2265 -~~'~C---"";---""-_¥~-------_'J_ ._ ~_._--".. -):_- ~---_._-_., COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 2265 "REGUU1TING PARKING" The Council of the Corporation of the Munioipality of Elgin enacts as follows: l. DEFINITION For the purpose of this By-Law. Park or Parking, when prohibited, meðns the standing of a vehicle wnether occupied or not except when standing temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in the loading or unloading of merchandise or passengers. Street or Highway includes a common or public highway, street, avenues, parkway, driveway, square, place, bridge, viaduct or trestle, designed and intended for, or used by, the general public for the passage of vehicles. Vehicle includes a motor vehicle, tràiler, traction engine, farm tractor, roadbuilding machine and any, vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power, but does not include motorized snow vehicles, cars of electric or steam railways running only upon rails. 2. PlillKING REGULåTIONS No person shall park a vehicle on the Highways or parts of Highways hereinafter set on Schedule A, for an unreasonable time having regard for "the traffic requirements of such Roadway and in no case for a longer period than three hours between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 7:00 A.M. 3. PENALTIES Any person violating-"any of the provisions of this By-Law shall be subject to penalty of not more than Ten Dollars for the first offence and not more than Fifty Dollars for every subsequent offence, exclusive of costs, and all such penalties shall be recoverable under the Ontario Sununary Convictions Act. 4. THI~3 By-Law shall not become effective unU 1 approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. ¡,(EAD a first time this 19th day of September, 1973 EE1\D a second time this 19th day of September, 1973 READ a third time and finally passed this 19th day of September, 1973 "" ;t¿~ ~'i0L r- ~ ()yt H L. Johnson R. N. ohnston Clerk Warden ~ , '---.;;---~..-.-.;-"._- SCHEDULE A 1. All County Roads in the County of Elgin By-Law #2166 By-Law #2166 beIng a By-Law establIshing a County Road System. 'I f '~,' \ l "" '_·......._'__·....__~..--,....__d_. .-.-....-:-- ·-------C~·--~__._/,___ ~..-- ARTHUR J. GORDON ........... GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT : C. ROY DORAN ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT & CONSTRUCTION SAFETY INSPECTC , -, ROBERT G. MOORE, B.Sc.. P.ENG. 79 STANLEY ST, ENGINEER AND Ro'AD SUPERINTENDENT (COURT HOUSE) TELEPHONE 519-631-5880 ST. THOMAS, ONT, N5R 3Gl. December 14, 1973. Mr. H.L. Johnson, County Clerk Treasurer, Court House, St. Thomas, OntarIo. Dear Mr. Johnson: Re: County of ElgIn By-Law iF2265. We have been Informed by the MInIstry of Transportation & Communications that the above By-Law #2265 prohIbItIng overnight parkIng wIll not be approved In Its present form" The County of ElgIn Road CommIttee at a meetIng on December 12, 1973, agreed to reexamIne the entIre problem at some time In 1974. It would appear as the By-Law requIres the approval of the Ministry of Transportation & CommunIcatIons to be effectIve and approval Is not forthcoming, the By-Law Is automatIcally null and voId. Yours very truly, fì~ RGM:ej .,P.Eng. SUPERINTENDENT