1972. 1 ~ '~ . 0 Clerk Warden III ":.s!:efè"",;,,,;¡:;..¡;g.i':'32;7;;=::::;__:;Z';:Z=_';;::;::::;:7=,=:::::==:~~· - ._-~ El,gin County JAP!v'v encl. " Yours tm ly , /1 ' , '!tgi1".l!l J., :;t( 'Petri e , Cl rk. ( "',\. It will be Council'Ì'or their appreciated "","¡ appro~al'at your if you ,early convenience. present this to in close TownShip :!":,":":,,', ,:, ,'-';' ,'.,,'-:"'" ,-,-';<"}:'~' Please find encìo,~ed two ,;çertÚ'ied ,>;':';:):,:,f:, _,,",,_:_,:.>," , ",-.:~:{,'~;{.j";?:t\;.:,':';:",i __, ","." .';\:,:;"j~'''~'::,:' , ··..::;~~~,,/'0)':-'" of Bayham By-Law No., );fl72 bø~ng a ;\~Y-law to stop up ,""'..';"_:_."",..,':-:':;-'-:"_;::_:>.";",",'.;,',',':".':I.: ",:,.::"" '" ",-"~:..;'i:;:"'."?';,;·:,,',, ,,'::'~;,', ,'-'-;'-",':.:_',':'.::-: ,,' ":',',';. '.';-;--: and sell i dportionof Sed~dnd Street in"thEÎ Hamlet of Eden ,,/- """":":":""",:i".:,/:'."_:'"" ',r:,') ;'<;;;""'\~" .,'",'" :,.:i'.:',"":-",,:;,:::: ""'" .-¡'-i" the Township ofBayham.'~\, ;i~14~'i copies of and RECEIVED OCT 1 71972 Township of Bayham Phone 619--866·5621 J. A, PETRIE. A.M,C,T, STRAFFORDVILLE. ONTARIO CLERK & TREASURER Oct. 16, 1972. Mr. H. L. Johnson, Clerk, Treasurer, County of Elgin, Court House, St. Thomas,Ontario. Dear Sir " I ,~ " :f ! 2. That ~. above portion of S.oond :1;".t. b.otfend up and sold. to t~. abutting land. own.r or own.rs. 3. That the R.eve and Clerk are her.by au~or1." to exe~t. and detlivtr oonveyanc. of the said land. unc1er the Corporat. S.al of the Municipality to th. eaic1 abutting 1anel owner or owner. tor the sum of $75.00 and expen... ot by-law. notioe. and. conveyance. inconneotløn therewith., READ . FIRST AND SECOND TIME thia 6~. day ofS.pt_b.r. 1972. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASS&D,...hia 1/ day of ,/lea", 1972. ( , .1 / I, Jack Petrie, Clerk of the Township foregoing to be a true and correct 9?r by the Council of the Township of: aith ¡ .-'-,c' '~..r"--~r-V~-'f""7..t~~" . i;, - ..: '. ',t . '¥;: 1. ,.!t '.0" r'f", ",,'. t!\¡','1;!:~i"" '.CJ)::(C:) , · .....1.. ,............- . ri,i~,:,',,·,¡¡,',,\,(,¡,,·.·,~,',',>,','.',:::,'<, ','.', ¡. , 11';{I"~>'l""",i',',' ,,',' .,·::;".·"..,."tî;),'..,'J:::. ,~1"."1d. '.d,:,.'/:'-.... ~~,.t'~:;< C ' , , "ilif; ..... OZ'PWat1on Tlr ',';~;,L., ", ," ",{,;(:t"!!"" ~~i!,~},~·!>'" 'that' t~i,A;·dí·t1on ·'åt·",'SWÖ,òhd", s,·~......,,;~,',:t,",',I.,!¡,~H,W, ft,'",ot I4eD . .. ,",'.. ':1.':.., ' .. ," , .. ,"" ," '...... _.:', .' '. .. -:o"::,'II!II':, '."-...... "," . ",,"> ":: ''',':''':''.-' :":', ,,-',:'" aocol'cl1nC to Plan No. 11) more pål't.lö..rlr....orib" u toUow..' OOlllll1enc1ng at ~.' int.r..ctlém ol ~. nonher17 boundary of the said. Second 8t",t with the ...terl1 bounary of Townah1p of Barham Lot No. ~. Cone.u1on 9. Thence '"0._- in¡ .outh-.......rly along the north.rly, boundU"f ., the ..:1.4 Second Str..ta distance of 252.78t..tto~' ..at.r11 boundarY' of Provincial Highway No. 19. '1'h-.c. lIOuth-..attr1y along 1;11. we.t.rly boundU"f of Provincial Hip_ No. 19... cUnano. of 51 teet. Thence nonh....at.r17 ,.rallel wi'tb the .outh.rly boundary of the said Seconcl Stre.t .. Oloa" by Townah1p of Ba1tham By-taw No. 1158 "'o~...at.rlr boundary of Townahip of Ba,yhara Lot No.2). '1'h-.c. norther17 alODcL~. ...terly boundary of ..1d Lot 10. 2) to th. plac. of b. , InS__1J b. and. the sam. ia her.by nOPP" up and 010ee4. ""'~ ~~"""'.,.¡: